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15 days to go and I'm out of here

Jelly2's picture

Feels like an eternity. It hasn't been easy since I told my h I'm leaving. Lots of fights, lots of mind games. Threats, bullying. I know I shouldn't be here, but my office is here for my photography business. Cant do that kind of thing out of my car. My new place will be ready the 30th. I can't wait. I also can't imagine things going smoothly. Pretty sure h will be attested before I get out of here.
I'm happy. At least i can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.


luchay's picture

STAY SAFE! I have been worrying about you since you announced you were leaving him.

Please take extra care of yourself.

luchay's picture

Yep - my neighbours refuse to speak to me now because *I* called the police on his innocent arse!

He's quite friendly with the neighbours, sees the nextdoor people regularly as SS and their kid are mates so his comes and gets their kid and takes them to the skate-park - well - he waits at the end of the street and SS comes down and gets him - he can't come near the house... So the people next door know SOME of what's happened, and they are matey matey with those over the road, and ex-OH is your typical all-round good bloke, friends with everyone, chatty etc, while I'm reserved... so they all think I'm the nutjob and he's innocent...

luchay's picture

yes, that's exactly what mine would do. He knew ALL the right buttons to push to get me to that point, and then when I would (despite the internal battle constantly to NOT lose it emotionally this time, I won't lose it, I will stay calm, I will stay rational) every time, he would push and push until I was an emotional mess, then be all calm and tell me I was crazy.

Even now he still says I was the one who was always going crazy - he honestly does not remember (or won't admit to me anyways) how he was raging and screaming at me that last day! He says *I* was the one in a rage...


Jelly - please please take extra care the next two weeks, be super cautious and just do not do anything to make him angry, and listen to your gut honey, if you have even the slightest sense that something is up then get the fuck out of there as fast as you can - better to be safe. Please.

luchay's picture

Oh that's exactly the sort of shit he would do! Ignore me, ignore my requests, not validate my feelings etc. To the point where I could be crying and begging for him to acknowledge what I was saying!

What, do these guys have some Divorced Disney Dad handbook. Arseholes.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Glad you blogged to let us know you're okay. As others have said, STAY SAFE. I was married to an abuser and he could up the psycho BS like nobody's business. Keep us posted and take care!

Justme54's picture

You really need to get out early, if it is only by a few days. DO NOT TELL HIM! DO IT WHEN HE IS AT WORK. He may be in denial but when the big day to move comes, he could go crazy! Be careful.