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The perception of child support

Totalybogus's picture

I'm a stepmom too. But, I get very offended when people believe they are supporting the BM's lifestyle by paying child support. Child support is based on the total income of the parents. It is split between the two in proportion to income. Both parents are required to pay child support. Obviously the person with whom the children live would not actually produce this income because it SHOULD be going back into the household to provide the everyday necessities of the children, including food, clothing and shelter. I don't think children should have to pay financially for the decisions of their parents. They are entitled to the total income of both parents as if they were together.

It is unfortunate that there some that take advange and ruin the perception for all.

What do you think?


furkidsforme's picture

What about situations where the agreement of the married parties was that the Mother would stay at home? It seems unfair that such a fundamental agreement would be broken. Especially if the wife gave up her career to stay home.

But, I'm sure if my DH was the sole provider for BM I'd be pretty pissed.

Totalybogus's picture

Unfortunately, the game changes. When they made that decision, they also promised before God they would be together until death. I believe if the agreement was for mom to stay home, and she gave up her career based upon that decision, and depending on how long she was out of tge workforce,then temporary maintenance would be in order for mom to get a job. Able bodied people should work if they need to support another household.

Shaman29's picture

Some of us watched the BM refuse to get or keep jobs in order to lower the portion of their CS contributions in order to have the NCP pay more in CS.

To add insult to injury, some of us watched our skids show up in ratty, dirty clothing, old shoes and coats. Showing up hungry because BM didn't have time to feed them. Showing up with dirty hair because they ran out of shampoo. Letting it slip their electricity is cut off. Trying to call them to find out their phone service was interrupted.

The NCP then turns around and is constantly putting out money for new clothing, shoes, coats, haircuts, toiletries, etc.

Then we got to hear about these same BM's buying Coach bags, paying for acrylic nails, her trips to see her stylist, shopping trips, new cars and spray tans.

Providing for the skids isn't the issue. The issue is many NCPs are paying CS that is not covering for the basic needs of the skid in the CPs home. They are constantly going without so the BM can maintain the lifestyle she built up for herself, which is living off CS and not working. And the NCPs are paying more in CS as well as spending money on necessities that more often than not, end up at the CPs home.

So yeah....a lot of us are resentful of BMs that live off CS.

Totalybogus's picture

Personally, I don't believe there should be child support in 50/50. Both are providing everyday necessities for the children

MommyNotMommy's picture

Yeah, I tend to agree. I try not to stress about the CS my FDH pays for the time SD is with her mother. It makes my blood pressure go up. Lol! But yes, he has 50/50. Funny that she didn't need it before she stopped working to care for the child she just had with her husband.

B22S22's picture

I agree that both parents should support the children. But in this state, CS is a percentage of total income (both parents), however if CP doesn't work, that means the NCP's contribution has to go UP.

My DH's ex didn't work after she had SK's, and she and DH were divorced before the SK's were 2 years old. BM never worked after the divorce either. 17 years later, DH is DONE paying CS (just got the signed papers from the judge last week) and BM has now found employment (10 hrs a week at a truckstop) and is yammering to SK's how SHE can't afford them and they need to pay rent, contribute to groceries, etc. Funny how she didn't require HERSELF to be employed prior to last month, but now that DH is not supporting them, she's not about to spend one slim dime on the SK's either.

One SK said he's considering going into the military just to get away from BM because now all she does is piss and moan about how hard SHE works, and everyone else just "takes takes takes".

Shaman29's picture

If Uberskank held a job and made a concentrated effort to provide for her three kids (only one is H's), as long as the skid (and sibs) was clothed and fed properly, I wouldn't have given two shits about her hair, nails, clothes, cars, etc.

However, in the 8 years I've been with H, she's held 12 jobs. In that 8 years, she's worked a total of 2.5 years. The longest lasted nearly 1 year.

H paid his CS, paid for clothes three times a year (not ordered in the CO), paid for her toiletries (not in the CO), paid for all of her activities (not in the CO), paid for her prom dresses and accessories (not ordered in the CO), paid for her graduation things (not ordered in the CO) and gave her "walking around money" (not ordered in the CO) until she got her job.

