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Firestorm over salmon!

BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's picture

Really needed some "tough love" from you all and I thank you for it. But didn't think that talking about the way I made salmon would start an argument! And honestly, to whoever said I was a novice cook or a bad cook, I was following a recipe. I told Karl, the 11-year old that's all I put on the salmon because if he knew all of the ingredients I added, I didn't think he'd try it (which he ended up doing anyway, due to the skin on).

It boils down to me being sensitive (so yes, you were correct about that) and hurt feelings on my part. It occurred to me this morning that the reason my feelings got so hurt by the whole situation is that I was so excited (in the beginning - when we 1st moved into his house) to be part of a family. It had been just my daughter and me for so long that the opportunity for her to have siblings and a father-type figure was welcoming. I knew it would be difficult, just not as difficult as it has been.

I feel more like a roommate now, rather than a girlfriend/lover. And this whole password-protected user profile is crap. I know that. And we are going to have it out about that because it's a slap in the face. He has complained about me being "snoopy" before - well, like someone else on here said "if you have nothing to hide, then you don't have anything to worry about".

I've pulled up my big girl panties, just so you know. And thank you for the pep talk!


Monchichi's picture

Honey, I saw your post. Was a bit later than I normally am online. I don't think you needed "tough love". A lot of the ladies here have walked 10 miles on this road to our one. You did something very sweet, you went out of your way to cook the little s$%# something he asked for.

Him and your H threw it back at you. That was hurtful and mean. It's okay for it to hurt. It was a lesson learnt and won't be repeated. Next time the child says "Beat I want salmon" You respond with "Ok kiddo, I'm sure daddy will make it for you". Leave it there. Your H dumps a meal, he cooks himself the next one. Never in a million years, even if I messed up a recipe would my H say a word about it. He would eat it, smile and a couple of days later mention it's not his favorite meal I've made. I make a note to not make it again.

You're asking to be appreciated. There is nothing wrong with that. (hugs)

WalkOnBy's picture

I didn't comment yesterday because I was swamped at work, but I did read all the comments.

I have to agree with moving_on that ordering a pizza was incredibly rude of your DH. He's a dick.

In MY house, I would have taken said pizza when it arrived, taken it to my room and eaten it or peed on it and thrown it in the trash.

I don't think you did anything wrong except for perhaps being a bit too sensitive along with trying to get your skid to care about you and like you.

I would be cooking for myself only from now on.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I did not like dinner, so what's for dessert? That's all I'm going to eat.

You could have some urine soaked "chocolate" cake. Enjoy!

Monchichi's picture

Next time Chucky screams about my food, I'm going to pee in it and give it back to him }:)

Totalybogus's picture

I always told the kids, this is not Burger King and you cannot have it your way. I insisted they try everything, but if they didn't like it, they didn't have to eat it. I always made main dish (meat, fish...etc), a carb and a vegetable. There had to be something they liked there. If not, they went to bed hungry with no snacks.

My husband's kids were like that when we first got together. They would only eat popcorn, salad and cereal. Uh... NOPE

whoaminow's picture

You had every right to be upset. I didn't see all the ugly post because I got really busy at work and didn't get back online. You got to just over look some on here they can be mean. Just take from the post what helps and ignore the rest.

When I was with my exH I had cooked a big meal, I don't remember what it was but it was a lot of time and effort to prepare and he made the comment that he had just as soon have pizza, that was my last meal to ever cook for him. He could cook his own damn pizza from then on. I don't think I ever told him how much that hurt my feelings until we were divorcing but that was a big slap in the face to me and I still haven't forgotten it.