How dare you do anything fun?
BJ's bday party was Saturday. SD22 did FB invitations, but didn't send real ones. FDH doesn't have FB. I told him a week or 2 ago when the party was. I had plans earlier in the day Saturday. I went to take my niece to get her school pictures done, I took the kids to the bounce house, then the kids, my gramma and I had dinner with DD19 in the city she is in for college. I had to take my gramma home, and stop at my mom's, then I came home. FDH never said one word about wanting to go to that party, and I don't feel it's my job to remind him repeatedly. I already told him once and it was on the calendar. If he forgets, that's his problem.
I got a text Saturday night wanting to know why we didn't come. It pisses me off just a bit because she didn't come to DS6's bday party, or DD19's graduation or open house even though she said she would, she never came to any of DS6's T Ball games or his preschool graduation, and I never questioned her. If you don't come, you don't come. I don't ask people for an explanation. So I guess it's ok for her to miss shit and never offer up a reason, but if we miss anything at all, we damn well better explain ourselves. Fuck that. I told her we both forgot and that I was gone all day. I also told her I need a real invitation to hang up to remember things. That's half true. *I* don't need it. But FDH does not have FB, so if she wants him to remember things, he needs a visual reminder staring him in the face every day up to the day of.
She can be pissed. At some point, she's gonna have to realize that the world does not revolve around her and her kids, and just like she doesn't make it to everything, not everyone is always going to make it to her stuff, either. Better get used to it, snowflake. You are not as special to everyone else as you are to yourself.
Sunday we took the kids to the zoo for the Halloween events they had going on. My cousin's family has a membership, so they went along, my mom said she wanted to go, and my aunt and uncle went. I posted about it on FB and posted some pictures. Shortly after that, FDH mentions that BJ's party was yesterday and he forgot. I just nodded and said that is why I need a real invitation. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). SD did make a comment on my post, but nothing snide. Must be she saw that we went to the zoo Sunday, got pissed off that daddy was doing something with the boys and me, and decided to make sure that he knew that while he was out enjoying his family at the zoo, he should feel like a pile of shit for forgetting BJ's bday the day before. How dare he have fun with us after missing that?
So transparent. The jealousy is blazing obvious. She wasted no time at all texting him about it AFTER seeing my post. I wonder why she didn't say something to him Saturday, when she questioned me? Because the anger that he would dare enjoy a day with his family was too much for her to resist trying to guilt him about it, I guess.
Well, either SD laid the guilt trip on thick or else FDH is just afraid of her wrath, because he said to me yesterday morning that he doesn't know what to do to make it up to her and DH that he missed BJ's bday. I told him the only thing he can do is get him a gift. ????? Why is this such an issue? You missed the party. BFD. You have chose to stay in bed all through your own son's bday party that was in your own damn house, could not be bothered to make a 2 minute appearance or anything, but now you have to "make it up to them"? Fuck that. Get the kid a present and call it good. Stop acting like you missed him being sworn in as president already!
I know I'm gonna catch hell from some posters for not reminding him. I don't give a shit. It is not my job to remind him of anything. Not my gskid, not my problem. I don't count on him to remind me of anything, because if something is important to me, I don't forget in the first place. I told him about it and I marked the calendar. That should have been enough. When he shows little to no regard for his own kids parties, I'm not gonna make his gkids party MY priority.
Why would anyone here believe
Why would anyone here believe you need to remind him multiple times to attend his grandson's birthday party??
You gave him the information. He's a big boy. Either it's important enough for him to be responsible and remember or it's not.
Either way, you and your SD do not have a close relationship and you've disengaged. Why would FDH or anyone else expect you to send out nagging reminders.
Next time, don't answer her or offer an excuse. Just say....please text your dad and find out why he didn't show.
Thank you. That is exactly
Thank you. That is exactly how I feel. There are a few select posters that would think I was Satan for remembering and not telling him again the day of. Oh well. Spending the day with my kids was far more important to me than spending the day with her and her kid.
