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All she does is sleep all day

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

So the SDs are going back to BM's house tomorrow. Yay! I have been counting down the days. Not that the kids were bad. I am just ready for the routine of the school year to start. However, BM has decided to start her crap early. Apparently, she spoke to SD10 on the phone today. And, she asked SD10 where Completely was. SD10 told her the truth that I was upstairs sleeping. Well about 2 hours later, DH gets the following email:

"I am concerned about the example Completely is being on the girls. All she does is sleep all day. I am trying to break the girls of this habit. Plus, I know you work from home, but you aren't able to watch them closely enough. She should be up with the kids or they shouldn't stay with you any longer. How am I supposed to break the kids of sleeping in when they see their SM doing it? I just don't get it. Why did you get with someone who does nothing but lay around and sleep?"

Obviously, I didn't respond to BM. But if I could, here is what I would say.

WTH? Really BM? I am the bad example. You are the baby making machine who hasn't held a job in 10 year since you started cranking out kids! I sleep all day so I can work at night. I have a job. Do you remember what that is? It's that thing I do that helps to ensure that your girls are taken care of. And it also enables DH to pay you 30% of his wages to sit on your lazy ass. And, as far as the girls sleeping all the time, DH broke them of that habit. It's called going to bed at a decent time. It's amazing. The girls sleep all night and don't sleep during the day. And DH works from the living room downstairs. They are in his view at all times. Ugh! I really hate you. But you day is coming. SD10 is already starting to see through your crap. In a few more years, you won't be able to hide the truth from her. You are an awful mother and a shitty human being. She is already starting to find those things out. You should try doing a better job of faking it.


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

My ex did respond. He kept his response short and simple, "BM, what goes on in our house is none of your business. Before you start throwing stones, you should think about what is going on in your own glass house. Remember the girls tell us things too."

He didn't get a response from her after that.

Willow2010's picture

WOW!! I would be ticked also! He should shut this down ASAP....

Dear EX stupid....
I will only address this once and will delete anything like this again before reading it all the way through.

SM sleeps because she works nights. Never ever think you have any power in OUR house to tell me how my wife should be or what she should, or should not, be doing. I could care less what you think, but it amazes me to think you have some type of magical power here in our house.

Again, I stress to you...NEVER contact me about something like this again.

hereiam's picture

Oh, I would be livid. And she would definitely be getting an email from DH (whether he writes one or not) putting her in her place.

Don't you just love it when people when like that get all high and mighty? Knock that bitch down a peg or two...or four.

She is concerned about the example YOU are setting for her kids? Hilarious.

I am so pissed for you.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Oh please, these dumb bitches swear they can run shit in our homes and they use the Skids as the messengers. I am incredibly confrontational and I would have picked up the phone and told that C U Next Tuesday off. "Excuse me Miss, be happy that I don't take sleeping pills so I can be completely oblivious to your Aliens running around MY home. Mind your fucking business and the next time you poke your nose in our affairs I'm coming over to YOUR house to shove the phone up your ass." Smile

misSTEP's picture

"I am concerned about the example YOU are being on the girls. All you do is bitch all day. I am trying to break the girls of this habit. Plus, I know you pump out kids left and right so you aren't able to watch them closely enough. YOU should quit having kids until you get a job and pay for your portion of their upbringing. How am I supposed to teach the kids how to be non-sluts when they see their BM doing it? I just don't get it. Why did I ever get with someone who does nothing but lay around and procreate?"