It's a sad, sad day to be a human.
I read a post earlier today. She was talking about how her DH is walking away from his child.
He will pay the CS and count down the days until the kid turns 18 but he will have no more than that do with his child. For the sanity and happiness of their happy home and future children they will have together he is going to just walk away from his child and leave him to wonder "Where's my dad?"
I take a little offense to this. I myself was walked out on before I could even remember what his face looked like. He already had a son, and a sibs...but he just didn't want to do the parent thing any more.
Yes I realize that we were better off with out him, but there is always a part of me, my sister, and my brother that still do this day ask...why didn't our dad love us?
I saw a few comments about how people grow up to be just fine and dandy when this happens. But no, they don't. My first marriage ended partly because I never really let him be a father. I didn't realize I was doing it, I didn't mean to do it. I was walking around feeling so lucky that I had a happy family. ExH wasn't happy. I learned through therapy that I do have some deep seeded issues with fathers and I feel like there input is not important or needed because..hey I turned out just fine. At least that was my perspective back then.
Feelings of being unwanted, unloved, alone, those all come from the fact that I was very much unwanted by my father, unloved by him, and left alone. Yes I had a mother, but as we all know a child needs both parents. I hate the fact that we live in a world where it now accepted that these men just walk out on their children.
Yes I know, mothers do it too, I'm well aware but I don't know about that. I do know about this, have gone through this, so that is why I'm speaking about the fathers now.
In a perfect world all fathers who go get there kids would receive them perfectly cleaned and with the BM smiling and telling her kids to have a nice time with their dad. We do not live in a perfect world. The BM's rarely make transfering possesion of the child or children easy. There's always a fight, drama, accusations, threats, etc. Once you begin dating a man with children you become the number 1 enemy. She will go nuts, if she wasn't before she will be now. She will cause trouble, she will do everything in her power to make you, and your new DH the problem. You are now the reason daddy isn't living there any more. You're a mean hateful woman who just wants to get rid of the kid your DH shares with his ex. I understand completely how miserable a BM can make people. Hell, my skids don't make my life worth living themselves. But if my DH ever came to me and said he was thinking of just walking away from them, I would tell him ok, you can keep walking right out the door too.
It's very selfish, cowardess, and heartless to walk away from your child because you do not like the mother. If she was so damn psycho maybe you shouldn't have knocked her up in the first place.
- Evil stepmonster's blog
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DH has pretty much walked
DH has pretty much walked away from SS15. and you know why? Because SS15 is the one who walked away first. DH tried for years to be a positive influence, to be a good father, to stress the importance of not doing drugs, drinking, having sex etc. But when the kid lives with BM who lets him do whatever he wants and claims he is "just being a normal kid" it just turned DH into the "bad guy" who didn't have to be listened to. To my knowledge, DH hasn't seen SS15 since March and that visit was pathetic to say the least... SS15 was SUPPOSED to be there to go hunting with DH. He did get up and go on Saturday morning, then slept until around 1 p.m. and then asked DH if he could go to a friends for a bit if BM would bring him back later. BM brought SS back around 10 p.m. STONED and SS never got up Sunday morning, literally slept all day Sunday and then asked DH to take him back to BMs around 3 or so. I mean what was the point of that? that is NOT a "relationship" and that is SS15 CHOOSING. DH is not going to force himself on a kid that doesn't WANT a relationship, so DH pays CS and calls once in a while to check in on him and that's about the extent of it.
What more can he possibly do?
Let me clarify
Let me clarify the time he was old and wanted to be daddy I was 16 and didn't wouldn't let him. I'm not talking about the children who does not want their dad. I'm talking about young children who do want to see their dad, miss their dad, love their dad, but the dad walks away because he doesn't want to deal with BM any more. dPPP and SS7 are 6 and 7 years old. They know their mom hates their dad, knowss she hates me, but they still love their dad and want to see him. In that instance, that is what I feel is unacceptable.
No, my mom never talked about
No, my mom never talked about him. Infact I assumed he had passed away until someone I went to school with told me she was taking riding lessons from him. I was 13 then and I didn't hear all the other stuff until I was 16 and found him and asked.
I'm talking about very young
I'm talking about very young children, who do want to see their dad, who miss him, love him. I'm talking about men who walk away just because the BM causes trouble.
I will say 98.9% of the problems in our marriage is BM, and I would love it if I never had to see her face or hear her damn voice ever again, but do I really have the right to ask him to walk away from his kids for that? Would he have the right to ask me to hand over and walk away from my kids if my ExH caused any drama?
