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Surprise, surprise…everything really IS my fault!

Living the dream's picture

On our way to church this morning, DH told me that he doesn’t like going to church with me anymore because SS14 doesn’t go anymore. We have been married nearly 2.5 years, and going to church has always been a part of our life together. I was so hurt that I turned around and went home instead.

His son has gone with us to our church maybe a total of 6-7 times. About 6 weeks ago, he went with us 2 weeks in a row. Now he hasn’t been in several weeks, and doesn’t show any interest in going. So DH can no longer enjoy an activity with me that his kid doesn’t want to participate in.

In that 20-minute car ride back home, I was basically told that I am responsible for the deterioration of his relationship with his children. That is not true.

Shortly after we were married, BM took him to court to change the visitation schedule from 50/50 to whatever the kids feel like. DH and BM couldn’t agree on an arrangement and so a GAL was appointed. The kids told their GAL the most terrible things about their father…that he has a terrible temper and they feel like prisoners in his home. I have a copy of her report and a transcript of the GAL’s testimony. What did the kids have to say about me? Crickets. I’m not in the GAL’s report. I didn’t even get an honorable mention.

All the nice things I’ve done for these kids. All the special meals and desserts I have orchestrated to lure them over to see their father. All the birthday and Christmas presents I’ve picked out, because he can’t be bothered.

Now he can’t go to church with me anymore because his son doesn’t go. He admitted that he doesn’t enjoy doing anything with me anymore because his kids usually aren’t there. As though that’s my fault. I’m not their BM. I didn’t turn them against him. Not long after we came home from not going to church, he and SS14 went to go sailing for the day. Neither said goodbye to me. DH knew that I was very upset and had been crying. He didn't bother to check on me before leaving.

SD20 is coming home from college tomorrow and will be here for a few days. I will be happy to see her, but I had hoped to sleep in her room until I can find another place to live. I am thinking of asking DH to sleep in SS14’s room going forward (there are bunk beds in there). It sounds like he would be more comfortable sleeping with his son, and I don’t ever want to share a bed with him again.

I am so, so crushed that I can hardly breathe. If you are a praying person, would you please pray that God will comfort me and that I will find full-time work soon? I have been involuntarily employed only part time for several months now. I badly need a full-time position so I can move out and support myself.


Living the dream's picture

Thank you for replying. I have known for some time that my marriage is a farce, but I've been in denial and have been trying to put off the inevitable. I suffer from serious depression, and have almost the entire duration of this short marriage.

My head and heart have both been trying to tell me something, but I have refused to listen. Isn't it amazing, the lies we tell ourselves?

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Pointing the finger at you is easier for him than looking inwards to where the real problem with his relationship with his children is, himself.

Sending you warm wishes!

Living the dream's picture

I thought about going to a later service, but I'm just too upset to be seen outside the house today. All the happy families with normal marriages...I can't bear to be in church today.

But you can bet that I'll be back next week. And the week after that. And the week after that. Just like always. I'm already alone in my marriage, so what's the difference if he's standing there next to me singing? I need to get used to life without him. I lived 40 years before I ever knew he existed, so I know I can make it.

SecondGeneration's picture

So sorry you are going through this but so happy you see it for what it is and know that this marriage is over.
Get your ducks in a row and get yourself some support, do not worry about the steps, since it doesnt matter how nice you are their dad will willingly throw you under the bus regardless.

ChiefGrownup's picture

You're making the right decision. Look forward. One foot in front of the other.

Some of these guys really are just looking for a cog to fit in an empty spot in their Dysfunction Junction machine. Wiggle your way out of that mess and don't look back.

WTF...REALLY's picture

He points the finger at you, so he can play the victim. Kick him out of your room. So sorry this is happening to you.

No saint's picture

I'm praying for you. I think that once your spouse tells you he has no interest in having alone time with you, there's no point in staying. So I pray you find the strength to leave and the comfort you'll need afterwards.
If I may ask, pray for me as well.

IslandGal's picture

I, too am sorry that you're hurting. Please try to be strong. Focus all your energies on leaving and plan..plan..plan..!!