Seriously what happened to my filter?!
Last night I went to church women's group. I've been at this church a little less than a year and am friendly with the women but not friends. There are about 40 of them and I am the only SM. All nuclear families.
Well last night a large group I was in started chatting about the new movie Cinderella. I tuned out as I haven't seen it and was finding the whole evening boring. Then I realized they were discussing the wicked SM. One woman seemed embarassed about her remarks about wicked SM in general and so kinda laughed and said to me, 'oh but I'm sure you aren't wicked!'
So what do I? Mindlessly reply 'oh as a SM somedays all you want to do is kill the little shits'
Needless to say the sound of silence was deafening after that.
Ugh! I am usually good about smiling and keeping my mouth shut.
- TheWicked's blog
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OMG....with a bunch of church
OMG....with a bunch of church ladies?????
That really is kinda funny.
You must always remember. You say those things here, not with 40 church ladies. Put this message on a post it so you don't forget next time....if they let you back in .
Sorry I wasn't in the room
Well, you inspired those
Well, you inspired those women not to divorce their husbands which is doing the world of naive potential stepmothers a huge favor. So it was all in all a glorious work of wonder that you did. Shine your halo.
Did your chair start smoking
Did your chair start smoking or just burst into flames? LMAO!!
You are my hero!
You are my hero!
LMAO, that is funny! I bet
LMAO, that is funny! I bet they were all thinking the same thing about their own kids! LOL!
LMAO, that is funny! I bet
LMAO, that is funny! I bet they were all thinking the same thing about their own kids! LOL!
That's something I might have
That's something I might have said. So funny. We'll at least you are honest!
Thanks for making me laugh.
At my church, I took a
At my church, I took a parenting class. And out of 25 people, 3 of us were stepmoms. And we had the most difficult questions to answer. We all struggled with that relationship and there was no one in that setting to help us. It really goes to show you how little resources there are to help blended families. It's kind of insane. The teachers and instructors just looked at us and shrugged.
So true!!!! We really have
So true!!!!
We really have very complex problems. I am both a BM and SM. And being a SM is waaaayyyy harder.
Completely agree hungryeyes.
Completely agree hungryeyes. I really hate when someone with no personal experience with a blended family says something like, 'you should pray to love them' or 'they just need you to love them more'. OK but my loving them is not fixing the mommy issue in their life and sometimes they are unlovable! I know biokids can sometimes but unlovable but you have a whole lifetime of good to counter balance. I have hate, stealing, anger issues, and snotty behavior. They were never a lovable baby in my life. They have never done anything loving or cute. So yeah I will pray but sometimes miracles take a looooooooong time.
LOL you will forever be
LOL you will forever be labeled the "wickedSM" of (insert name of church). LOL
I wonder how fast someone will relay this comment to your DH.
haha yes I will! DH knows how
haha yes I will! DH knows how I feel and knows I am working on it but it is gonna be a lifetime project. Stupid busybodies.
How about: I'm not sure you
How about: I'm not sure you know me well enough yet to make that assessment.