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OSD Rant

Keepsmiling's picture

OSD, 39 has been living with us for over a year. She lost her job due to gambling problems When she lost her job; she also lost her cell phone.(work cell phone). So, I told her ok I would add her to our plan; but, she was paying her share of the phone bill, internet, and tv. It came out to $100.00 per month. She pays nothing else to live her. Part of the agreement was that I would not have to hound her for her share; and she was to go to GA meetings. She has only attended a couple of GA meetings and that was last summer. She is 2 months behind on her phone bill with August due now. Yesterday I confronted her (her dad was sitting there) She started to cry. I felt she was trying to manipulate me. She can afford the $100.00. If you can get a pedicure, your nails done and your hair dyed professionally and plan to go away for labor day weekend with your boyfriend then you can keep your commitments. I reiterated the agreement; she had no defense because it was the truth. She did pay the money. I have told dh that I don't agree with letting her slide with not going to meetings or paying what she owes me. He is so soft. Again, I guess he feels guilty. I don't feel guilty. She has a mother who does nothing. Same ole same ole. I can say one thing with conviction; if she gambles again she is out of our house. I don't see changes in her behavior and I feel she will gamble again. By the way, I have spent years in Alanon. I know from experience if behaviors do not change the addiction will rear it's ugly head again.


lily11's picture

She is 39 years old?? She needs to get out of the house now! She is using and manipulating you guys!

I would cut her phone and everything completely off. That has got to stop!

She is not going to change her behavior. Why should she have to? Everything she needs is being given to her.

hereiam's picture

Thirty-nine? Just no.

Does she currently have another job? How does she afford pedicures and hair dyes? Take her off of your phone plan.

Time to give her a move out date. How serious is she with the BF? Maybe it's time to shack up.

Your DH feels guilty? Seriously, the woman in THIRTY-NINE.

Shaman29's picture

Go read stepdown's blogs.

Her addiction is not a battle you or your H can fight for her. $100 a month and she's getting pedis, manis and going on trips. INCREASE HER FRIGGING RENT. Unless of course she doesn't use electricity, or water, or eat, or use the toiletries.

It costs you more than $100 a month to house this person. She is getting a freak frigging ride.

Increase her rent to $500 a month, due and payable on the 1st of each month. Failure to pay results in a 30 day eviction notice.

Keepsmiling's picture

Actually, I am so mad at myself. A couple of years ago I let her pull me in big time. I lent her money and finally told she didn't have to pay it back. But, I did not want to hear poor OSD my daddy was not there for me. Then I find out she is making almost 100K a year and gambling it all away. And I let her manipulate me again. I think she has been lying to both of us the whole time she's been here. Sorry, for ranting and raving.

Shaman29's picture

She's manipulating you now by not honoring your agreement of attending GA meetings. She's only gone to a few in the last year. Which means she doesn't feel she has a problem, or at least one that needs to be fixed.

She's living off of you and your H nearly free of charge. No responsibilities to worry about.

Personally, I would increase the rent tout de suite or present her with a 30 day eviction notice.

Polly Esther's picture

She has had over a year to get herself together. What would happen with your husband if you circled October 1st on the calendar and told her that was her move out date? Can't she live with her boyfriend ?