What to think of this?
DH's 3rd GB was born Monday night??? I was being nosey on DH's phone yesterday morning (skid nosey, that is the only reason I check his phone) and noticed that OSD sent him a pic of her baby. "Your grandaughter.....".
Thankfully she had the baby early as she was due close to our wedding anniversary... much prefer to keep those dates seperate.
Anyways, DH has not mentioned it to me at all.
Is it possible that he has finally grasped that I just dont give a crap about his kids???? And all the kids they are having. (this is OSD's second kid in 13 months.) Is it possible that I never have to hear another story about them????
Okay Okay I know its too early to bust out the wine and celebrate... but still... is this progress?
I really dont have anything wrong with the grandbabies... but any story about a GB usually leads into a skid story.
On a side note- Ugh she gave the baby a "cute" name that is kind of popular right now but JACKED UP the spelling. And then gave her 2 middle names, one being a long one. WHHHHYYYY???
- zerostepdrama's blog
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I think that you shouldn't
I think that you shouldn't look on his phone for info about the skids. You say you dont care so you should just not look. Then you wouldn't see that she gave her baby a jacked up name.
I think you do care at least a little, all of us do in some form or fashion. I sometimes wish I didn't
I only look to make sure that
I only look to make sure that he doesnt make plans for them to come over, etc and then I am caught off guard. DH doesnt communicate anything with me when it comes to the skids.
As far as the name- I knew about it way before. When she found out she was having a girl she tagged DH in a FB post with her name.
That makes sense.
That makes sense.
I swear I have a Spidey
I swear I have a Spidey sense. It's like I know SOMETHING is going on. Sometimes its just "Hey can I borrow $5", sometimes it's "Hey can you buy mw new shoes" but then sometimes it's "Daaaddddyyy I need a place to stay." When I get the feeling, I check the phone and there is usually something there. LOL
Can you send me some of it?
Can you send me some of it? I'm usually hit by the crap but SDs are 11 and 8.
I'm waiting for this weekends fallout. Ugh!
I too will sometimes check my
I too will sometimes check my DH's text messages since he is known to hand out $ to OSD. And like you, when she popped out her spawn she text a pic to my hubby and he had said nothing until a couple days later (telling me he was going to see it (OSD))
I wish I had Spidey sense, but I find mine only goes off when dealing with my ex. Now if only I could master the crystal ball.....
The 'creative' spelling has
The 'creative' spelling has been the 'in thing' for quite some time now. Poor kiddo. She'll go through life with a cutesy name that 5 other girls in her school classroom will have and no one will ever pronounce her middle name correctly (yawn).
IMO and FWIW the name is a
IMO and FWIW the name is a pretty name and there are so many pretty ways she could have spelled it.
Sent you a PM
Sent you a PM
Hate the "creative spelling"
Hate the "creative spelling" craze right now and the weird name craze, always done by people who have normal names. My niece named her first child the same name as a vegetable, no kidding. Spelled the name differently, but you can't change how it sounds. Why?
You're not far off!
You're not far off!
OSD and MSD both have
OSD and MSD both have "Creative" name spellings. Honestly MSD name sounds like a stripper name. LOL.
Cael (Kale)?
Cael (Kale)?
This was MY life! I have a
This was MY life! I have a VERY popular name from the 70s and 80s. When I was in PreK there were FOUR other girls with the same name. So one girl was "full name", three girls were "shortened variation of name" and (I guess because I was the smallest?) I was "Peanut". I HATED it!
I put a TON of thought into BS4 name.. didn't want anything that he could be picked on (Dick, Harry, etc) and didn't want anything that was super popular. So I was PISSED when he went to daycare for the first time and low and behold there was another boy there with the same name! lol So BS4 became "Little BS4" and other boy was "bigbs4"
I saw a funny on Pinterest
I saw a funny on Pinterest yesterday that said "Sorry, I mispronounced your kids name that you made up"
I'm not surprised. He rarely
I'm not surprised. He rarely communicates with me about the skids- good or bad. Even before the big "falling out".
I know OSD the least. When she did live in our state and before the falling out, she was rarely around. She was always invited to our family outings but never came. I figured it was because she was 18 and graduated and wanted to run the streets.
When we all had the first big falling out, she tried to engage DH more all of a sudden. Like NOW she wanted to do stuff with him.
Since she moved away, I think they have talked maybe 4 times in the past year and half.
The last time she was in town, she waited till the last day to make an effort to see DH.
The time before that she did come over for a quick visit. She was suppose to come back the next day for dinner with her DH, BS and her skids. So DH and I re-arranged our whole schedule and then she didnt even come over or even call, text, nothing.
I think she is the most PAS'd by BM.
I work for a city hospital.
I work for a city hospital. Some of these names are ridiculous. The most messed up spelling I found was for Michael, some people spell it Micheal. I tried both spellings and still couldn't find her kid in the system. She got all pissy with me saying I was probably spelling it wrong. It was M-Y-K-K-U-L
What does that even say?
What does that even say?
I can't. I still can't read
I can't. I still can't read it. LOL. I thought I was smart...
LOL! OMG Yeah I wasnt even
LOL! OMG Yeah I wasnt even thinking that it could even be that!
Thank you thank you... total
Thank you thank you... total blonde moment... but I am not blonde.... LOL
LOL! Shithead! Shithead!
Shithead! Shithead!
You win. That even beats
You win. That even beats airwrecka (Erica) and UrHyness
Here's a few classics that
Here's a few classics that can't be forgotten in my past 15 years in a city school district
Laybiah (a MALE no less)
you can't make this shit up. someone in the hospital needs to slap these people upside the head and refuse to let those poor babies leave with names like this.