I don't begrudge the skid most of these things, because she wasn't going to get them from Uberskank. She needed clothes, shoes, coats, toiletries, to be included in activities and whatever the school charged for the graduation activities. The extras....well that was H's decision and again, she's his kid.

But it frosts my cookie knowing if H didn't do all of these things for his kid, she would have gone without because Uberskank was and still is a lazy whore. Not once in the last 8 years has Uberskank gone the distance for her kid. Made a shit ton of promises but never followed through.

H on the other hand, if he told skid he'd do something for her, he did it. In fact, that is how he is in general with anyone.

I wouldn't have one complaint about her if she had simply put some sort of effort to provide for her kids. I have yet to see this happen.

Totalybogus's picture

That would frost me too. I wouldn't put up with that. I really don't think that child support is the end of supporting your child. I do think there are certain circumstances that both parents would need to go above and beyond. For instance, if the child had the opportunity to travel for a school trip with their band, sporting activity or end of the year stuff, even class rings and such, but I don't think the NCP should be expected to hold the CP up and cover their financial responsibilities.

step off already's picture

Don't get me started in this. Ss14 lives with us full time and sees his mom every other weekend. She is ordered to provide health insurance and pay. half of medical. Poor thing had no job so she is not ordered to pay support.

Funny, she drives a Lexus AND a Malibu and now lives alone in a one bedroom apartment. She also fights about paying half of medical expenses.

step off already's picture

Oh. And she doesn't pay health insurance. I do.

She claims poor. And state of Ca eats it up. Dh tried to file a case with the department of child support and when they brought them to court to get the order (he wasn't working as he is now the stay at home dad for dd16mo and has been since she was 10 mo) they told him HE'D be ordered to pay BM!!!

Wtf. I don't know if they even read the file that SS lives with dh full time. Dh said that they were confused and assumed vm was custodial parent and he had to clarify for them. They suggested he just drop the case. But oh, wait. They did prefer bm to pay for health insurance "when she could" and to pay half of medical bills. We've sent her bills and she doesn't pay.

It's not even worth it. The courts just assume the woman is the victim and are geared to rule in her favor- even with a scenario like dh's where bm took off when SS was 5 and dh didn't bother messing with divorce / court/ visitatuon till SS was 11 and I had become a permanent fixture and bm started coming back around.

Totalybogus's picture

The CP still needs to maintain a home and provide day to day necessities whether or not the kid spends 4 days a month at the NCP's house.

Aeron's picture

I don't agree that a child, any child, is entitled to a parents total income. Entitled to be provided for, yes, but the parents should be able to decide in what manner that comes. So in the instance of a high conflict BM who is happy to use her child as a weapon, it's not so much a fair thing. DH paid a huge amount of CS.

Yes it was Based off his income, but the judge went with the absolute maximum possible. Then tacked on DH being responsible for carrying insurance. And 85% of uncovered medical bills. Except braces which he was to cover 100% of at the provider of BM's choice. He got zero credit for travel, for overnights, and was told to suck it up and stop being a baby basically when BM never covered her share of the medical bills

But mostly I get a little offended when the CP alienates the kid(s), the NCP gets no relationship but still has to pay through the nose. I got a little offended when BM tried to make us pay for college for a kid that wants Nothing to do with us. And CS along with that. I am a little offended that DH worked hard, was successful in his career and he was ordered by a judge to pay out more while no judge would have ever though of ordering BM to get a job. So her income was input at about 800$ a month.

So I don't really think a kid should suffer for their parents choices, but they All do if their parents make bad choices. I also don't think one parent should suffer and do with less because the other parent decides to be a lazy, useless, entitled, unemployed drain on society.

So in some situations ok I get why you would disagree with the statement of CS supporting the CP's lifestyle.... but what would you call it? In our case, according to the court paperwork, CS provided over 80% of the income for their home. You can't convince me that It wasn't supporting BM at that level.

Totalybogus's picture

I would be offended by that too. in a situation of divorce ALL able bodied parents should have to work. In your case, the state is so worried about having to pick up her tab, they've effectively penalized your husband.

Aeron's picture

I don't disagree that the CP is technically doing their job in that case and that the ex's opinion is neither here nor there..... However. If the ex has a significantly higher CS obligation because of the new SO's desire to have his woman at home, I think that's crap.

