help moving on
Hi all, I just posted another blog under the same name but I think it disappeared. I recently posted about my BF who cheated on me with BM for first six months of our relationship and lied about her for long afterwards. We finally split last week and I am struggling to pick up the pieces and move on. The final straw for me was BF's insistence that he should be allowed to spend time alone with just BM and ss3 if "that's what ss3 wants" which BF claims he asks for every day. I am not comfortable with this for obvious reasons and also I think it's confusing for ss3.
So, I said I wasn't ok with that and he basically picked his kid over me. Fine, that's your kid. Do what you want. But now I am feeling lost. I feel lied to, rejected, abandoned. BF always said he would do whatever it took to be with me and win back my trust. Lie. I feel taken advantage of and alone and just broken. This relationship was hell and I still feel guilty because he made me feel like I was such a bad person for not automatically putting HIS kid first. So as just a curious question, do you all think I was wrong? Would anyone here be ok with their partner spending time with just BM/BF and kids? My second question is, what the hell do I do now?! I literally feel ruined. Thank you.
- mariemoore's blog
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My second question is, what
My second question is, what the hell do I do now?! I literally feel ruined. Thank you.
You pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. And realize that you are so much better off without a lying, cheating manipulator. Don't waste your tears on him. Not worth it.