You're acting like the drama
You're acting like the drama is nothing. Like being late for a dropoff by 10 minutes. None of us are saying that you do it at the first inconvenience. Some of the posters here have had allegations of sexual abuse, physically attacked, skids that have endangered other children. Any person who is considering leaving a child doesn't take it lightly and doesn't do it on a whim.
You're jaded by your own experience of your father leaving. He didn't have a good reason and you're right to be upset with him for it. It doesn't mean that some of the other people who have left didn't have a reason or that is wasn't the right thing to do.
I was inside her stomach when
I was inside her stomach when she was kicked down the stairs, so my first memory of him was when I was 16 and tracked him down.
"I was inside her stomach
"I was inside her stomach when she was kicked down the stairs, so my first memory of him was when I was 16 and tracked him down."
If your mom never talked about him, how do you know this happened?
Once I asked him why he left,
Once I asked him why he left, then went to her that is when she told me, this was when I was an older teen. Saw the police report about it.
And you're sure that didn't
And you're sure that didn't make you biased towards him? Even so, it sounds like you came off with the better deal not having to have dealt with a possibly abusive father. Why would you have wanted him to stick around?
THIS...Skids tell anyone who
THIS...Skids tell anyone who will listen that they don't have a dad, that he didnt try to see them, blah blah fuckity blah.
DH never missed a CS payment, or was late. EVER, in 10 years. We went to court until we could not afford it anymore, we drove countless miles, made police reports. But he's just a POS that was never there.
Finally we had to say enough. If things had continued, DH would have been left with nothing, because I am pretty sure our marriage would not have survived. Court costs and CS took most of his salary-should he live in a box? And guess what-if he did become homeless, would he have got visitation? Sometimes you just have to use your brain.
I agree with Lady Face and
I agree with Lady Face and Tog here. It's not a father choosing to walk away for no reason. It's being driven away by BM and/or the child.
My husband's situation is very high conflict. SD is being used as a pawn. BM has involved me and our DD in her nonsense and she is a threat to my family because of this. If SD didn't come for visitation anymore, BM would have no reason to harass us and threaten us. I also think SD would be better off sometimes if she didn't have us in her lives, because she's already being PASed so severely.
This topic isn't black and white. There are so many things that factor in to making a decision to walk away, and often it's best for the children involved to do so.
Project much? Your situation
Project much?
Your situation is very sad, but has NOTHING to do with the OP's situation. For you to compare them as the same is WRONG. For you to oversimplify and flat out RE-WRITE the situation as "walk away from the child because you do not like the mother" is also WRONG.
What exactly would you suggest, evil SM, since you have deemed yourself to be judge, jury, and executioner?
Put the rest of their life savings into court battles? Continue to keep the entire household in a toxic, stressful situation? Continue to stress the SS in the battle that HIS MOTHER started in her vicious PAS campaign?
For those of you out there who say it is NEVER OK to walk away in such a situation like haven't been there, you haven't walked in their shoes, you have NO IDEA the stress and agony these people may be going through, as well as the pain of making such a decision.
This isn't some deadbeat Dad that doesn't want to make an effort, this is someone that has been put into the position of making a difficult decision.
Are you also bashing Tog or Ghost for their family decisions? They both have SS's that they have had to "let go". They fought the good fight, but it just isn't worth it in the end.
No one "wins" in these situations. The only thing you can do is make a decision that is best for the ENTIRE family. You cannot let one individual ruin your entire family.
^^^^this.^^^^^ complete
^^^^this.^^^^^ complete projection. tend to your own unresolved issues.
It's a very tough subject,
It's a very tough subject, and god knows *I* don't know the right answer! I do suspect though that it's different depending on whether you're talking about a small child (under 10) or a teenager. A teen who's been PASed and pushes Dad out of his or her life... that seems a bit different to me than a 5 year old who just loves both his parents and doesn't understand why one's not there.
Really? So is it selfish,
Really? So is it selfish, cowardice and heartless for a mother to give her child up for adoption? I mean, technically, she's walking away and abandoning her child. According to the "logic" you presented, then a birth mother who gives away her child shouldn't have gotten knocked up in the first place.
These men aren't walking away because they "don't like" the mother. They are walking away because they are getting emotionally and financially abused by a woman and a system that supports these women. Who is to say that this child (usually unwanted and unplanned) is worth the heartache? The kid's life will be destroyed by having a shit mom, so the dad is supposed to allow his life to be destroyed as well?
