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OT Problems with BS6 in Summer School

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I've tried taking away his computer and tablet but I am having no luck improving my son's behavior. He doesn't listen and disrupts class. He wants to do things HIS way and always wants to be in charge. I enrolled him in Cub Scouts since I know they work on doing things as a team. But the biggest problem is getting him to control his emotions. He has a nuclear reaction (crying) over the smallest of things. I tell him that I'm going to put him in time out for something and he shoots back 'I'll put YOU in time out'.

Other than tanning his backside (which I'm not against but I don't think that has the results I want) I'm not sure how to deal with him. He can be the sweetest kid when he wants to. I could use some advice... he's my only kid. I had him late in life (I'm 42).

Here is what his teacher sent me today:

BS6 had a bit of a rough day. During most of the morning, he had a difficult time following directions. When he didn’t follow directions on how to complete his work, he got upset and yelled at me.

This afternoon started out much better after Vice Principal checked in with him. He did a great job during writing time! Smile

However, during math this afternoon, he was yelling at his partner during our game. I sent him to the safe seat. When I sent him to the safe seat, he sat, screamed and yelled at me. He went to a buddy room after that. He will be coming home with that think sheet for you all to go over tonight.

I know tomorrow will be a better day!

Have a great evening!! ☺


moeilijk's picture

Controlling emotions is a huge one. My kid is younger so the actual techniques are different, but the principle is the same.

You must be trustworthy. No matter what is going on, you're calm. Even if you're wrong, even if WW3 erupts, you stick to your word (for the moment).

Often outbursts are a result of not being able to articulate feelings or frustrations (or not being understood). Find some techniques or tools to help with the specifics he's facing. Sometimes outbursts are less specifically about communication and more about control - needing boundaries because the kid is out-of-control. In that case, when a kid is looking for boundaries but gets a conflict instead they get confused and angry.

You motivate by praising the positives. So what if it initially feels like manipulation? You want to have as many positive interactions with your kid as possible, right? Make it so!

(Lol. So easy, right?)

ksmom14's picture

I don't really have advice on how to help him, but it sounds like he has a great teacher that understands he has certain difficulties and is willing to work with him in an appropriate manner. Not to mention the way she communicated to you some bad news about your son's rough day, while also being sure to add in the good points of the day speaks very highly of her.

Good luck!

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Summer school is part of the summer adventure club program at the school. It's 4 weeks for 4 days a week. It's not a remedial program.. Any parent that wants their kid to go can go.

Part of the problems stems from the fact that they put him in a class for 2nd graders instead of 1st graders. He is advanced academically but not socially.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

After the summer school part ends then it's just the day trips and fun stuff. You have to do both parts though.

BethAnne's picture

Could it be sleep related? Is he getting enough sleep?

We had changed SD's bedtime while she was in second grade depending on her behavior for the day. So if she had a bad day her bed time would get earlier by ten minuets and if she had two good days in a row her bedtime got later by ten minutes (but never later than her usual bedtime). It was tough on us sometimes getting her into bed an hour or more early some nights but we stuck with it.

To be honest we tried so many different things. She wasn't as bad as your son sounds but had (and still has some) difficulty in class with focusing and would also sometimes distract others or disturb the class.

I would give her a piece of gum as soon as she got out of school if she had a good day. We would play in the park after school if she had a good day (and the weather was fine and we weren't doing anything else). If she had 4 good days in a week she would get a prize from the prize box at home that she could choose. I filled it with cheap toys/stationary/pens etc about that cost about a dollar each. We still do the prize box now but instead it is for getting her homework finished before dinner.

The key really was keeping in touch with her teacher though and finding out first hand hownher behavior was.

Livingoutloud's picture

Tooo much stimulation? He has computer AND tablet? At 6? How much time does he spend on them and what ype of stuff he is on?

Kids who are exposed at young age to too much electronics with flicking lights and bright colors and beaping noises etc usually have hard time with regular sit down slow pace activities. They can't concentrate.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I think the electronics could be as big part of the problem. We are going to focus on that area.