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Well done, you had sex and you were lucky enough that your body produced a baby - wooty woot for you

BethAnne's picture

"I'm proud of many things in my life, but nothing beats being a mother"

This was on my facebook feed - is it the ultimate GU slogan?

There must be others that you've seen. Which are the worst offenders?


Daddy's wife's picture

I saw a post saying: I wish I could hug my dad one more time, which isn't weird or anything. But then my SD39 wrote this comment: I have that day to come at some point and I dread it with all my heart .
Now, she hasnt seen her BD for the last 3 years and never comes to visit us. I admit, we do live in another european country, and they dont have much money.
One day she complained that her dad never came to see her. I said, she could come and visit him as well. Her answer was: but we are his children.

StepLady's picture

We are not the ones! We are not the ones that are incomplete and have no soul with out our fuck trophies! That is the job of the greedy soul sucking lazy BM with gold uterus! Yuck!

Maxwell09's picture

BM posted a picture of her Golden Boy SS4 (not of her other crotchling1 though) with w caption of:
"People judge my parenting...Sure I could be more strict but I'm allowing him to learn and be adventurous. Because one day my little guy will disappear and our hugs won't last as long. So sure...judge me. He's not just my son... He's my bestfriend.

Now to anyone reading this that doesn't know them in person would think "okay that's sweet" but the ones that do immediately think of how uncontrollable SS is when he is with her and how she never gets on to him. Disney Mom perfected. And then the whole "he's my bestfriend" and usually she also puts "my other half". Talk about making him into a mini-husband. She treats him like he is her partner and is his friend because he would reject her if she ever stopped giving him what he wants or ever acted like his mom.

Ninji's picture

:sick: :sick: My Bestfriend :sick: :sick:

I hate this. My SO tells his kids, especially SS, this all the time. Because they don't have any friends. I hate it.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

^^^Agree with Ninji^^^

Hate hate HATE parents who put themselves in the friend zone with their youngsters.