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Tone Up Tuesday!

sunny_skies's picture

I have been thinking of cutting out my precious, much loved wine for a while. All the meals DH and I make are really healthy and low in fat anyway, (it's not an effort, just what we enjoy) so I think the one thing holding me back with my weightloss is wine. (Empty calories ahoy!)

During the day, in the week, when DD2.5 and I are alone at home, I have not been eating carbs. A regular day for me has been:

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms
Lunch: ham or chicken with salad
Dinner: whatever we decide to have, (always homemade) which is normally something like spaghetti bolognaise/chicken fried rice/fish pie or anything that we can make without adding too much oil/butter with cooking.

Again, as I said, not a special effort to eat low fat, it's just the meals we enjoy. I'm glad I don't have to make huge changes/an effort to eat healthy lol! (it does however make me kind of confused as to why I'm not losing weight quicker)

I've been trying to cut out carbs during the week day as I know that's when DH isn't home, and I know he likes a full meal. I'll join him in carbs (pasta/rice/potatoes) in our evening meal, which  I *know* is not the right time of day to be eating carbs! But that's just how it works out for us.

Anyway, back to the wine. We *never* have high fat food unless it's a special occasion and DH and I eat out in a restaurant, (that happens maybe every 3 or 4 months) so I think wine is my one setback. 

That and actually having the f****ing energy to *actually exercise* my insomnia has kicked up a notch in the last few months and I've felt like a total zombie with only about 2/3 hours sleep if I'm lucky.

Anyway.. Like I was saying, DH and I have somehow got into the habit recently of having a few glasses of wine with our evening meal during the week, not really sure how that happened but there it is :/

So I told DH what my thoughts were. He said he'd have no problem with no wine during the week, and agreed it was kind of unusual that we'd gotten into the habit of drinking during the week lately, but that he really enjoyed having something to drink at weekends. 

At the weekends, we like hanging out in our lovely garden. It's one of our favourite things. The kids play, we all love it. Even if it does mean extra effort reminding SS what we should and should not do. (sigh)

So DHs response was "Sunshine and wine go so beautifully together that it seems a shame to cut it out completely, could we just stick to 'weekend wine' while I'm off work?"

I said "That's FINE with me!!!" And we both laughed as we know it's because that's when SS is here. Don't get me wrong, DH loves him a lot, but SS is actually driving us both NUTS right now with his not listening thing, it's gotten so much worse lately Sad DH and I have *always* spoken quite openly about our feelings, and he knows SS is driving me Crazy as much as he is DH right now.

DH is actually the one who asked me to post my last blog asking for advice from you guys, he loves you all as much as I do. ST literally saved our relationship a few years back. So, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou for your comments/thoughts, and please, if you have the time to suggest anything else, check out my last blog x (pretty please lol) x

I hope everyone else is doing good! (((Hugs))) and Thankyou all again for being so awesome, both DH and I love you x


Monchichi's picture

My weight loss sucks goats balls Sad I'm sick and hardly eating. I'm still 1.2kgs up. I'm going to sulk in my glass of Coca Cola now.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My insomnia is practically an entity separate from me. May as well start talking to Insomnia at night while we're awake.

Which translates into eating sugar during the day to combat tiredness because caffeine has absolutely NO effect on me. None. Nada. Zilch.

So, I gained back the 18 pounds I lost after my shoulder surgery. My willpower to the train to Siberia in January and I haven't heard from it since.

I'm feeling like a fat, old, worthless food hoover.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Insomnia has robbed me of a full night of sleep for, oh, about 30 years now. Effer.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I fondly remember my EXTREMELY successful and 3-4 times weekly 'diet' meal of a dozen hot wings, 3 bowls of popcorn, and a gallon of light beer. Dropped 30 pounds in 3 months. Sigh...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I love AND hate you right now! Okay, I don't hate you, but DAMMIT woman!! Will you come follow me around and knock all of the carbs out of my fat hands? xoxo

hereiam's picture

Alcohol is not only empty calories, but an instant energy source for your body. Meaning, when drinking it, your body will use it first for energy instead of the extra fat on your body.

The lower calorie stuff is the better option but it still needs to be in moderation when trying to lose weight. Plus, enough of it can make you start eating stuff you shouldn't!

Keeping a food journal has really worked for me because it helps me keep everything in check (food AND alcohol), so the wine has not hindered me. Drives my husband nuts 'cuz he can't just pour the wine, I have to weigh mine first!

I do love my wine but am thinking about cutting it completely out for awhile.

hereiam's picture

Sometimes, I do!

My aunt used to be in show business and she once told me, "You can drink or you can eat but you cannot do both."

hereiam's picture


Indigo's picture

On my front, weight hasn't budged ... still. I'm still doing the interval training 3-4x/week. Inches have been lost, but my weight just hangs out. Dang those numbers.

Diet and my wine are biggies for me right now. Not that I'm changing much, but I am eyeballing it out of the corner of my eye. A few more salads (hi-caloric, but salads nonetheless), a few more lean protein choices, substituting Almond Milk, fewer poor quality carbs ... basically, I'm thinking a bit more about my diet every day.

My Cabernet Sauvignon ? I'm not ready to let it go yet. Yet. It's a thought skipping around in the back of my brain.

My focus remains working out, regularly. Trying to build this habit. I've done a ton of diets and been "skinny/fat" and I want to change ultimately how I live my life.

MidwestStepmom's picture

I haven't posted here in awhile but I am happy to report that I have lost a total of 35 pounds. I now weigh less then my pre-prego weight!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Wait. What?? You spiked white zinfandel with vodka?? What a horrible thing to do to vodka!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I am NOT a fan of white zinfandel. Zinfandel, YES. But not that white zin caca. :sick:

OMG, the POOR VODKA!!! ~mentally caresses the Stolichnaya in my freezer~

notasm3's picture

Is white zin the one that tastes like Koolaid?

I bought a big bottle of peach Arbormist wine for a Christmas party - which is very much like Koolaid. My DH said "wth - why are you buying that stuff?"

I informed him that I knew the women who were coming and what they wanted. He did not believe me. But when they showed up they literally swooned over the "good wine" that I bought.

As a hostess I felt my job was to provide what my guests would enjoy not what I thought they should appreciate. Plus it was way cheap. Smile