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Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

If anyone would like a great tip for losing your appetite, borrow a stubborn un-potty trained 2 year old for a few days. It will also help you with your personal hygiene and housekeeping, as you will continually be washing your hands and cleaning the house. Thanks DD. It's been.. Eventful.

Anyway, so last week I mentioned my secret plan. I'd rather not go into too much detail, but I had set up a meeting with a lady who had lost 100lbs. I met her online. I spoke to her for a while and I told her I think my biggest problem was lack of exercise, but that I was finding it difficult to do so with DD2 around. That I just couldn't find the time.

She said "Even if you just do 10 minutes of exercise a day, that would make a difference. If I said I would give you a million dollars if you managed to do that everyday, would you find the time to do it?"

I obviously said yes lol! She said try baby steps. Start out with 10 minutes a day, and eventually it will become part of your daily routine. After a while she said that 10 minutes a day might increase to 15 minutes, then up, and up, etc etc. Until it's a decent amount of time a day.

This would also allow DD to get used to moms new routine slowly, and eventually it will just be part of our usual day. Watching mom leap round like a lunatic to some dance workout DVD or whatever. lol

The other thing she told me was that the way she lost all her weight was doing the 5:2 diet. Id never heard of that, and mentioned it to DH. He said one of the guys at his work lost all of his weight with the same diet.

I did a little research but I'm not sure. I *think* it sounds like something that might suit me, as I usually don't eat that much anyway. It's kind of embarrassing when people come to visit, I always have to remind myself that other people actually *eat* LOL!

I'm terrible at breakfast, DH and I never eat it unless I'm making a real effort to try and remember. Then I eat lunch and I feel *super* full, right up until late at night. Sometimes I still feel too full to even eat an evening meal. That's a regular day. But then when I'm having a junk food fest, I will just snack throughout the day. Gah.

So. Question time.

1) Any advice on potty training? Or cute potty training cartoons? DD is NOT convinced. At first she seemed OK with the idea but now she flat out refuses to sit on the potty. 

I've been trying to find cute cartoon videos on YouTube with characters who just looove pottys, but I've been finding it hard to find any that I can watch with her without wanting to claw my own eyes out. (Annoying characters/songs etc) Any ideas? :/

2) Does anyone have any experience with the 5:2 thing? I'm not sure. Wdyt? 

3) Any recommendations of YouTube videos that are fun and 'dancey'? Who knows, DD might even join in if she thinks it's fun lol!

Hope everyone else is doing good Smile x


sunny_skies's picture

I don't know what to say to that LOL >_<

I think I'd rather have the potty in one place rather than being wheeled round splashing pee everywhere LOL

sunny_skies's picture

Squatty potty lol Wink I guess I'm just embarresed that DD is now exactly 2.5 and still not even vaguely interested in the potty. I myself was fully potty trained at 18months, (I realise that's early, I just couldn't stand diapers lol) and SS was 2.5 when I trained him.

My old friend from college posted on FB the other day that his daughter pooped in the actual toilet, not even a kids potty! She is only a few weeks older than DD. 

I know it's not a race and that all kids do stuff at their own pace, but I do wonder if DD is falling behind and worry about that.

Thankyou for your thoughts on the 5:2 diet, I really wasn't sure about it and maybe you're right (Ok I *know* your right). No fad diets. It's just that lady said that's how *she* did it, and I wondered about it. She didn't suggest I try it or anything, she just said that's how she did it.

It must be very frustrating to be doing so much exercise and not lose any weight, I hope your appointment goes ok! I'm so glad you're feeling fitter though x

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Just my opinion, but I have done every diet there is out there and the only time I lost weight was cutting carbs. Fruit, bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar. Just carbs. I lost a whole bunch of weight after the baby was born and I didn't exercise not one bit. I broke my sugar addiction by taking a week off of work and just detoxing. And for the whole year I had meat, and nuts, and veggies and I felt great and I looked great and somehow someway, I thought I can just eat this cake! and whamo bamo, here I am knee deep in my sugar carb addiction again. I made it to day 6 last week and caved over some bread and so I'm like on day 10 of crap, crap, crap. Cookies and chips and carbs of crap. and I just know if I can get a hold of this darn sugar addiction, I can make it . When I am knee deep in this , I am constantly tired and constantly thinking about sugar and carbs even after I just ate a big meal and am not hungry and I crave it so bad. It's horrible. I'm not even going to try and exercise until I get this sugar addiction I have under control. I don't know that exercise is the key to weight loss. I think it is the key to health but not necessarily weight loss. If I am eating right for my body, the fat just melts away. and right now, I'm not eating right.

