Name Dropper
I love my DH but he really annoys me sometimes. Every time we have a conversation he somehow has to bring Thunderfoot into it. Never fails. We could be talking about the color of the sky and he would have to somehow bring her into it. I get it...she's his kid and he loves her but why does every conversation have to involve her in some way, shape or form? We didn't feel like cooking yesterday so he was just going to run to KFC for chicken. "Thunderfoot will be SO happy! She loves KFC." I don't care. We were driving down the road one day and there is a stop for school bus sign on the road near the house. We have passed it at least 1000 times. One day he just has to pipe up and say "You know, they put that sign up for Thunderfoot." I don't care. And how do you know that? There are other kids that live on our road. I was talking about going to my mom's house to get some of my Holiday decorations that I have stored there. I mentioned that I was really excited because I have a lot of Halloween decorations that I had forgotten about. Halloween is my favorite holiday. DH says, "Thunderfoot also loves Halloween. So much that she wants to go trick or treating this year." I don't care and what? She's 16. She's too damn old to be trick or treating. This may just be me being petty but it's annoying. I don't know if maybe mentioning her all the time is supposed to somehow miraculously make me like her or what...but it is doing the exact opposite if that is the case.
- EvilAngel's blog
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No advice, just sympathy.
No advice, just sympathy.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You're hyper aware of
You're hyper aware of anything that involves the skid, because it turns your life upside-down... so any reference to her gets you tensed up and lights your skin on fire.
It's just her though. I
It's just her though. I notice when he mentions Softheart too but he mentions her 1/2 as much as Thunderfoot. It also doesn't make my skin crawl to hear Softheart's name.
... at least you have
... at least you have that.
Saying her name would def
Saying her name would def kill the mood for me! LOL
I am willing to try anything
I am willing to try anything not to hear her name all the time. Unless it is absolutely necessary to say it.
He doesn't really do it out
He doesn't really do it out in's mostly just the 2 of us when he does it.
Your SD sounds just like
Your SD sounds just like Thunderfoot. She just isn't likable...hence the reason she has no friends. I have tried but it doesn't work and pushing her on me only makes it that much worse. I can't stand to be in the same room as her either. She baby talks and purrs and meows like a cat all the time. I don't know what the hell that's all about but every time she does it I can't help but glare at her!
She's 16 going on 6. She has
She's 16 going on 6. She has no friends, no job, no driver's license, no life. DH said the other day that he would probably have to call her when she was 25 to remind her to clean her apartment. I told him that at this rate he wouldn't have to call her, he would just have to check her room because she would still be living with him. Then I said, "Notice I said living with YOU not US." He didn't like that but I meant it.
Thunderfoot fancies herself a
Thunderfoot fancies herself a singer too and she's horrible! She sits in her room which is right beside ours and sings at the top of her lungs. She's making YouTube videos for all her "fans". Give me a break ....
PPP fancies herself a singer.
PPP fancies herself a singer. She's not that great. I make her go outside and sing by the neighbours wall who have a yapping dog after a party night.
GAWD You're giving me
GAWD You're giving me flashbacks. All three skids think they are musically talented (NOT!!) And Chef too thinks he's a great singer. I guess no one every told him he's AWFUL!! He has a high voice to begin with for a man, is VERY loud and PITCHY to boot!!
Oh and Dominatrix SD 16.5 thinks she can dance. She is FULL of white man's disease. She also thinks she's a comedienne. She videos her "moves", endless weird-ass faces she makes as well as her so called comedic snarky remarks.
Her gestures and mannerisms are OVER.THE.TOP to try and get a laugh. Prince Hygiene used to do this as well. He has photos of himself hijacking the stage while a band is playing and him standing up in front of them with both hands held high making a peace sign. I think security came in and moved him off the stage soon after.
She better hope she even has
She better hope she even has a BF that would ever want to live with her...she's nasty. She told me the other day of her and her BF's great plan to start breeding Huskys and German Shepards together. I don't know where they plan on doing this because it won't be at my house!
"Notice I said living with
"Notice I said living with YOU not US." He didn't like that but I meant it.
BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!! :evil:
I told him we could live in
I told him we could live in separate places but that I WOULD not have her living with ME when she was 25. She is TOTALLY incapable of taking care of herself at 16 1/2. I moved out of my mom's when I was 17. Last night she could not even figure out how to open the box that the biscuits came in. I had to say something. I said, "Are you kidding me?!?! You can't even figure THAT out?"
lmao - as i was reading the
lmao - as i was reading the OP i was thinking exactly what sally said. i'd give him a head's up first and tell him point blank what you said here - quit bringing her up in random conversational shit, it only serves to FUCKING ANNOY ME, you do this shit all the damn time so freaking STOP IT. then get him all hot and bothered and YOU drop her name, see what he thinks of that! }:)
I know what he would say
I know what he would say because he says this to me all the time..."Now you are just being mean." Because when he made the comment about her wanting to go trick or treating, I said, "Well I'm not fucking taking her. She's 16 and that is TOO old to be trick or treating. Not to mention there are Halloween parties that I will be attending. You can come if you'd like." He looked at me and said, "You didn't have to say that. I don't expect you to take her. I was just going to buy her a bag of candy and leave it at that." Well then why the fuck did you have to even mention it?!?! Oh she also wants us all to dress up like super heroes. Ummm no bitch. I am NOT dressing up with you and if I do dress up, it will be to go to a party...WITHOUT YOU!
I think the bedroom thing is
I think the bedroom thing is going into effect immediately!
They were in the kitchen talking one day about Halloween and I was ignoring them. She was going on and on about dressing up and going trick or treating. He of course was engaging her, telling her that we could all 3 dress as something. She suggested super heroes...probably because I have every super hero (female) costume there is and figured she could borrow one. Nope .. not happening. I couldn't even believe he was encouraging the conversation. Then when he mentioned it again yesterday I was thinking to myself...he's really going to take this kid trick or treating at 16 years old. Unbe-fucking-livable!
you will, of course, HAVE to
you will, of course, HAVE to update us on his reaction!!!!!!
I certainly will!
I certainly will!
Careful with the bedroom skid
Careful with the bedroom skid convo. I swear some of these men find it a turn on/oddly flattering to have a mini wife and SM "fighting" over them. :barf:
That used to happen to me
That used to happen to me all.the.time. Now that they've PASed out the stories about "when Chef and the Girhippo were married or dating" (TM) has slowed down but every once in a while they crop up. I counter it by starting up a convo about me and one of my ex husbands. That shuts it down pretty quickly. Can't remember if you have bios or not. But start up a convo about your fav pet,etc. You know what to do. . . "My darling Fluffy the Iguana LOVES it when the sky is blue. . ."
oooooooooo i LIKE
oooooooooo i LIKE this!!!
"Thunderfoot will be SO happy! She loves KFC."
"that's nice dear. you know what i loooove? when my ex (insert graphic intimate action."
I've actually started
I've actually started mentioning my exH and ExSkids a lot lately.
I never did before because I
I never did before because I wanted to "take the high road" In fact it was YEARS after the divorce that he stopped calling his EX-wife his "wife." Let's see, the divorce was final in Dec 2005 and it took up until I think last year that he stopped calling the Gir "his wife."
But lately I've been bringing up the (very sparse) good times with my ex husbands WHEN he starts blabbing on about "When the Gir and I were dating we went up to yadda yadda"
He had to mention Softhearts
He had to mention Softhearts BMs latest antics to me this morning. My BIL saw her out at some event, drunk and making out with some chick. I don't fucking care. I looked at him and said,"yeah you bred with a REAL winner there didn't ya?"
Both of his kids have CRAZY
Both of his kids have CRAZY ASS mothers. Thunderfoot's mom is in a psych ward. (I am not exaggerating) and Softheart's mom is just a big old whore.
BM hounds him for CS so she
BM hounds him for CS so she can go out and blow it on booze. She does this every week. What pisses me off most is that she messages him on FB with smiley faces and shit trying to be cute.
I have a problem with my SO
I have a problem with my SO nonstop texting SD16 ALL.THE.TIME
I nicely asked if he could limit their texting while we were having couples time. I asked again and again.
Finally, one day I just got up and left the house for a couple of hours. No kidding, it took him 1/2 hour to even realize I was gone! He finally got it through his thick skull, but I still have to remind him. Last time, we were out to dinner and I told him either the cell phone gets put away or I am leaving and he can find his own way home (I drove)
Thankfully she doesn't have a
Thankfully she doesn't have a cell phone but when she did she never contacted him.