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What I did on my Christmas Vacation

Ninji's picture

Ok, so after spending 13 straight days with Skids, I am sooo happy to be back to work.

SS8 was a nightmare the entire time. Below is just some of the crap he pulled.

Christmas eve - Threw a fit when he was given PJs to open but then loved them when he saw they were his fav football team. Then threw a fit because he didn't like the favor of hot chocolate he got.

Christmas morning - SO and I were sitting in the living room waiting for them to wake up. SS comes in the room and says, I hope no one has opened any gifts yet and I tell him, what do you think. He then continues with his crappy attitude and said if anyone had opened gifts yet, he was going to be mad. SO send him to his room for 45 more minutes.

Dec 26 was SO's B day - I took everyone including SO's brother out to a Japanese restaurant where they do hibachi. SS was a hog the entire time. Actually shoving food in his face with his hands at one point. Ate his soup and salad as well as SO's and wanted to eat all of our sushi and ate his entire regular meal. Then because he ate too much, he whined and groaned while the rest of us were trying to finish our meals. I didn't get to speak to SO at all and neither did SD or SO's brother because SO was too busy dealing with SS.

We took them to the local amusement park. SO paid for day wrist bands for all of us (wasn't cheap). SS cried because he didn't want to ride the go carts. He whined because they didn't turn on all the lights for the laser tag game. He whined during mini golf and SO let him move his ball and cheat the entire time which pissed off SD. He refused to do the rock wall climbing thing. Waste of money and SO and I left pissed.

He throw a toy at the TV...Was insulting SD...Anytime he saw SO or I eat anything he was STARVING even though he had already eaten...Whined he wanted to go back to BM's house because she got him a tablet and he wanted to play it and them whined when it was time for them to leave. Actually cried when I jokingly told him he looked like an old man. And numerous other things.

This is the absolute last time I will ever use my leave to take care of them.

BM dumps them on us for two weeks to take a vacation with boy toy and then refuses to return SO's text when he told her we were dropping them off at noon yesterday instead of 6pm. I wanted SS out of my house. I think SS spent more time grounded in his room or in bed for the rest of the night than he did enjoying his vacation. And we get them back on Friday. I hope them week drags.