Good point, blayze.
Good point, blayze.
I agree with this...more
I agree with this...more people do need to be choosy about who they f!ck. Get to know that person, wrap it up, etc. Many men and women are too carefree about sex.
Again, you are placing all
Again, you are placing all the blame on the father when in a lot of cases the mother is to blame. The courts are so pro-BM that fathers don't have a chance. You get a few days a month and have to deal with all that the psycho BMs do and yet it is still the father's fault. He's suppose to spend his entire life sucking up to kids that hate him because BM has been PASing the whole time. And in most cases, he has no chance of seeing the kids more. The COURTS don't allow it. The standard is EOWE with a few overnights. Maybe 25% if you're lucky. Yet, you blame the father that he isn't around. A lot of BMs don't want the fathers around. They do everything they can to make that happen. Where is your hate for them.
You say that the fathers shouldn't have chose to have a child with such crazy mothers. The crazy mothers shouldn't be crazy. They are responsible for these toxic situations.
You don't know everything about these types of situations.
I never claimed to know
I never claimed to know everything about all situations. Not once did I. I said this my opinion, this is my point of view and that I was indeed speaking from the side of the child who got walked away from. I thought that was what this site was for, being able to speak your mind, being able to get things off your chest. I didn't realize that if you disagree with someone you start getting bitched at and told how it's probably all your mothers fault and blah blah blah. I said my situation, the situation my DH is in with his ex, how I feel on the subject. I stand by my feelings. And yes, I have nothing but disgust for mothers who use their children like that, hurt their children just to hurt the ex. As I said before, I know of women like that, I am not one of them, neither was my mom so I was speaking of what I do have experience with. All the people out there who got offended obviously have their own issues they need to work out themselves.
Damn right! We had SD every
Damn right! We had SD every other weekend and for dinner during the week. When we tried to take her extra BM said no. When we kept to the schedule she would tell SD that we dont even ask to have her extra. And SD loved loved loved DH when she was a little girl. It all changed as a teen and now adult.PAS is real and it is abuse. Plain and simple.
It is the CRAZY parents fault. Sleeping with and agreeing to have a baby doesnt mean a lifetime and abuse and fighting just so a BM can get their jollys. Our BM loves to fight and loves the turmoil even now with no contact from SD. Now she telle him hes a piece of shit and he should be begging SD for forgiveness ( for what? WHen asked it was all vague you dont love me as much as your other kids)
Im sorry for your situation because I can relate. My parents were divorced in the 70s and my dad didnt see me and my sister anymore over a lousy 25 dollars a week.I was 5. I dont know him at all and he died when I was 19.But as I got older I heard certain things my mom said and realized she was very controlling over visitation and phonecalls. Not crazy just the usual fighting crap and drama. I realize they are both responsible for the way things happened. My dad didnt fight to see me but I heard he had regrets when he was dying. And honestly Im ok. I dont dwell on it. I dont think about it and feel bad. I wish he had lived becasue I would have liked him to meet my kids and see where things went but he passed away a long time ago. So I get it. I know what its like to be abandoned. I really do.
But I still think in extreme cases a father may have to walk away. Very extreme with PAS and police reports and all that ridiculous crap these BMs do. Nobody in life deserves the abuse some fathers and SMs have to take.
Thank you
Thank you
Isn't pretty much everything
Isn't pretty much everything on here sitting in judgement? The SM's and SD's on here critise the BM's, the skids, the DH's way of raising, diciplining, etc etc. It's all judgement. This in my opinion, and I stand by it. People justify and judge actions left and right here, but since mine doesn't agree with most I'm sitting in judgement. Fine.
She did accuse me of it. And
She did accuse me of it. And yes, he still sees his kid.
Huh?! Hopefully he sees this
:O Huh?! Hopefully he sees this kid outside of your home! If not, then YOU don't make smart choices. (That's probably your father's fault, too, right? ;)) I would require my man to choose his own self-preservation over a toxic relationship with his child. If that means walking away to be with me rather than putting up with Ca-Raaazy for his child, so be it! Sounds smart to me! If a man would protect himself, he would probably protect the woman by his side. If he would put up with being harmed, hurt, or endangered because of his dealings with his child, that's not a man I could respect for very long.
If you are referring to the
If you are referring to the lady who was accused of molesting SS and other awful things - I can't blame these people. BM is toxic and crazy.
