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I Lost it at the Lawyer's Office

Drac0's picture

I had typed all this up yesterday and for some reason, my computer decided to eat it before posting. So here I go again.

I am not sure where to begin, as I am still in the process of trying to gather what bits and pieces of my sanity that I lost last week.

I guess I should start explaining how the law "appears" to work in my area. I write that in quotes because there are many segments of child custody laws that have changed in the past year alone. DW wants to file for an upward mod to CS. I thought that this was just a simple exercise of taking a trip to the local courthouse and filing the proper paperwork. It isn't quite so simple. For starters, it costs money to file; a lot of money (like $400). Then, almost as soon as the papers are filed, Donkeykong will be given notice of the filing and be given 30 days to either contest, provide evidence of his adjusted income, claim undue hardship, etc. Knowing Donkeykong, he will quite likely contest. Should this happen, DW and Donkeykong will be summoned to court so that the judge can hear both sides and look at all the paperwork and do the math. Should this happen, it may cost even more money as lawyers may (or may not) get involved. I didn't think lawyers would be involved here, but if one party decides to "lawyer up" then the other party will be at a disadvantage if they don't.

With me so far?


So DW and I decide to go see a lawyer to see if this process is worth it. We felt we had a good case for an upward mod since A) DW lost her job a few years back and had to take a new one at considerably less salary Dirol Donkeykong got a raise a few years back and C) SS needs tutoring/extra help with the courses he is struggling with (which Donkeykong refuses to pay his half).

We speak to the lawyer who very eagerly looks at all the paperwork and takes notes. Finally she asks if DW knows how much Donkeykong makes approximately. When DW answers her, the lawyer's mood suddenly changes.

"I don't think this is worth it." She says.

Donkeykong, back in 2004 was making approximately $3000 more than DW (which is why the CS was so low to begin with. The lawyer made some quick calculations and said that should this case go the distance, we may end up losing money in the long run.

"You're better off just saving your money and paying for the tutor yourselves."

Okay, I kind of figured this might go this way.

But then the lawyer asks, how old SS is. When we tell her that he's 15, the lawyer was all :jawdrop:

"This custody judgement may have been suitable for an 8-year-old, but not a 15-year-old!"

The lawyer asked if SS was happy with the custody schedule the way it is.

DW says no.

"Oh well in that case," the lawyer said, "Then it may be worth it to hire a GAL to speak on SS's behalf. Should SS want to change the custody schedule and spend more time with you guys, then it is definitely worth seeking an upward mod."

That's when I just about lost it. I told DW that she is projecting her own wishes here and that is not fair on anyone. The lawyer asked me to calm down and then asked me to give me my assessment of what I think SS wants.

"SS is happy where he is at the moment." I said. "He's ALWAYS been that way. If he's at our place he is happy and doesn't want to go to his Dad's. When he is at his Dad's he is happy there and doesn't want to come back to our home. Yes he's a teen, but he still acts and behaves like a kid. Whoever gives him the most amount of treats and showers him with affection is where he wants to be!"

DW said I was wrong. I started citing instances of his behavior (including the crying and wishing to be tucked in at night).

The lawyer said that this is normal. She also said it may be best for SS to speak to a GAL without any parents present. This way, the GAL can assess if it is worth it or not to go to court. There is a small consultation fee, but it may be the only way to truly assess what SS wants.

I acquiesced and said it may be worth a shot, especially if it means that SS will get the help he needs.

But I knew in my head that this won't see the light of day. DW on the other hand was very eager at this opportunity. She's been wishing for more custody time since SS was 9.
So later the next day, we sit SS down and explain to him about the situation. We told him that we are thinking of scheduling a meeting between him and a GAL and the GAL is going to ask him some questions. I was very straight with SS.

"SS, you are 15 years old. You are going to be an adult VERY soon. When that happens, you don't have to follow the custody order anymore and can stay with whom you wish. However, if you have a better idea NOW of where you want to spend your time, NOW is the time to speak up. Maybe you want to spend time with Vicky on the weekend? Maybe you want to spend more time with your Dad in the summer? Maybe you want to stay here for Spring Break than be at your Dad's? I do not know this; ONLY YOU know this."

We asked SS to think about this and think about it carefully, because we all want what is best for him.

SS was silent the whole time we were talking.

After we finished talking, he turns to DW and says "Mom? Can I get a PS3 for Christmas?"


Drac0's picture

I don't like this either Rutherford. But my only wish here is for SS to meet this GAL and have the GAL say to us "In my opinion, SS is not yet mature enough to make changes to the CO."

When that happens, I got a big fat "I TOLD YOU SO!" waiting to be blurted out.

Teas83's picture

I hope you leave your blogs up, Tog. My SD6 tells my husband she doesn't want to go back to BM's at the end of every single weekend. He takes this to mean that she likes our house more and will want to live with us one day when she's old enough to decide. I know that if he ever starts the process to change the CO, SD will end up doing exactly what your SS did. I'll need to show your blogs to my husband to deter him from making a mistake and wasting a bunch of money.

Drac0's picture

I've only been keeping up with your blogs off and on tog. But you gave me something to think about. SS would like to stay with usmore but he fears Donkeykong. Fear is definitely be a motivator; meaning that he would rather make DW upset than Donkeykong. He has DW wrapped around his finger anyways. I'll be sure to pass this little tidbit to DW.

tiny kitten's picture

... Is he trying to manipulate her? Like "I'll pick you if I get a PS3"? Or is he really that... Childish?

DaizyDuke's picture

I really don't care for tall boy, BUT I think your DW put him in a super crappy spot telling him about all of this and going down the GAL road. Here is a kid (a VERY immature kid) who was perfectly content with the way things were going. There is no abuse, no neglect, etc. now BAM! your DW tells this kid he has to "choose" who he wants to see more or less and when?

I think this is a horrible idea and I (for once) don't blame SS for shutting down.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I think DW is heading down a path that will be expensive in the long run for such a short period of time. If you have a GAL and possibly a custody evaluation, you're talking a long period of time that goes by in addition to a mounting expense. He may be 16.5 by the time things are all said and done.

We started our journey in Sept. 2009 and our first trial was March of 2011. Then we went back again because BM would not stop PASing the skids August 2012. Major $$$$. The skids were 8,10,11 years old. And in the end we did get more custody time (50/50), final medical decision making, contempt fines against BM.

Just something to think about.

amber3902's picture

I'm not even going to comment on allowing a kid with the emotional maturity of a 5 year old decide if a custody schedule should change.

FYI - Draco, I recently had a modification done for my CS and the attorney told me it would cost $400. If my ex had fought it, she told me it would cost $1,500.

Thankfully my ex did not fight me on the modification but it did wind up costing me $650 because of some unanticipated court fees. This is just FYI so you know that $400 for a change in CS sounds about right. Oh yeah, and the process- filing, waiting 30 days for a response, etc. yep, you have to go through all that in my state, too. Which is why I wound up having an attorney do it for me.

misSTEP's picture

I think I'd focus more on finding cheaper tutoring options. I know in our town there is free tutoring at the public library on certain days.

In some ways, I think that your DW just wants to "stick it" to DK since he wouldn't just pony up for half the tutoring costs.

Plus, I don't think it is as much a tall-boy-needs-tutoring issues as a tall-boy-needs-someone-on-his-ass-constantly-in-order-for-him-to-focus-and-do-what-needs-to-be-done! Is your DW still taking him to counseling sessions?