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jstorie's picture

I kicked sd15 out Friday morning, told her dad he could go to if he couldn't find a place for her to live. She has hit me for the last time. She is never allowed to live here again. done. DH sends sd15 to live with her me-me who lives with her mother in law. Alhzeimers is a bitch. I asked DH if he was serious and he said that was his only choice. I said fine. but at this point you should be taking care of her not your mother. He said I understand what your saying...I have no choice right now. Im not leaving you for a child who doesn't want either of us.

Mothers day was hard for me I really couldn't focus on any good. I felt like a failure. I went to church they were talking about forgiveness and always putting forth the effort to make things right. I called my mother after...I was bawling... my mother told me exactly what I needed... Suck it up enjoy my boys. don't let mothers day suck becuase you have one ungrateful child. she told me I had done my this meand a lot from my mother because she is super hard on me.... but she knows how hard it is to be a step in parent... i am adopted and it wasn't always easy.

so i did that. i called sd counsler to let her know everything and that her meme would be bringing her to counsling. she is no longer allowed to live there that she wasn't allowed to scream at me or hit me.

She said "wow i didn't know you were that serious"." yes yes i was. and im done."

so now im ready to paint her freakin room and turn it into the play room... this child is not comming back in my house!


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I spent 16 years as a 911 operator police dispatcher. You see kids think it's okay to hit people because they are kids and teens. But one day they turn 18 and their behavior pattern doesn't change and they continue to assault and batter people. And then whamo its handcuffs, mugshots, fingerprints, bail money, and court appearances. It's not okay to hit people. You are no one's punching bag.

Unfreakingreal's picture

All bets are off when a kid hits a parent/step. I would have taken the opportunity to get a couple of real good licks in. Good for you for not taking that shit anymore.

blayze's picture

Nowhere but in steplife is this scenario acceptable:
-- Person A lives with Person B.
-- Person B, either out of malice or ignorance, lashes out at Person A.
-- Person A gets hurt by Person B.
-- Person A gets no justice for the wrong that Person B committed.
-- Person A must continue being around Person B and "forgive" or "suck it up".

Why must Person A continue to do this? Blood ties, age, and the role of step-parent. PHUCK THAT.

Because Person B is a "child"... and not just any child, but the child of the man that Person A has an intimate relationship with... because of that fact, Person A must be the "bigger person" and accept any insulting behavior that Person B puts out.

In fact, most adults will tell you "try to love them", "forgive them", "they are just kids", or "they are his family" ...even though the kids are ONLY 50% of your man and do hurtful things to you in your own home.

Again, fuq that.

You did the right thing. You are NOT a failure. There is no reason to forgive her, nor to think about what will happen to that piece of shit kid. Good riddance! Enjoy painting your new room!

DarkStar's picture

J - You did all you could and then some. I hope you are at peace with your decision, cuz it was a GREAT one!
Enjoy the peace and harmony that your household will now have.

Way to stick to your guns!