While We're bestowing MOTY crowns...........
Glory has totally pushed me over the edge. I had very little respect for her to begin with, but cut her some slack, because hey, she did birth 4 children. She proved to me that while she birthed her babies, she is certainly not worth the title "mom".
SD11, Carl, has had a difficult time with her as long as I've been in the picture. Over the summer, her BF, let's call him Herman (after Herman Munster minus the personality), leaves bruises on Carl - she says Carl "threw a fit", tripped and Herman grabbed his arm to break his fall - hence the bruises. Yeah, right..........
Well, Friday she really showed her ass to DD18, Squiggles. Squiggles got off work early and was chilling downstairs. She hears the door open and SD9, Minion, comes running downstairs to hop on his computer. Glory comes running after him, stops, sees Squiggles and says nothing to her. Basically doesn't acknowledge her existence - they'd never met or seen each other before Friday, but whatever.
Glory turns to Minion and says "You're not staying here, let's go". To which Minion replies "why not?" (because he knew Squiggles was home). Glory replies "There's no one home, you can't stay by yourself". Glory then proceeds to tell Carl the same thing. Carl says "No, I'm staying here" (he was also aware that Squiggles was home). She lunges for him, and he locks himself in the bathroom to get away from her. She pushes her way in and hits him across the face and says "You are coming with me!" She then tries to rip his computer out of the wall, but left after Carl yelled at her to stop.
She called BF (he was en route to pick me up at work) to do a little damage control. Said that Carl threw a fit (notice she's the only who he does this around) and she wasn't dealing with it so she left the boys at the house. Squiggles calls me in the meantime to tell me what happened. She is beyond shocked - has never witnessed anything even close to that. It was just her & me for so long and I never lost my cool with her. Not only shocked, but pissed that Glory treated Carl like that.
Carl & Squiggles' stories are almost identical, while Glory's covering her ass. All Carl's fault, of course - no mention of busting into the bathroom OR hitting him OR trying to rip the computer out of the wall. I told BF that from now on, if Squiggles or I are at home with the boys, the door will be locked. As soon as the boys walk in, the door will be locked. If it has to be shut in her face, so be it. She is not allowed in the house any longer, not on my watch.
I was livid to say the least. Carl never acts out around us. He is happy, and while he doesn't like all the rules, he complies for the most part. He does cry when upset, but what kid doesn't. I have never witnessed any of the "fits" Glory talks about. She is insane.
Oh, and she mentioned she started new meds for her bi-polar. Huh, really? Couldn't tell.
- BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's blog
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She's lucky Squiggles didn't
She's lucky Squiggles didn't call the police and alert them that some crazy bitch just ran into the house uninvited and assaulted a child.
BM does know that she actually has to take the meds, not just pick up the prescription, right?
I loved the title of your
I loved the title of your post so much I just had to comment! I've got this image of our BM, lowering her head slightly while her laurels are placed atop her head.