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Why are BMs such Witches???

triplea2006's picture

Ok I am a person that usually tries to see both sides but when it concerns BM I just can't. Maybe I am too close to the situation or maybe we have a legit wackadoodle on our hands. Here is the story. According to CO if the parties can not agree on when to get the kids then they are to revert to 1st, 3rd, and 5th for the dad (in my state that is standard). Dh never enforced this until the cps incident and then he thought it would be best to just stick to the papers and cut out a lot of problems. Since this has happened Bm's crazy has gone into warp speed and her mind seems to be stuck in a galaxy far far away! During the cps incident she was ok with us having them 1st, 3rd, and 5th, but as soon as the case closed she asked for things to go back to the way they were (which gave her all the power in deciding when we do and do not get them). We told her no (I say we, I didn't talk to her but we make every decision concerning them and bm together or at least talk about it). Ever since she has been this way.

Dh is a good ex, I'm not saying this because he is my dh but he is. He never lashes out or fights back (she walked all over him and mentally abused him their whole relationship) but lately he has had to put his foot down with her. He only communicates with her if he wants the kids to call him (which she wouldn't let sd5 call him on her birthday), or if something happens at our house (sd9 scraped her knee, ss11 seems upset, ect), or in reference to kid exchange (that's it period, he doesn't get involved in the politics of her house or how she is raising, or lack thereof, the children at her house). Well recently the two swapped a weekend (always sure to cause drama when you swap to be nice) and he would have them the last weekend of April so that she could take them the first weekend in May for something. Well what happened? We didn't get to get them the last weekend in April because dh had to work the entire weekend (which never happens, this has literally only happened once) and I had made previous plans. Well bm throws a temper tantrum (keep in mind that her fits are those of a five year old child stomping about and lashing out) and demands I cancel my plans to watch her children (not happening, so sorry that life happens). Dh asked if he could instead have them the first weekend of May, she said no he had already traded, he was fine with this. BM continued to harass him throughout the week calling him a bad father because work came up and he couldn't take them.

Fast forward to this week. It (as we all must know) is the weekend of Mother's Day this up coming weekend (side note: this is my first one where I am a Mother, kind of cool). Bm very nicely asked if DH wanted the skids this weekend and he said no because it was Mother's Day weekend and they should be with their Mother, she freaked out (IDK why). She tried to pull this last year and last year my birthday fell on Mother's Day and I said we wouldn't take them, this year I'm actually a Mother and I'm not comfortable with it. I personally feel the skids shouldn't be made to feel like they need to do something for me on Mother's Day nor should they feel left out so the best way is to not have them. She has been texting him every day fighting, trying to get to him. Yesterday she started claiming sd9 had a birthday party to go to on the 3rd weekend of the month, dh responded that we have a birthday party planned for sd5 that weekend. She said she'll send sd5 but sd9 andss11 don't want to come and she's not forcing them. When he responded with that is my weekend they don't have a choice and if you'd like I'll talk to them on the phone and explain to them that they have to come; she responds with he is mentally abusing the kids. Ok now I'm no rocket scientist but when did telling a kid no become mental abuse? Because if this is mental abuse my parents are going to have a lot to answer for! Furthermore, she kept saying he is not getting the two oldest that weekend and dh said he'd call the cops and have them involved, she said so what. WTH? The 3rd weekend was always supposed to be his, I don't get it. She also told him that he couldn't come to her house and that she'd meet him somewhere. Ok now we have a woman that is trying to keep the two oldest on dh's weekend (never ever agreed to), she wouldn't let them call, and she isn't going to let dh go to her house. WTH? Is something going on? Every time she says the kids don't want to come, they are more than happy to be here. They always tell us how much fun they have so I'm thinking there might be more to this than what she's saying. From my point of view (and dh's) this is left field. This makes no sense whatsoever. Thoughts? Opinions? Because I really just don't get it.


triplea2006's picture

Wow this is so her!!! My sister was a crazy BM but she had a reason (her ex molested my niece) and I just sort of thought that crazy Bms had reasons for these type of behaviors. I looked it up and read that it will never change :(, so I have the rest of my life like this :((((. I just hope she doesn't end up turning skids away from dh, I don't want to see that hurt. She already has sd9 calling her new husband dad and my dh literally shed a tear over this, it just about tore him apart.

triplea2006's picture

LOL too bad I'm a Taurus! I'm as bull headed as the day is long, if I say no that's not likely to change (dh knows this). I'm also hell bent on controlling my life and not letting this woman have any say in what goes on in my house, when we get skids, and I abhor the way she talks to my husband! She absolutely hates that since I entered the picture dh and I have to discuss everything before he can make a decision and that I have taken her grip on him away.

triplea2006's picture

I have been working on boundaries with dh since we got married. He told me that bm has severe bipolar and refuses to get help but I questioned this for awhile because that is something all exh's say, but I believe she has it or something else wrong. He said this is the same type of stuff she would do in their relationship. She has always used the kids as bargaining tools and not just with dh, but with the grandparents too. I really don't know what her relationship is like with her kids (I try to steer clear of that one) but sometimes the older kids get upset when they have to go home and when they have been here for an extended stay information begins to fall out. Sd9 and ss11 both said that bm and her new husband fight a lot and that they always hear fighting at night. Sd9 was so upset by the fighting that she asked if something happened to her mom would she be able to live with us (idk if that is normal but that caused great concern on my part). I'm not going to say I love my skids, but I do care about them (they are kids for crying out loud). Dh and I never fight in front of them, nor do we yell and shout while fighting or talking to them. The skids have not gone into a whole lot of detail but the little they tell us is only when they've been removed from their current situation (I've tried to get dh to press them, but he doesn't know how or think it's anything major). The only physical incident that has happened between bm and her new husband is he grabbed and twisted her arm in front of the kids (this completely freaked the kids out).

I.hate.cats's picture

We have the same problem with SD6'S BM; as soon as she gets butt hurt about anything it's you're not getting SD6. "Forget that the kiddo has feelings, just use them as leverage"-The BM motto

msg1986's picture

sounds all too familiar. Sounds like Bm isn't dealing well with the boundaries you guys are putting in place and is testing whatever limits she can. Just keep doing what you're doing, if you guys give in to Bm it will only get worse. Good luck!

triplea2006's picture

Thank you for your encouragement because it has wore me out with all this. We are sticking to our guns right now, I just hope the dh follows through and calls the cops of she doesn't let him have all of the skids.

triplea2006's picture

Thank you, I've decided that I'm going to go with him to pick up the skids and enforce that he calls the cops if she tries anything. I now know she's not a rational being that can be talked to.