I mean is this guy not supposed to have a life or a wife because his ex is making it miserable for people who want to see the kids.
it sounded to me like they went in debt over custody battles, etc. there's only so much a person can do
I am so sorry for what you
I am so sorry for what you went through.
IMHO there are two types of men who walk away. There are the men who are just total pieces of shit, and those who are dealing with a psychotic woman who is constantly putting the kid in the middle.
Yes, these men should take more precautions as to who they have sex with. But a lot of people hide the crazy and are really good at it. The crazy often doesn't show until they have their claws in deep. Just as men should be more careful about with whom they're intimate, these women should reach out for help. They're not stupid. They know on some level that they have problems. I'll bet that if more of our bms sought professional help, our skids would be better off and everyone would have way less problems.
Walking away harms kids but so does being used as pawns.
To be fair, these kids might
To be fair, these kids might end up in therapy due to not having dad in their lives, regardless of why he walked away. I know many people who've been harmed by not having Dad there.
We meet Inbred at a police
We meet Inbred at a police station and have a county sherrif with us every time.
Thank you tommar, I thought
Thank you tommar, I thought this was a place to vent, rant, and get support too.
At least we do not eat our
At least we do not eat our young like these fellas do....Sand tiger sharks, polar bears, spiders, hamsters, Tiger salamanders, Chickens, and Parasitic wasps to name a least us humans have that going for us.
You starting to feel hungry
You starting to feel hungry there Stacey - that baby of your starting to sound yummy?
I want my baby back baby back baby back
Ditzy nailed it.
Ditzy nailed it.
^^^So true!
^^^So true!
If my dh was accused of a
If my dh was accused of a crime by bm... Especially child molestation, then he would have a choice to make. We have kids together and that would affect our life, because he would be labeled a child molester.
I love my kids and will protect them from crazy at all costs. I would not let my kids lose their dad because of false allegtions from an ex that would ever say such a thing.
And for the kid, what about the kid. The mom must have the kid believing that, how could it possibly be good for the kid.
It is not a question of him walking away. It sounds like he doesn't get a choice.
To make the decision to walk
To make the decision to walk away from his last children or have them taken away from him because he allows toxic situations is also horrid. Again though, it's up to the man to decide what/who he will sacrifice.
No, actually I'm not. Never
No, actually I'm not. Never will be. I met SO while he has custody of 2 skids, with one skid moved to another state by BM2 due to crazy ex wife. I don't have severe issues with skids, I have issues with what ex wife does to SO. So does BM2. If you want to get into technicalities, every man who has children with another woman and allows ex wife to ruin his life, also allows her to ruin the new child's life. Again I ask, which child is "more important"? Who do you sacrifice? It's never an easy choice, at least I don't imagine it to be. In my SO's case, I don't involve myself in the crazy. That's why thus far, ex wife hasn't gotten crazy with me. I don't engage with her at all. But it kills me to see the damage being done to skids. We are already at this side of the mountain. But I do believe that if this were to have to be redone, SO would have made a very different choice. SS14 and SS9 have a lot of issues behind all the court dragging process, the fact that they have to go to therapy every week, their mom constantly telling them crap. It would have probably been easier on them if SO would have stayed with BM2. The thing is, ex wife figured out that SO would not allow her to "neglect" skids and used them as weapons to make his life hell. Had he just handled the situation differently, or maybe even walked away once she brainwashed SS9 who was 5 at the time to say that BM2's son (who was also 5) molest him and write a false 2 page paper about that, then he should have seen just how far she would go to damage skids. Sorry to say it but first two skids are damaged. Sometimes I think beyond repair. They don't perform well in school, have a poor sense of boundaries, are made to go to therapy session after therapy session mandated by court and in the end still love and want to see their mother. SS9 confides in me and tells me he misses her. It's pretty sad.
If it weren't for the fact that SO has a union, he wouldn't have been able to afford lawyers. So he's lucky in that sense. However, because he is a man, he gets stuck often with the shitty end of the law. Like getting arrested on a constant basis because she's nuts. Nothing to found these allegations, but in NYC they must be followed up just the same. So he goes to jail sporadically. How do you think this affects skids? Do you think that SO would do this to her or would have done this to her? They would have been better off.