So I just walked down the hall where the Head start PreK is in my building and these are some of the names I saw on the wall.... Kalib, Jenayziah, Izeriyah... OMG Yet drive 30 miles south to the small town that I live in and all 18 kids in BS4 PreK class have normal every day names spelled PROPERLY! Go figure?? :?
I had to call the mother and
I had to call the mother and try to set up tutoring... thankfully, if I remember correctly the number was disconnected, and I dodged the bullet.
I DO remember calling the guidance counselor though to make sure she was not pulling my leg with the name and checking to see if we were talking about a boy or a girl. LOL
My friend's son in law,
My friend's son in law, who's a cop, pulled over a "Shitead". He said to the guy, "I hate to tell you, but your name is Shit Head"! LOLS
Someone I know just had a
Someone I know just had a little boy and name him Jackson spelled jaixen. It gives me a headache each time I see it.
This is a true story.... My
This is a true story.... My BFF is a teacher, a few years ago she got a student in her class named La-a. How do you pronounce that? is it La ah, laa, what is it? Wait for it...... It is pronounced Ladasha. That's right, the dash is not silent. WTF
Ding ding ding!!! We have a
Ding ding ding!!! We have a new winner!!! :jawdrop:
That LaDasha story (along
That LaDasha story (along with the "jello" names)pops up on a disney vacation I belong to so often, that I believe it's an urban legend.
I don't mind unique, names or missing around with the spelling to a certain degree. The ones that bother me are the impossible ones.
Dennys(like the restaurant) pronounced Dennis.
Genesis(the first book of the Bible) pronounced Hennessey (like the the drink)
Your Majesty(a boy)
Madam (his older sister)
I once had a student named AT TA NIECE SEE. It wasn't spelled this way, but this is how it was pronounced. I remember the poor kid's name was spelled with a bunch of As, Es and Hs. The letter combination made no.sense whatsoever. has a bunch of
The jello things real. I've
The jello things real. I've seen it. I'm in healthcare and no shit...twins. One was O'ranjello and Le'monjello. I couldn't say the names without stifling giggles.
Ugh. Champaign...that and all
Ugh. Champaign...that and all the Mercedes in the world.
*lol* I will TOTALLY jump on
I think it's moderately hysterical that I went with very traditional names, and my BS5 is the only "BS5 name" in his class. (Meanwhile there's an Aiden and an Aeden, two Belle's, and 3 variations on Jackson.)
MoniKa Moniica Manika LOLOL
Someone I knew in HS (and who
Someone I knew in HS (and who had her first child at 18 or so) named all her kids after booze. On purpose. *sigh*
My story is similar to
My story is similar to AllySkoo. I come from a family of 16...all same mom & dad, all single births and we all begin with the same letter.
My mom named the first 5 and my dad and paternal GM insisted that they pick the next name which happened to be me. While my older siblings all had "normal" names, my name was an unusual one. To make matters worse, once my mom found out where my dad had heard my name, she is the one who insisted on changing the spelling. My name is the name my dad's secretary had at the time and my mom was very insecure.
Interestingly enough, my name is a lot more popular now, not super popular but still...there's only 5 other people with my spelling on FB.
I too opted for more traditional names with my kids and for the most part they were the only ones in their class with their name.
My sister and BIL gave their
My sister and BIL gave their kids Swahili names that all begin with A.
Nope, we're African-American.
Nope, we're African-American. My son has an African name as well. It was very unique when we lived in NC. That changed once we moved back to NYC.
I have also seen
I have also seen Nikalus....
I thought Yura and Ima Hogg was an urban legend. LOL.
If either of out daughters
If either of out daughters were born on Tuesday, we were going to name them that. Lynrd Skynard was HUGE when we were young and we both love the song "Tuesday's Gone".Edit: but NOT spell it "Toosdai" lol
I have to admit.... BS's
I have to admit....
BS's first name rhymes with my maiden name. BS has his dad's last name, but because we were never married, I obviously had my maiden name.
People always assumed that BS had a rhyming first/last name. I think people assumed that we were married. Or if they met my for the first time and read my last name and then asked about kids, etc.
I NEVER in a million years guessed that it would be something I would have to explain- no that isnt his last name, he has his Dad's.
Ex had always wanted the name, it's a nice name, not too common but not uncommon. I guess in the beginning I thought that we might get married and it wouldnt be a big deal.
One of the reasons I was so happy when I got married to DH is that my last name changed and I wouldnt have to explain BS's name anymore. LOL
***Side note- I just ASSUMED people wouldnt think I gave my BS a rhyming name. That is is common for unmarried moms to give their kids their dad's last night. I was so naive. LOL
I gave my kid a pretty
I gave my kid a pretty traditional name with a traditional spelling. But, turns out, it's hard to pronounce AND spell in the country we live in now, and even when I was back visiting in my home country, a couple of people weren't sure on the pronounciation.
Yet, tons of other people both here and back home recognized and loved the name.
So weird.
This was such an entertaining
This was such an entertaining thread. I read somewhere that employers favor traditional, boring names. Apparently if you want to get hired the best name to have is 'Emily.' Emily came first. Names that are associated with ethnic minorities are also unpopular with employers. 'Joe' is much better than 'Juan.'
Bm1 has a friend whose son's
Bm1 has a friend whose son's name is Trey-sean, but it is spelled Trashon. She gets very pissed if it is pronounced that way! But said she spelled it that to be unique since there are too many Treysean's around her. If there are too many then why use the name? My ex wanted to name my dd Tiffany. That is not my favorite at all! No offense to anyone with the name but it was just not what I wanted. He would insist that there are no ugly Tiffanys and our dd would be gorgeous with a name like Tiffany.