>>>Just say....please text
>>>Just say....please text your dad and find out why he didn't show.<<<
I wouldn't even say "please", lol!
Wait, he missed his OWN SON's
Wait, he missed his OWN SON's party downstairs? What the fuck?
Yup, that asshole sure did.
Yup, that asshole sure did. He works 3rd shift, but I don't think that's a reason to not at least make an appearance. I tried getting him up to at least come down and say hello to his family. He refused to budge. He missed everything. Yet it's a big deal and has to be "made up" that he missed this party? He can kiss my ass if he thinks I'm going to help him come up with some elaborate way to "make up for it". Idiot.
Did you ever SAY that to him?
Did you ever SAY that to him? "You missed your OWN son's bday in your OWN house. Why should you feel like you have to "make it up" to ANYONE if you missed your grandkid's bday??"
I brought it up to him last
I brought it up to him last year before BJ's bday party. She sent out real invitations last year and I asked him if he was going if he had to work that night, because if he has to work, he uses that as an excuse to not go anywhere because he needs to sleep. He made a big deal out of how he was NOT missing that bday party no matter what. I was HOT. I told him I thought it was pretty damn shitty that he can't be bothered to get out of bed for 2 minutes to make an appearance at his own son's bday, but come hell or high water, he is NOT missing BJ's party for ANYTHING. I told him all he had to do was get out of bed and come downstairs for a few minutes. He wouldn't do it. But he's willing to drive 30 mins away, stay gone for 2 hours, and drive 30 mins back for BJ. Real nice. I told him I don't care that he wants to go, I care that he doesn't think as much of his OWN child as he does of BJ. He had some bullshit excuse about how he was so tired from having worked, bla bla bla. He knew he was wrong. And that is just one more reason of why I will not be his personal reminding system about anything that has to do with SD or her family.
Girl, you had me at BJ... We
Girl, you had me at BJ...
We both are married to men who can't be bothered with their kids. Why is SD texting you to find out why you guys weren't at the kid's party? She should be nagging her parent, not you.
You need to step further back from her. She's worked her way back into your life, & you know nothing good will come of it.
I wondered that, too. I'm not
I wondered that, too. I'm not the grandparent or her parent, so why do I get questioned? She probably just assumes that I'm taking over the role of making him do fatherly/grandfatherly things because that's what the woman in the relationship does. She would be mistaken. I have a hard enough time getting him to do anything with me and OUR kids, I'm not one bit concerned with what he does or doesn't do with her or hers.
Guaranteed that I will be
Guaranteed that I will be completely ignoring anymore FB invites from her. I do the fb invites too, but I also send real invitations. I like doing things the old fashioned way. She'll learn that I'm not daddy's maid and personal assistant, one way or another.
I laugh at your Fuck You guy every time!

I have her blocked from
I have her blocked from showing up in my newsfeed, so I don't see anything she posts unless I'm tagged in it, but if I completely blocked her, it would just cause drama so until she gives me a good reason to do it, I'll leave her on there. I would love to not have her on there at all, but I really don't want the bullshit that would come with it.
I did that for a while with
I did that for a while with my step daughter too (blocked from newsfeed). Didn't like being ignored so then she pulled such a nasty stunt, I blocked her. I was waiting for that reason and knew she'd give it to me. Not heard a word from her since. Good. Then my husband's family member started playing games with the BM so I dropped the lot of his family and friends from FB that were only spying or being used to spy any way. I was only trying to be friendly. Pfft. I was naïve but not anymore.
Like you too my SD acted like I was the organiser/PA/secretary to her AND her father. No.
I agree with previous
I agree with previous posters...I wouldn't answer, or if I was so inclined...I'd say "You'd have to ask your Dad."
There was 2 years of not
There was 2 years of not speaking. It was glorious, aside from her stalking me at work. The birth of my youngest son is the only reason we speak now.