My baby is 20 months and she will sit on the potty all day long and making grunting noises and fart but I dont hear any peeing going on.

sunny_skies's picture

I did really, really well with the no carb thing 2 years ago. I felt really clean, fresh and healthy with it too. I remember at the time o was thinking "once I lose this weight, I might even stick with the no carb thing even if I don't have any more weight to lose"

It made me feel really good. Buuut then I remembered how good chips are LOL

I just don't think I'd have the discipline to go back to that at the moment. It was hard work. But it sounds like you are determined, I hope it works out for you!

I personally find exercise plays a huge part in losing weight. Each person is different, but for me it's important to exercise if I want to shift some pounds. Unfortunately I hate exercise. Sigh.

Lol thanks for making me laugh with your little one grunting away on the potty lol!

Maxwell09's picture

I think two is young for girls to potty train, personally I've never met a potty-trained two year old girl in my years working at a daycare. I was in the 2 year old class and then moved up to the 3s/4s and I was still changing some pull-ups. It was mainly girls though.

What I did with SS4then2: we went to the store and I let him pick out underwear he wanted to wear like Mickey Mouse, Tractors, superheroes. I encouraged him to go to the bathroom with his dad to watch since boys and girls potty differently in most cases. Then for two days I moved his potty into the main room of the house with some toys, stripped SS2 down to his new favorite underwear and had chocolate treats ready. We stayed in the living room for most of the day, no going outside or out the house for errands and every 10-15 minutes it was time to go sit on the potty. I would give him a treat every time he sat there and tried for a few minutes. When he actually peed in the potty he got two treats. He had it down in two days and by that I mean he understood the concept of pottying in the toilet and not in his underwear and if he didn't wet his pants he got a treat. So moving on to day three and four, the potty goes back into the bathroom and the house is completely open. We ventured out to the park or grocery store but I made sure he tried to potty before we left and once we arrived then again. I never went more than half an hour away from the house because accidents do happen. Keep spare clothes in the trunk. We stopped giving him juice by 6pm that night and made sure he used the bathroom before bed. Depending on how hard of a sleeper your girl is you might want to consider waking her up around midnight or early morning to try and potty. DH had to do this with SS the first two nights he came back from BMs because...well she told DH she didn't have time for all of this "right now" and she didn't want him peeing on her mattress. So he was diaper free all week long then back to diapers on the weekends, obviously this situation is more complicated so hopefully your daughter will have more consistency and it'll go smoother and quicker for you. SS4then2 was probably successfully potty trained completely including through the night by three weeks (of 5:2).

I got this idea off of Pinterest so if my explanation is confusing you could try finding it there.

sunny_skies's picture

Thankyou for taking the time to explain how you did it Maxwell! It sounds like pretty much the same as what I did with SS6 when he was 2.5.

We also had the annoyance of BM holding things up too, but we waited until we had him for a longer period. I think it was a solid 2 weeks with us, when I had time off work. 

It was so funny when she came to pick him up, I explained to her what we'd been doing, heading to the bathroom every half hour or whatever it was. She made an "oh shut up" annoyed type face and replied in an exasperated voice "That's what I do with him all the time" I just said "Oh great! We're all ok then" (smile)

Then I walked away thinking "if that is actually what you've been doing then why wasn't he potty trained before" lol

Well that was many years ago and I'm afraid to report he still even NOW has accidents at school (spare pants all the time) and even at our place just this past weekend when he was watching a YouTube video on my iPad.

Hey kid. You're SIX. Please act like it. Your little sister is following your example and if she sees you sitting there peeing all over my couch, then she'll have at it too. 

Night times are a joke as well, BM still cosleeps so he's still in diapers at night, because, well. She doesn't want to wake up covered in pee I guess.

Aaanyway sorry that turned into a vent about SS and BM and SS's pee.

2badsosad's picture

If you aren't eating that much there is a good chance your body is holding on to fat. If you eat too little calories your body will store that fat. If you eat small well balanced meals throughout the day with healthy snacks and start exercising you might start to lose.

sunny_skies's picture

You are totally right. I know that's what I have to try and do, but like I said I forget breakfast and then when I eat lunch it's not always the healthiest option :/

For lunch today I had chicken pesto pasta with cheese on top, but then I was too full for evening meal. So basically the whole day I've eaten a big ol plate of pasta with oily pesto and cheese. Go Sunny.

I think if I can just start exercising I'll feel better about myself and start making better food choices. I hate exercise, so when I go to eat something fattening, I tend to think "you worked your butt off exercising, do NOT waste that time by eating that burger or whatever LOL