I say it again, I think SO should have let her act as crazy as she wanted and not reacted when she did things to deliberately fire him up. Like send skids to him with dirty clothing, broken sneakers and filled them up with lies to tell. Like telling them things to treat BM2 and SS4 like crap. He should have drawn the line then. I think that when she convinced SS at 5 years old that he was indeed molested by BM2's 5 year old, he should have walked away, left with BM2. But he didn't. Now there is a 4 year old child living in another state growing up without a father...essentially because ex wife pretty much knew what she was doing and made sure she had SO's attention where she wanted it be: the first 2 skids.
Of course, had he left with BM2, I would have never met and fell in love with him, so for my own selfish reasons I will say that I'm glad they didn't end up together.
It's not about new wife wanting an easier life, it's about doing what's right for the family as a whole. SS4 only gets to see his dad once a year for a couple of weeks, is that fair to him? Is he not as legitimate as the first two because....he wasn't born first? You can say what you want, fact remains there is another little person out there who needs a dad, but doesn't have one because dad was too busy saving the first two, who apparently didn't even want to be saved (according to what both skids and BM2 told me). I know that he probably won't admit it, but he regrets making that decision because now he knows what he didn't know then. That even though he has custody, the shitstorm never stops. She won't let it. Sometimes you have to cut off a limb or two to save the tree. You may not agree with it, but then again, you don't live it. I don't take away from the fact that there are indeed cases where new wife wants it easier, and encourages SO to leave skids and SO's who do it for that reason or any reason that makes their life "too difficult" are selfish.
Hypothetical question
Hypothetical question here-say the dad pays child support and has about 1000 dollars left at the end of the month. He has to pay rent and eat with that 1000 dollars-so how exactly is he supposed to pay that attorney?
And don't give me that bullshit about legal aid and payment plans. Those kinds of court fights cost tens of thousands of dollars, so where is he supposed to get it? I mean, you well meaning people out there that think Dad won't sacrifice could maybe start a fund or something.
You know, anything for the children. Let me know when you get it set up. I have some dads to send your way.
I do agree that in some
I do agree that in some situations the child is better off when one parent walks away, in that they can't be used as a pawn anymore.
I think most of these kids will likely end up in therapy either way. In your particular situation, I can understand why sks would be hurt that dh adopted and is taking care of kids that have no biological ties to them full time. I can see many a bitter bm using that as pas material instead of welcoming these people into her kids lives as more people who love them. Some men are just assholes who walk away and some try but are fought by bm. And I can see how the sks would get jealous over that, feel displaced and how that could feed into bms pas in their minds.
Sometimes people need space to figure things out on their own. As in, "I might not agree with all the decisions dad made but at least he tried to continue to be there for me" and "Dad's not perfect but he's no villain." Sometimes dads should give these kids space, let them know they love them and are ready to talk things out when the kids are.
Everyone's situation is
Everyone's situation is different. In SO's case, his ex wife went nuts after he moved on with BM2. So nuts in fact, that she did a bunch of stuff. Like pretend to be pregnant, accuse BM2 and her child from a previous relationship of child molestation (actually she convinced SS9 who was 5 at the time to say that), and created false memories in OSS and SS9's heads. Things like, "remember when Daddy was mean to us". PAS'ed the crap out of them. These kids now have so many issues, that sometimes I think they are beyond repair. Ex wife eventually lost custody and BM2 ended up leaving because there was too much anger, hurt, and newness over SO having custody of skids. She left with SS4 who was then 1.5 years old. So now, though SO didn't walk away from SS14 and SS9, there is still a child out there being raised without him. Who gets to determine which child is more special than the other? Does the 4 year old not deserve him as much because his mom isn't a crazy bitch?
To top it off, I myself have gotten to witness how crazy ex wife is. She has yet to start with me personally but this year alone she had SO locked up twice for saying that he is harassing her even though they have stopped talking since like last year. Over here, the police just automatically make the arrest "just in case". SO's job is in jeopardy, his emotional well being suffers. All because she cannot take that he is pursuing incarceration for her because she refuses to pay CS. Mind you, when she had custody, he paid her 300 weekly, but apparently, she is never working so she can't pay the 100 bucks she is mandated to pay weekly for the boys. Doesn't do much else for them either. It seems like the only thing she does have is a seething hatred for SO. Which is confusing because I saw Facebook and email messages where she basically starts telling him she loves and misses him after BM2 left, and he had to put her in her place telling her she is disrespecting his relationship (he was still trying to make it work with BM2).
