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As requested - stupid sh!t my a-hole hubs says

overworkedmom's picture

Sitting in the living room tonight AHH tells me that ss has been recommended for summer school again. Great I said, it is good for him to stay active in school. Then AHH told me ss told his teacher we are getting divorced. He said that the teacher was just gushing about what a sweet boy he is and how he is just a total joy.... :?

I asked if this was the same teacher who filled out all the behavior reports. He said yes, but she gets how wonderful he is.

I said right up until he decides to try and punch her or throw a chair through her window!

AHH's response: he only tries to punch you. What does that say about you!?!

I am soooooo glad I am almost out of here. I laughed and went back to my book. You can't reason with crazy people!


luchay's picture

AHH's response: he only tries to punch you. What does that say about you!?!

Oh yes. The old "it's all YOUR fault" routine...

My version of that was EVERYONE ELSE loves SD, you are the only person she calls a whore, therefore YOU must be the problem as she never acts that way to anyone else! EVERYONE ELSE RAVES about how sweet and kind she is and what perfect manners she has!!!!

Ummmmm - I am the only person she calls a whore because you and her mother would go batshit crazy on her arse if she said it to anyone else, but her mother ENCOURAGES her to say shit like that to me, and YOU allow it by doing nothing when it happens...

Willow2010's picture

BAHAHA! I never figured this out until my DD became a teacher.

SS was a complete terror in school. Detentions, in school suspensions, total suspensions ect. But the teachers still usually said something really positive about SS each and every time. BM and DH would always latch on to that one comment and run with it. DD told me that teachers are trained to say something positive even about the terrible kids. It is the only way to keep the bio parents from getting butt hurt and going off on the teacher. Crazy!