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I don't miss being a SM

Jelly2's picture

Well, it's my and my BD14's one year anniversary for leaving my (now)ex-husband and his horrid family.Oh, the things I don't miss.....the BM of SD13 and SS23. Jealous, intrusive cow she was. I don't miss SD13's stench, her filthy hygiene, her jealousy, her starting problems every time she came to visit. EVERY time!! I don't miss SD32 barging into my house without knocking any time, night or day. I don't miss my sociopathic, abusive ex-husband at all.
Now when I wake up in the morning, it's quiet and peaceful for me and my daughter. When we come home after work and school-more peace, comfort, and happiness. No stress, no hiding out in my bedroom, no locking up my personal belongings, no walking on eggshells. Pure joy is what we have! And I've met a wonderful man.
My ex on the other hand, has been arrested 3 times(trespassing, stalking, assault), and he is binge drinking, had to put the house up for sale, lost visits with the SD13 and now has to pay child support to that BM, he's on the verge of bankruptcy and is being sued. Karma. Payback for all the abuse.


hereiam's picture

I'm glad you got away from THAT; you and your daughter deserve to have peace and happiness. Happy Anniversary!

Jelly2's picture

Glad you asked, Sally. My wonderful man is raising his BD10 on his own because the egg donor can't/wont parent. The child hasn't seen the mother in 4 years.

I have no idea what this man sees in me, but I do know that he is very sweet and gentle and loving.

Could be that he wants me to be a mom to his daughter. She deserves one, and I do love her, but I don't want to get that close to anyone else's child again. I hate my exs' skid marks, but there was a time when I tried with everything I had to get close to them and be there for them, but it just blew up in my face.

Probably, maybe this wonderful man wants me to take care of them. He has a job, a good one, his own place-a yucky one, but he seems to want to be around me a lot.
I don't know....I'm crazy after being through what I went through with my ex-literally-on meds and still in counseling.