In most situations, just because something is difficult, I wouldn't accept someone walking away. However, in SO's situation, I have even told him he should have walked away. It's so crazy that in the CO it states neither can move within 25 miles of their home. Again, what makes one child more special than the other? We are having our first child together, why can't we move to a bigger space? Because some ex wife can't get over the fact that ex H moved on?
It's gotten to the point where SO is beginning to realize that it seems like the cycle may repeat again, where he will be without one of his other children, as well as unhappy if he doesn't start making decisions that make more sense for him. He could lose his job, his freedom, and at the end the same kids he continues to fight for all because the person he married turned crazy.
And I don't say that lightly. The newest things occurring are that ex wife is no longer allowed to see skids unless its supervised visitation, which they suspended for now because she is supposed to get a psych evaluation which she keeps putting off. The court will not allow the visits to continue, not even unsupervised until she takes herself to a psychiatrist. Whether or not she's nuts, the police still have to follow protocol and make an arrest if she continues making allegations. I already told SO that I will not put myself, our unborn child, or my career at stake for his kids so if he is ever convicted, they will most likely have to go into the system. I'm not going to deal with her potentially turning her wrath on me.
Tell me again how he should continue to self sacrifice until he has nothing left. I think its bullshit and for the sake of my own child, now I will always definitely push him to find his happiness. If that means losing custody of first two skids, so be it. I told him that I will not put our child through seeing her dad get locked up because crazy ex wife is pissed that he has moved on. I didn't give him an ultimatum, I told him that I would not keep him from our daughter because coming from a single parent household, I know that I want my daughter to have what I didn't have and I think he is an amazing father. Guess what? He decided to hell with the CO, we're moving, and whatever consequences that brings, so be it. He didn't come to that decision lightly, but this is real life. The skids are old enough to understand what is going on. The other kids, SO, or whatever woman SO is with should not have to suffer because his ex wife is a certifiable bitch.
All of our situations and
All of our situations and experiences are different. The exact details and extremes vary, so we cannot judge what someone else does based on our own situation, experience, and emotions.
For those who say you would leave your husband if he was at the end of his rope and made that choice, I hope you never have to eat those words. When all has been exhausted, to the point of giving up because nothing is working, why not hold the high conflict BM accountable? Why would you leave your husband, if you knew he had done all he could?
This isn't the movies. There is not an endless supply of money, or employers who are willing to give endless days off to go to court, or lawyers who show up on the doorstep, ready to fight pro bono for the cause. People have jobs to go to, bills to pay, other things in life to tend to, like their emotional and physical health.
It is incredibly naive to think that there is NEVER an acceptable reason for walking away.
I forgot to add that part.
I forgot to add that part. How the court mandated skids to go to therapy weekly, how they think going to therapy is the norm. How many days of SO's life are taken by going to court by trying to undo what she does. You're right, there aren't many employers who are so understanding, there isn't an unlimited resource of money, and spending your days off in court sucks. Watching someone you love go through this sucks. I compared it once to having a gangrenous foot. You love your foot, you want your body to be whole. But if cutting off the foot makes sense in order for you to survive, why not do it? You won't be "whole" and it will hurt, and it's an adjustment, but a necessary one. Cut off the limb to save the tree so to speak.
No, 2nd wife should
No, 2nd wife should understand that should she ever turn psycho, the man should walk away from her too if she tries to use skids as a weapon against him. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
She'll be fine cause you
She'll be fine cause you know, karma is never a bitch.
Its interesting reading all
Its interesting reading all the varied views on this subject. So many people are writing very black or white on the issue.
Each situation is unique, there is no black or white answer is all I got. At times, you need to let go, other times you need to fight till the end, and sometimes both answers make the situation worse.
Sometimes there is no answer.
Unfortunately, abandonment
Unfortunately, abandonment issues and feeling unloved are not special for CODs. Lots of kids have a parent who died, who got sick, who was abusive, who had addiction issues, who had a job that required working out of town a lot... I mean, who ever said life is like the movies, or life is fair, or a good life has no suffering? How immature is that?
I'm not knocking the OP's post, even though maybe it sounds like that. What I'm hoping to communicate is to say - look, even though you're an adult, carrying around childhood hurts like they matter now like they did then, you need to be able to see that not everyone has the same experiences as you. The development of rational thought suggests that after learning the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), we can actually go beyond the ability to imagine that others wants and dreams and hopes are equal to yours and matter as much to them... but that THEIR wants and dreams and hopes are not necessarily mine.
In general, I think that when parents split up, the kid becomes a pawn. A good parent minimizes that.