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Trying to think positive about this weekend.

Ninji's picture

We are going to Disney for the weekend. SO reserved a very nice room for us in the Hilton. We plan to sit by the pool and drink fruity cocktails. He also reserved pass the line rides for us and already is telling me how he is going to spoil me.

Sounds perfect until you realize that we taking the Skids with us. This is our family vacation this year because I will be gone during July for work.

I am trying really hard to think of all the fun but my thoughts keep going back to SS. We have had this vacation before.

SS whines he is thirsty
SS whines he is hungry
SS whines he is tired
SS whines when we leave the park to hang at the hotel pool
SS whines when it's time to get out of the pool
SS whines when SD or I want to sit next to SO on any of the rides
SS whines whines whines.

Last time we stayed at Disney, SS wasn't even out of his bed the next morning and he was whining about something being unfair. I still can't believe it.

I told SO I will NEVER share a room with that kid again. We did get a room with a separate sleeping area for us and a pull out couch for them.

I also told SO that this isn't the SO and SS vacation. This is a family vacation. SS is going to have to share time with SO. SD and I love him too.

And I told him that if SS starts his shit, I leaving them and going to drink at the bar.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm thinking you'll be getting to know your bartenders veeeeery well...

Cover1W's picture

Install yourself at the pool with several fruity drinks, a book, earbuds, a big hat, sunglasses and IGNORE all else.

Ninji's picture

SO has already started the "Poor SS" show at lunch today.

SO: I'm going to not be a jerk this weekend
ME: I'm going to try not to be negative
ME: We have one other person to worry about
SO: (with attitude) Yeah I know. He's only 9

This is where I stop listening because last year it was

He's only 8
year before He's only 7
year before He's only 6 --- You get the picture

I think Aniki is right. I will be getting to know the bartenders this weekend.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We were supposed to take PigPen and PrincASS on vacation with us 2 years ago (DH wanted it, and I said Okay). However, BioHo deliberately planned a 4-day weekend trip (that could have happened ANY time during the summer) that extended into our vacation plans. 'Ho actually expected us to pick up the skids the morning after they returned, drive 2 days to our destination, stay ONE FACKING DAY, and turn around and drive 2 days back home. DH texted her NO and that was the end of our "family vacation". DH has never brought it up again. Thank GOD!!

Ninji, give the bartender one of my recipes:

Disneyfan's picture

Why didn't the two of you do this trip without the kids? Then he and the kids could have gone in July while you were out of town.

This reminds me, I need to download our photopass pictures before they expire.

Bells2993's picture

Same thing goes for me and my partner's daughters. He likes to take them on trips with us on the weekends we have them. At first I was dumb enough to believe it would be fun. Well, it wasn't. Last spring we went for a week to Barcelona  and the experience was traumatizing. His kids whined all the time, we couldn't leave the house before 2pm and then they were constantly throwing fits.  I was so mad because the whole trip was ruined and I was Tempted to just ditch them and go for a day trip by myself for my own sanity. 


Last weekend we spent 4 days in the mountains and it was the same story.  Crying, tantrums  whining. And then when my partner and I sat down in the afternoon to watch a little bit of stand up  they would not get off us. The older one started pushing herself infront of the screen and taking it out of our view because she couldn't see. It was ridiculous  I hate every second of a trip with them. 

Hope you have some good drinks at the bar. Cheers!