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DH and BM work together

Kinder1's picture

DH and BM run a business together which didn't bother me much until the last few years because I started to feel like it would never end. This weekend DH tells me he's merging it with another small company which is great. BM will no longer be in charge and in several years he will sell it off. He mentioned they may go out to lunch or dinner with the other couple who own the other business. I casually said, "oh I would like to join in if it is in a restaurant since it will be with another married couple" (who I know very well). DH says "okay then I won't go we will meet at the office". My thinking is technically his business in my business and if he has to be in a public place with BM I am by all means going to be at the table. Any thoughts??


ESMOD's picture

No, we have lunch meetings all the time with my work with outside vendors. We don't invite spouses. Only on very rare occasions when we travel to a conference where many spouses may tag along do spouses ever get included. It is business relationship building, NOT a social occasion.

hereiam's picture

This is a business meeting between the owners of two businesses, not a social gathering of couples.

Kinder1's picture

This is why I love and appreciate the comments. In this world of SParentism I often don't see all sides.

kathc's picture

OK if it weren't for your comment about knowing the other couple well then I'd agree with everyone who says "wtf, you aren't part of this business you shouldn't be inserting yourself in a business meal" My DH doesn't invite himself along to business lunches because I'll be out eating with other men!

BUT you said that you know this other couple very well. In that case, I would think he'd want to invite you along. Maybe he doesn't want to discuss business in front of you---after all, it's NOT your business. Maybe you can suggest to your DH that he invite the couple out with the two of you for a dinner to celebrate the deal afterwards?

ESMOD's picture

I think it boils down to this meeting/lunch isn't a social occasion. Maybe DH doesn't want her to potentially derail the conversation away from business?

Cocoa's picture

I was misreading this post. I kept thinking BM was going! Had that been the case it would definitely have been a good call to have the meeting in office. Gah! Don't see how wives STAND having their husbands work with their ex. I'd never marry a man who did.