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letting it out

rainbow bright83's picture

I've noticed that when I talk to my bff or my mother I get the awkward oh, hmmm, or the well..... when I try and vent to them about my feelings in regards to my life with DH and Skids. I disengage, tell people I don't want to hear about the Skids.(mostly the SD18) but SD18 ends up weaseling her way into DH life and I hear about her one way or another. Its so hard for me to really talk to them, they only have the "stories" I tell them. They have not experienced the HELL that comes with marrying a guy who has baggage and wont deal with toxic behavior from by Skids. They don't understand the frustration felt when Skid is caught lying/stealing and DH does the "you know better/ its because she had a f'ed up childhood because of BM" All of the fights that have been had, the resentment harbored by both parents living this nightmare. I always hear the snide comments muttered by DH in regards to his "little girls" either directed at me or to his side of the family as an excuse as to why I'm not there at said event.
It's hard to be in a sense hated. And its hard to not feel betrayed by the man I married! I feel like my opinion/say/feelings don't matter when it comes to me. When the Skids are brought up, its usually ends with DH screaming something about how much I hate them. But he doesn't ever truly hear the WHY! Its not like one day I woke up and said "hey, you know what? I think I'm just going to start hating the Skids" Its like all shit I've endured because of those kids should be forgotten. Um...NO!
Each one of those girls have done something very hurtful to my children. It is my job to protect them. I know my DH wont, at least from his girls. (im not talking little things, these are major issues that DH wont accept have happened)
My DH is a SF to my BS10. Never would my DH let my son get away with half the crap his kids have. My DH and I truly co-parent my BS10. I was never allowed a say with the Skids.(which was a huge issue for me)
I know this will truly never end. Its not like one day i'll wake up and the Skids will be long gone (not when DH gives them anything and everything). It's just so draining. I think to myself, gosh if only I knew... I would have never married this man. At times I almost feel like I was tricked. Hell for the fist 4-5 months I didn't even know my DH had full custody and the Skids lived with him! they were always at a grandparents house. (DH gave up full custody when I kicked the Skids out)
feeling very UGH at the moment, its a very emotional issue.....


rainbow bright83's picture

I only have SDs, but because of them I have learned how vile young girls can be, especially when molded by their BM.

rainbow bright83's picture

whats funny is that SD13 had been sexually molested by a cousin who was being raised by MIL, and because he was sent to a mental hospital as part of a plea deal (he is mentally retarded but was proven to know right from wrong) They despise her so they don't fault me for not liking her. But the SD18 who brought needles and random guys to my house while watching my children, or the fact that she steals whatever she can; well, how dare I not kiss this girls ass?!?
I think the frustration and resentment are the worst!!! ugh....

rainbow bright83's picture

No I kicked them out when I suspected the younger one of being inappropriate will my BS who was 3 at the time. a few years later she was molested and then was seen molesting a kindergartener in the school bathroom. Both girls are not allowed in my house and are not allowed to be around my children unless I am present. You see my DH had a bad habit of sneaking his youngest over when I kicked her out after my BS had voiced what she had been doing to him and other children. And yes I flipped shit and told him that I would call the cops if he ever did that again since I protect my kids and he doesn't seem to want to see what his bio kid was doing.

rainbow bright83's picture

I agree with you. When I was first dating my DH she would say sexual things and she was only 4yrs old! Plus, my BIL left the mentally retarded boy who was 16yrs? (I think) alone with 8 young (6months old to 12yrs old) kids after they had been letting him drink. So who really knows what happened that night, but I do think that she was inappropriate all on her own way before this incident.

rainbow bright83's picture

I know! This is the Hell I have been living with for over 5 years! Can you imagine having to be on alert whenever they are around? It's very tiring. And the fact that my DH and MIL and everyone else in my DH family turns a blind eye to it. Its almost like "if you don't talk about it, it never happened" scenario. like I said frustration and resentment.