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Keeping supplies for skids at your home

Newstep's picture

Kinda a spin off from katielee's pad post Smile

Do you buy whatever type of shampoo, conditioner, razors etc that your skids request? Sometimes SD requests certain things and I will oblige but nothing too expensive.

I keep all these things on hand because I hate to run out. I have been noticing it is all disappearing really quick. Well duh on me SD has been taking it to her BM"s house. I guess she keeps them supplied in toiletries from our supply cupboard. Just pisses me off to NO END!!!! SO pays an outrageous amount of CS every month so BM can buy her own shampoo etc.

The reason I started paying attention was because she requested a certain type of conditioning spray. I didn't have a problem buying it but when I went to put the extra away (I bought 2) my shampoo conditioner supply was empty!!!! I just stocked up the last week she was here so no way did 2 bottles each of shampoo/ conditioner get used up by me. So either it grew legs and walked out or she smuggled it out in her backpack. I bring it up to SO and he says whats the big deal its just shampoo. Pisses me off even more. I am mad that I went out of my way on my way home from work to get her the spray she wanted. It is something I would have done for my bios so it didn't even phase me but to find out she is taking advantage just pisses me off!!!!

Now it just makes me mad because I don't even want to do anything for her at all!!!! I also kinda feel bad for her because I know her mom won't buy her anything and she is 15 and needs the stuff but why be so freaking sneaky about it!!!

Just had to vent because I am not sure how to handle it. SO doesn't think it is a problem but I think its a big problem. I like to keep things stocked up and I shouldn't have to change my way of being because he won't tell her to stop. If I say anything to her she will lie and it will be a big issue with me accusing her with no proof. Because even if I had video footage of her taking it she will still lie and deny it. Believe me its not a hill I want to die on Blum 3

Just had to get this off my chest Wink


zerostepdrama's picture

No. But the skids dont really come around much since DH and I started living together 2 years ago. They haven't stayed the night in a very long time. Prior when they did stay the night, I did notice that they just brought their own stuff- own shampoo,soap, conditioner, etc.

Before DH and I lived together, I never really noticed special shampoos or anything that I think a teenage girl would want, in the skids bathroom. SS lived with DH, so there were "male" soaps, shampoos etc.

I would have had no problem buying stuff for the skids for when they came to our house, as long as they kept it at our house. And as long as what they were asking for wasnt too expensive. I dont buy super expensive stuff for myself... so I wouldnt buy it for them.

In our spare bathroom, I do keep nice shampoos and soaps, etc for when guests stay and if they forget something.

askYOURdad's picture

My skids are a little younger so (fingers crossed) the "steeling" of supplies hasn't been an issue.

In your case, you said you know BM doesn't buy things for SD. What if you got her a cute little toiletry bag that fit in her backpack and bought her some travel size of her preferred items and let her take them/refill them, that way she isn't steeling the entire bottle but she has what she needs when at BMs?

askYOURdad's picture

I just bought SDs a new "in between" toothpaste it says ages 8+ on it. I guess it's just not as "kid" tasty but not as adult tasty either. I think as long as they don't mind the taste the younger the better. Kids toothpaste has all kinds of added flavor and sugar in it, same with kids mouthwash.

askYOURdad's picture

It's either colgate or crest, but they have an enamel strength toothpaste and I recently saw it in a "kids" form (I think it says 8+ on it) I would definitely try buying that. Also, they make really handy "kids flossers" that are like a little plastic tool that the kids can use to floss and it's much easier to reach everything. I make my kids brush twice a day, floss at least every other day, they don't drink pop but do have juice and occasional candy, one has had two cavities one has had none, I don't get it, I think some people are just more prone than others.

askYOURdad's picture

Gross! I mean, there have been times the kids/skids have fallen asleep watching a movie and didn't brush their teeth, I mean OCASIONALLY, it happens and I'm sure as hell not waking up a sleeping kid to brush their teeth, every day skipping is disgusting!

overworkedmom's picture

My kids switched to adult last year when the boys were 7 and DD was 5. They didn't like the taste of kid toothpaste anymore and were coming in my bathroom every morning sneaking my toothpaste. So I just switched.

Just J's picture

When my stepkids were young and came over EOW I always made sure the bathroom they used had shampoo/body wash/conditioner/etc, but it would just be the whatever brand that was on sale and that I use myself. If SD wanted expensive shampoo or hair products, she needed to bring them herself. I'm a pretty low maintenance, drug store product buying gal so the expensive salon stuff would be on her, I never thought I needed to provide SD with brands more pricey than I used. I would also make sure they always had toothbrushes, but personal items like deodorant or razors I expected them to bring themselves.