I didn't think this conversation was about whether or not a CP was taking care of their kid, but about the perception of CS and it being too high, it supporting BM's lifestyle. If BM's argument around CS not supporting her was that her SO supports her and her contribution to financially supporting her kid was her SO's paycheck while her income for CS calculation went in at 0, I see a huge problem with that. That can significantly up an NCP's obligation which isn't reasonable or fair.

I didn't think we were referring to you, it's a theoretical thing. The BM in our case had a long string of relationships and from what we heard, she was often supporting them.

I know people freak out over whether or not their income can be counted in CS, and while I get that, I do think that if one of the parents (or the new partners) decided that they don't want the bio to work, there is still a financially obligation to the child that should be counted legally. I know in some states they will include the step parent income in CS if the biological parent is voluntarily not working and that seems reasonable to me. SP shouldn't be included if possible but if new man wants his woman to not work at all, I think he should be willing to be counted towards CS so the NCP isn't being taken advantage of since he's making the decision to be BM's income.

redtiger74's picture

Child support is excessive. My DH pays $1300 a month for his 6-year-old son, even though the BM is now making the same amount as DH per year - $80K+. Yet, somehow she still manages to send the skid over without a winter coat or warm clothes, and then she claims that $1300 a month doesn't pay for crap. Wtf, really? However, the skid has his own iPhone. Yet he can't read or speak in complete sentences.

The skid's in first grade at a public school so it's not like the money's going toward daycare. Instead, it's going toward their Disney trip, which BM brags about all over Facebook and Pinterest. Oh and it's also going to the mortgage on the Ghetto ranch house that she bought with her "fiance," who also happened to be her former manager. He went to work somewhere else after they started dating and she was moved into his old position.

But I digress. My point is that bringing a child into this world is in a lot of these cases a mutual decision. It takes two to tango. Women are certainly more vulnerable in such situations due to biology and earning power depending on their career trajectory. But the reality of it is that you should only have as many kids as you can afford to support on your own. You can not and should not rely on anyone else for income because catastrophes can and do happen.

My grandmother on my dad's side, raised 3 boys alone during the Great Depression. My dad's father passed away unexpectedly right before my dad was born. Did my grandmother have anyone to turn to for extra cash? Nope. She raised them all without child support or life insurance payments. Did they have much money? Nope. But all 3 boys managed to grow up, move on, and be successful.

If it could be done back then, it can certainly be done now. That's why I waited to have kids until I could be certain that I could afford to support them based on my earnings (and savings) alone. Which ironically will be the case because a big chunk of DH's income goes toward the BM. But I'll never pay a penny of my own hard-earned cash toward the skid and ungrateful BM. We keep all of our finances separate.

Excessive child support does women no favors in the long run. If we ever want to receive true equality with men, including equal pay at work, the same should apply to child support. To play the "poor woe is me" card is nonsense. You knew the risks when you engaged in the relationship. Only you can and should be responsible for how your story ends.

Totalybogus's picture

It does take two to tango. Why then is it a BM's responsibility to financially support the child when dad is able bodied and had the same expectation to support? Why does dad get a free pass?

moeilijk's picture

I'm interpreting your question as: Why, if it takes two to tango, did the PP say that it's up to BM to be 100% sure she can provide 100% for any children... shouldn't BM be 50% responsible and tango-partner 50% responsible?

And my answer is: IF, and only IF, the BM is 100% sure that nothing will ever ever ever happen to change the situation as it is in the exact moment that child was conceived/born... then yes. But since life happens, not just divorce but death, illness, economic problems, then as a mature adult, we each, as individuals, have to be ready to make sacrifices in our own lives to provide for the little child-life we've brought into the world. OR we have to be prepared to walk away.

So, the deadbeat BMs and dads that we hear about... they've walked away. The CPs who choose not to work even when it's no longer necessary to provide full-time, in-home care... they've also walked away - not from their kids, but from adulthood.

Disneyfan's picture

Why are you ccomplaining? Your BM works. :? She's a manager so she must have a pretty decent salary. Which means the kid is being supported by both parents. I just can't understand being angry when both parents are financially supporting their children. In this case, things are working the way they should work. Responses like this make me think some SMs really do want to SKs living like peasants when they are with BM.

