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Oh good grief!

over step's picture

DH actually hid the new tablet so Puke wouldn't see it and get upset. My blood boiled. He said "You understand, right?" To which I replied, "Not really." I am so tired of the whole walking on eggshells as to not upset Puke.

I told DH I don't get how come Puke has to be treated with kids gloves so she doesn't get upset. This I will not do. He can but that's his choice. I will not change what I do or what I say to spare her feelings. She sure as heck wouldn't.

Suck it up sweetheart!


over step's picture

Oh he hid it right in front of me. He was terrified having it sitting on the coffee table.

Puke rushed straight up to her room when they got home to get on her laptop any way. HER laptop. Maybe I should have him make her hid it because it might upset me. Oh wait. That might upset her and that much more important because he hardly ever sees her and only lives we me 24/7. We have to have priorities.

over step's picture

Are you ready for this? I bought a pair of shoes a while back that apparently Puke had asked for. She chewed his butt over it when she saw them in our room. I should wear those while Puke is here.

bearcub25's picture

Sd would wear cool new shoes or boots to BMs, let BM or her trashy friends borrow them and then ruin them.

SD asked to wear my boots one morning, not Uggs. No.
We bought SD a new pair of Uggs from a friends sister...yea, probably stolen but she needed boots and they were only $75. I told her that if she let BM or friends wear them and they got ripped up, she would not get another pair.
SD listened to me on the Uggs. BM has begged to borrow them but SD has learned her lessons very well.

over step's picture

I told DH that if Puke complained about me spending money that I would confront her about it. I doubt he'll tell me if she does unless he's forgotten my threat.

Well, DH mentioned how Puke wants to go makeup shopping some time while she's here. Not sure if she has money or if DH is paying. He asked if I'd want to go. Sure I will. Give me a chance to wear those shoes. I'll be sure to buy lots even if I don't need it. Then return it after she leaves.

over step's picture

He won't ask me. I've made it clear he needs to find the money spent on Puke.

He'll fall for it. He just won't have any fun money to spend on himself. That's what happens when you have a child.

Willow2010's picture

Now I do understand some of the stupid crap that some NCP do and do not do in regards to their kids.

But NOT this. This is absurd! He hides his wifes tablet so his teenage DD can't see it!! I would be livid. I just can not wrap my brain around this. Good grief don’t go out and get you a nice car!

Honestly, I would tell him to NOT touch my stuff anymore! If he touches your tablet again, then you need to have a fit and tell him you will not hide your crap in YOUR house just because he is a neutered parent. UGH. I am mad for you.

robin333's picture

You must not hurt skid's feelings in any way. All that matters is that they feel loved, adored and are given all comforts even at your expense.

I learned that this weekend. Apparently, my parenting style is lacking. I thought the goal was to raise independent, productive members of society. Oh no, it's enable, enable, enable. Forget about teaching kids to work for what they want. Nope, it should be bestowed upon them. Anything less borders on neglect.

Sorry, I'm in a foul mood. I volunteer to help Sally kick your DH'S a**. Why should you hide something you bought with money you earned? If anything, DH should want SD to see and say how she would like one. Then DH could help her plan a way to earn and save.

DPW's picture

That tablet would be within a foot of me the entire time Puke was visiting, regardless if I needed to use it or not. She would see it over and over and over again.... because.... I'm a b*tch. The fact that you're allowing him to hide the tablet boggles my mind.

Cooooookies's picture

Wear the new shoes with a new top, new skirt/pants/dress, new jewelry while using the tablet. All dressed up looking damn fine and rocking the everything new just for you. While sipping on your favorite alcoholic beverage. Cheers DH and Puke. Dirol

Cover1W's picture

I don't think DP would do this to me, but he may consider hiding something jointly bought, or that he bought.

He HAS however, suggested that we "don't tell" the SDs about little trips we take because they may get upset we went w/out them. Um, NO. Point blank H E to the LL NO. They need to get over themselves and understand that they don't get to go on every little fun excursion we do with OUR money and OUR free time.

I would have completely blown a gasket if DP hid something of mine so SDs wouldn't get upset.