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Cover1W's picture

So DP asked me to give SD12s phone charger to her this morning because she forgot it for the 10000th time and her phone is dead AGAIN. She needs this phone due to her school schedule. She's been told the same amount of times to not forget it and charge her phone over night and it's gone dead so often she's killed the battery, within a year. Does DP check? No .Whatever. I agreed to bring the charger because I literally walk by her on my commute.
Then this morning DP gets a call from BM that SD12 isnt feeling well but is heading to school.

DP asks me, "can you find out how she is, maybe ask her is she's ok to go to school, find out how she is, and on and on." I cut him off (mostly because I have to leave) and ask, "What exactly do you want me to say to her please?" Silence... I go on, "Because I cannot make that determination and are you leaving the decision in HER hands? A 12 y.o." Answers, "Oh yeah I guess you are right..." Jeez!

So I find her standing with some other girls waiting for the bus, talking and getting candy from one of them, and hand her the cord. She says thanks and I move on. Let DP know that she seems ok so far, standing, talking, eating candy.

I love being out of purchase decisions too. DP is considering getting her a battery booster or extra battery pack or something. Of course this will not prevent her lack of phone charging it'll just delay it and the problem will remain. Then I guess BM mentioned that SD12 needs a new phone (which I kind of agree with actually, she has a phone that's only good with wifi access and her commute really requires a real phone). DP mentioned a flip phone "if SD12 will agree to it." And then he asked my opinion. All I said was "why are you giving her the power to reject a flip phone and demand an iPhone?" Again, he says yes, that's a good point. I bet she ends up with an iPhone. Sigh.


Cover1W's picture

So here's the issue with our commute.

We live on an island. SDs live with us 50/50. SD12 goes to school on our island. She has to get from BMs home via a hired driver (a friend of BM) to the ferry dock. No pay phones. No "driver" to phone for her. Then from there, if ferry is on time, get to the school bus OR the metro bus, if all coordinates perfectly.

Reverse that for the way home - we've had two instances so far this year in which the ferry wasn't on time and traffic was so bad her pick up person couldn't make it and couldn't get a hold of SD12 and vice-versa so she was stranded at the ferry terminal (not a fun place to be in the dark and alone at 12, but she was ok).

And no, BM won't allow any alteration to her visitation plan so we have to do this crazy stuff. And it effects SD9 too, I won't even get into her commute schedule...she'll need a phone next year.

Basically the SDs travel alone a lot, on non-traditional methods so sometimes communication is super, super important.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

Perhaps I'm old fashioned but the idea of kids with smart phones just rubs me the wrong way. DD9 is in 4th grade this year and she now has a phone. That chaps my butt already but we had to get her something. Neither my parents nor I have a house phone. She has been asking to stay home alone while I run to the grocery store or something like that, she is not left home alone all day long. Just when I have to run a quick errand or something. Anyway, since we don't have a house phone she needed something to be able to get a hold of one of us if she needs to so she got my moms old prepaid dumb phone. It's so old it's not even a flip phone. One of her friends had an iphone 2 years ago when they were in 2nd grade. I can't fathom that. I don't even have a smart phone.

Notmomtomple's picture

They really are dense sometimes, aren't they? My DH does this too. He still doesn't understand the concept of "don't ask a kid if they want to do something". For example: "you want to pick up your dishes from the table?" instead of "pick up your dishes and put them in the dishwasher please". How do you think a 14 year old is going to respond to the former. It is just mind blowing how slow these guilt-ridden fathers are in developing clear, age-appropriate communication techniques as their children grow.

Tuff Noogies's picture

LMAO dh does this with ME! not to pick up my $#it, mind you, but instead of making a request straight out he'll ask me if i want to...

"hunny? would u want to pick up kaos on your way home?" my anwer- "no, not really."
"hunny???? would u want to run lurch to the basketball game?" "nahh."
"my dear, would u want to move the car back so i can pull oss' in to check his transmission fluid?" "no, i dont want to."

JUST FREAKING ASK!!!! would i pick up kaos? sure, i'm going right by there. would i take lurch? sure no prob, he's a good kid that doesnt ask for much. would i move the car? yessireebob cuz u cant very well check it on a hill. just ASK!

Cover1W's picture

YES. Drives me looney!

"Do you think you could maybe pick up your coat from the floor sometime, when you have a chance?"
"If you have a minute, can you help unload the dishwasher if you feel like it?"


Tuff, he does that to me too. I have to ask him to clarify exactly what he would like me to do all the time. "Maybe if you go by the store you can see if they have any oranges you could pick up?"
Me: Do you need oranges? If so, are you asking me to pick some up on my way home?

Tuff Noogies's picture

ACK he just did it again!!! just got a text "if u feel like it would u stop and get two packs of lightbulbs?" NO i DONT feel like it, i've had a rough day!!! but i WILL since i do go right past three dollar stores on the way home.

i just said "sure." *sighs*

now, just ask a kid if they FEEL like doing something, and see how well that'll work out for ya!

Notmomtomple's picture

In theory I completely agree with the phone comments above. However, I got my two teenage SD's phones because I knew that BM was going to make that move soon, and if she did we would never hear the end of needing money for blah blah blah accessory, service etc... Also, I wanted DH to have a little more opportunity to monitor their activities as they are getting older and BM has some interesting ideas about what "appropriate" is. Lastly, they both get good grades, they don't have behavioral issues and they are generally good kids.

RedRedVines's picture

Based on OPs explanation, SDs clearly need a phone for safety and logistics, and I would get one with a GPS tracker based on that crazy commute. There is an app called Friend Locator that tells you where all of your friends and family are. But for the charger, you should just get a bunch of portable power bricks. The Mophie brand or the ones that attach to phone cases are a rip off. But there is a company called Anker - you can get them on Amazon. Those are cheap and one of the power bricks I use has enough power for 3 full phone charges in it. So if your SDs keep one on their bags and charge the brick once or twice a week you should be fine.

Cover1W's picture

HA! Noted.
However, she already has a modified iPhone (one that's only active on wifi) and a computer and access to an iPad and a Kindle reader that, I think, also has internet access.

So that ship sailed a loooooong time ago.

Because DP doesn't monitor anything. Not my issue what she looks at or DP thinks she looks at/who she interacts with. DP wants to save $ so that's where I'm coming from, HIS pocketbook and our finances are what we discuss. And BTW, no matter what he gets her, it's not coming from my funds.