There are plentybof moms out there who earn much more than dads. Just because a woman can afford to raise a child on her own, does not mean sue should have to.

How do you know CS is covering the disney trip?

Ljcapp1's picture

My complaint is bm period. She SET the amount she needed in the CO but continues to ask for extra every month. She never fails to have her nails done, sds nails done, and has 3 ginormous dogs but was calling Dh begging for money for food. Lol eat some puppy chow bitch.

Disneyfan's picture

Your husband allowed her to set the amount. So why isn't the complaint against him? Unless your husband is handing over extra money each month, her asking shouldn't be an issue. If he is making the choice to fork over extra each month, then he is the one to blame, not BM.

Ljcapp1's picture

It's a budgeting issue Disney. If you set the amount you need,it should be what you need to take care of the kid. If your spending money unwisely above and beyond what you asked for that's your problem not mine. And no he doesn't give her extra esp. with the indescriminate spending that's not use for sd. There is a long list of financial disasters she's gotten herself into and instead of working that out like tax fraud and court fees she asks for more CS money. CS money is to support the child not your tax fraud issues, or bail money or whatever shit she's gotten herself into at the moment.
Basically she's asking for interest free loans from someone she will threaten with court if they don't comply.
This doesn't happen anymore as Dh has blocked her and if she needs more she will need to have the court decide.

asgoodasitgets's picture

I know I'm late to the party but I've got to respond to this.

In our state, CS is based on percentage of income. Only when custody is 50/50 are overnights taken into account. Otherwise, NCP pays full CS. So, yeah, I think that it's very unfair that we have SD 35% of the time & must provide 100% of the costs of raising her during DH'S custody time PLUS 60% of her expenses during BM's time.

I also think that it is completely unfair that CS goes to the NCP tax free. We never even see that money, but it is counted as part of our gross income. CP should have to pay taxes on that money. My DH also does not get to claim SD on taxes, so BM in our case gets around $6000 tax free every year from CS, also gets the child deduction, & gets the benefit of being in a lower tax bracket on top of everything else (like claiming EIC).

Finally, CP also gets any social benefits if necessary because they don't have to claim CS as income. So BM in our case gets free lunches, insurance & childcare for SD because on paper her income is much less & she has custody while we are actually bringing home much less than her & get no benefits. I am not certain, but I also believe BM is getting food stamps & section 8. My DH & I have had a very rough year as I lost my job in 2013. But we couldn't get any help because he is only NCP & I have no other children.

To make it fair there should be an established amount in each county that it takes to raise a child per year. That amount should be split according to number of overnights per household, then the NCP pays 50% of the EXTRA overnights at CP's house. That way each parent is paying half of what it actually costs to raise a child. Not based on income, because incomes changes & shit happens. Also, each parent gets tax credit/deduction for child support. Whether it is alternating claiming each year, or just claiming a percentage or something. It should also be federally run, so that it doesn't matter what state you are in, laws are the same & can be enforced across state lines. This would also stop the local governments from profiting off of CS. I also think a lot more BM's & judges would grant 50/50 if CS was no longer a moneymaker. All I know is this system is effed up & needs a major overhaul on a national basis.

Totalybogus's picture

I understand and completely agree about the tax issues. However, I don't agree about figuring child support that way. It's too subjective because it doesn't take into account what the child's standard of living would have been had the family stayed in tact.

That being said, I really can't understand why FASFA needs to know the household income instead of figuring the income ofthe actual parents. I don't think SP's income should be a consideration at all. The whole system is flawed in that sense

Disneyfan's picture

This plan would have screwed my son's dad. When CS was first set, it was pretty high. He was also ordered to provide health insurance for our son. Once I moved back to NYC, my income increased drastically, which caused CS to drop drastically. Since free family health care was one of my many benefits,, he no longer had to cover our son.

Ljcapp1's picture

Bottom line on CS...budget what you get for your kid. If you spend indiscriminately and go over budget month to month that's your problem not you exhusband's...CS is for the percentage you child use on household expenses, not nail jobs and expensive clothes, etc.
I'm 50/50 with my exh and you will never catch me asking him for anything - I'd rather shovel shit!