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Christmas Eve

Keepsmiling's picture

My family has always celebrated the Feast of the Seven Fishes. Since dh and I have been together (8 yrs married and together 1 yr before we married) we have invited ysd to join us. She always refused for various reasons = she did not want to be part of my family. And that's ok in my book. Now, she announced that she, hubby and baby will be attending. I am livid. This is the same sd that did not have anything to do with us for 2 years. Now she wants to be part of my family. Hell No! My comment to dh was she has not been invited. He is furious with me and said she is trying to be part of the family. I feel dh is letting her call the shots again. I say no she is not invited. His answer she's my daughter. I know my adult kids will not fall all over her; and dh will spend the whole time kissing her butt. It's my family tradition why does dh want her to be part of it? Feeling really sad now.


WTF...REALLY's picture

Let her come. Maybe, just maybe she is seeing life differently since having a baby. Give her this chance. Be kind to her when she is there and see if a new leaf can be turned over.

worth a shot for your hubby and his grandchild.

StepLady's picture

It is not only your husband and sd's Christmas, it is your holiday as well. Spend it with your hubby and let him come up with an excuse if you would like. It is not her day it is everyone's. It is a while away maybe as it gets closer he can make a plan on what time he will visit her etc and just not have an any opening for that dinner in the conversation?

Keepsmiling's picture

Yes Christmas eve is in our home. I do some of the cooking; but each of my adult kids prepare one of the fish dshes we serve. Not only is it Christmas eve; but hubby,birthday as well. My obs buys dh a birthday cake. All these years she would not attend. Two years she did not even answer the phone call or emails. She sent dh an email stating she wanted no contact with us.

Keepsmiling's picture

Yes Christmas eve is in our home. I do some of the cooking; but each of my adult kids prepare one of the fish dshes we serve. Not only is it Christmas eve; but hubby,birthday as well. My obs buys dh a birthday cake. All these years she would not attend. Two years use did not even answer th phone call or emails. She sent dh an email stating she wanted no contact with us.

Keepsmiling's picture

DH finally resolved the Christmas eve dinner problem with ysd. DH told her it wouldn't work for them to come to Christmas eve dinner. They can come Christmas day, the week before or after. Dh told her it would be better come on Christmas day with his family. She decide to come Christmas day to her Aunt's house (dh's sister) My sil and mil are not happy she is coming. They both feel why now? I can deal with it because it is not my family tradition.