Major hypocrite.
sd21 has pretty high expectations for other people when it comes to events in HER life. she expects other people to make her and her kid's events priorities. after Baby Jesus' bday in oct, she posted on fb a thank you to everyone who came, and "I guess we know who's there for us", meaning if you were invited to his party and didn't come, you suck and are an asshole. you clearly don't care about them or you would have been there. I thought that was pretty shitty at the time, and even more so now. I don't get pissy when people don't show up for parties I host. I know that sometimes people have to work, have other plans, may be sick, or maybe they just plain old don't feel like going anywhere. such is life.
sd missed bs6's bday party in march. she didn't come to bd19's graduation. we saw her Friday and she told us she was coming to the open house on sunday, but she didn't show up. she was too busy camping with her neighbors. the campground isn't that far away, she could have still come. but no show, and not even so much as a call. bd and I don't really care if she comes or not. what pisses me off and has my ass burning right now is the hypocrisy. if we had missed her graduation and open house (we were at both), it would have been made into a big huge ordeal. just like it was made into a big ordeal when I declined to be sd's pregnancy and breastfeeding guru for her. like it was made into a big ordeal a few years ago when I blocked her on fb after she blasted me to everyone on there for being pregnant, and sent me extremely rude, boundary crossing messages. she had the nerve to say to fdh after all that she had done, that it was "inappropriate" for a sm to block a skid on fb. apparently it is appropriate to be a disrespectful asshole to your sm, but she is wrong to block you. as a sm, it seems I was fully expected to take her crap and say and do nothing about it. she already proved that she was pissed at everyone who missed BJ's bday party by her little dig on fb afterward. we were there. I can only imagine what she would have said if we hadn't been. bs11mos's party is in 2 weeks. I wonder if she'll bother to show up to that, or if she will be too busy for that, too? she doesn't work and she lives close to where all of these parties took place.
again, I don't care if she comes or not. what pisses me off is how she expects everyone to show up to her stuff and goes so far as to call them out on fb if they don't, but it's ok for her to not come to anything for anyone else. why would she? if it isnt' about her or her kid, it's not important. she doesn't want to go anywhere and have to watch someone else getting the attention, while her and BJ sit in the background. because it is her and BJ's world, and there should never be an event about anyone other than them.
I would give 2 shits about
I would give 2 shits about her being a hypocrite. You know how she is. Dont let it bother you. You know shes an ass.
you're right, and I'm trying.
you're right, and I'm trying. It's just so hard! I wish so much that other people would pick up on her bullshit, it's so obvious, I don't know how they miss it. I hope it bothers the shit out of her that we don't ask why she didn't show.
Maybe they do see it, they
Maybe they do see it, they just don't let it affect thier life as much as you do or they arent as vocal about it.
Who cares if she thinks everyone should come to her events and is "offended" when they dont. Well that is HER being offended and making a big deal about it. That is HER hurt feelings or whatever.
Be glad she doesnt come to your events and ruin your good time because you know that is what she would do.
Obviously she is rude and has no manners. If you invite her to an event just expect for her to not show up.
Your expectations should really be set low when it comes to SD.
**I thought you stopped looking at her FB page
Do I need to come over there and take away all of your electronics? WiFi, disable your FB account? 
guilty as charged. (hangs
guilty as charged. (hangs head in shame). I did look to see what she was doing, because I knew damn well she could have made it but chose not to. it was stupid, I shouldn't have even looked. all I did was piss myself off more, because if bd or I went camping instead of attending something we told her 2 days ago we would be at, she would have had a fucking cow.
thanks, lucky. I've been told
thanks, lucky. I've been told to "be the adult" too. I thought not knocking on her ass all the times she deserved WAS being an adult. I didn't know being the adult meant throwing my self respect out the window and putting up with whatever shit she wants to throw at me, and smiling the whole time.
honestly, I DO like it best when she doesn't show. it means she won't be there to talk nonstop about her kid and her pregnancy, and whatever else the party is NOT about. the next time she has something going on, I will go if I don't have a real good reason not to, but if there is ANYTHING else going on or if I feel the slightest bit off, I'm not going. I will not force myself to just to save face. fuck that. I will only go if fdh is going and I have absolutely nothing else to do.
I get upset when someone
I get upset when someone rsvps to an event and doesn't show. A cousin of mine did this twice to me. For our wedding and baby shower. Boy events took place just a few miles from her house. Grrrr.