Willow2010's picture

I bring it up to SO and he says whats the big deal its just shampoo. Pisses me off even more
Wow...that would piss me off too. That is when you tell him....

"Well I am about to shampoo my hair and since I am out because YOUR kid took the shampoo, YOU need to get off your ass and run down and buy me some right now so I can go about what I was going to do. Thank you DH"

He may think it is a big deal when he has to replenish all of the stuff she takes.

Tuff Noogies's picture

we used to bring toothbrushes and deodorant to mom's for weekends with her, but she'd let us use her shampoo, hairspray, etc. sdad didnt have a say, but we were clean and careful kids so there really wasnt much to complain about.

the boys, when they visited on weekends- we provided individual toiletries, but they used dh's shampoo and body wash. (then again, they never packed anything anyway, not even clothes or underwear, dh was always expected to provide double even tho it started out just eowe.)

now that they live here, it's stayed the same- they've got their own hygiene stuff, but all the guys use the "guy supplies", and i keep my girly stuff in my bedroom.

OP- i'd address it directly with her. she's 15. i wouldnt ask her if she took it, i would just tell her "i just bought that stuff last week and now it's gone. i will be finding a new storage place for my products, but i do expect you to let me know when you are out of your own preferred items, and i'd be happy to make sure i get refills the next time i shop."

twopines's picture

I buy for the house. Both skids had jobs, so if they wanted something different they just bought it themselves. No biggie.

Mercury's picture

My husband used to keep supplies at our house for his kids. It was out of necessity since she sent them over with NOTHING and only the clothes on their backs. Then it all ended up at BMs house: clothes, toiletries, toys. He went shopping every single time they were with him for more than 2 days at a time.

I was actually the first one to catch onto the scam about a year ago. This was back when DH paid double the CS he should be paying, paid for school lunches, and paid for after school care. SD was talking about not having any shoes that fit and no summer clothes. DH wasn't around when she said it. As soon as he got back, I said "what is wrong with a woman who takes $xxxx.xx from YOU every single month and can't even use it on YOUR children the way it is intended to be used." The next time skids came around, they had a new outfits, new shoes, and toiletries with their names on them (snicker) to leave at our place.

Guess BM was ok with just taking from us as often as she could but as soon as it looked like she was not MOTY she shaped up really fast.

DH finally grew a pair and quit giving BM extras whether in the form of money, school supplies, school lunches, clothing, shoes. Anything he gets them now is a gift not a supply. Supplies are covered under CS. Well, I exaggerate. He didn't exactly grow a pair by himself. I set up an appointment with a lawyer who told him what CS covered and not to give her a single dime more than was required by their CO.

askYOURdad's picture

It still makes me cringe to think about all of the freebies and extras BM got before I came along and explained the interworking of CS to DH. Same thing, had him talk to a lawyer who basically said he isn't obligated to do anything above and beyond CS and their basic needs in his care and shouldn't unless he wants to and it benefits the kids/our home.

zerostepdrama's picture

Same here! DH was so dumb!

But it was also a game with the skids.

"oh mom wont buy us any bras and underwear" so DH would go and take them shopping and he would be all proud "Yep I bought them $300 worth of bras and underwear." Like WTH you dont NEED to spend that much.

And these kids did have bras and underwears because they were stealing them from everyone else!

Tuff Noogies's picture

OMG yes the nike products.... who needs 4 pairs of lebron sneakers, and 15 pairs of 38 dollar socks!!!! not to mention all the pro-combat shirts, the dry-fit shirts, the slogan t's, and more shorts than u can wear in two damn weeks. TIMES TWO KIDS.

then..... since he's not athletic, oss' tastes are even more expensive, 'boutique'-type stuff.


Mercury's picture

Did it go something like this for your DH: "You are such a terrible dad, I can't believe you don't want to take care of your children. You left US (yeah, BM and skids are a package deal), the least you can do is PROVIDE for US".

And guilty daddy did whatever it took to shut her up. Until I entered the picture. }:)

askYOURdad's picture

Luckily I don't have a guilty daddy. What it went like for him was

"daddy, we don't have any school shirts, we forgot to bring our school shoes..." ok, let's go get more because that's easier than driving to BMs and having to deal with her.

Or just skids coming over in clothes that looked ridiculous, way to small because BM hadn't done laundry in three weeks. So, DH would take them to the store to get stuff that fit, they would wear it back, rinse and repeat.

And then of course you had the BM- can you pay for half of xyz, also they need xyz to play can you pay for half... now it's wonderful, dh says "I already do"... non issue.

I think for him it didn't really matter at the time because he has never really been good with money or had savings as a priority. Once it was pointed out that every additional penny he spends on BM (I mean the kids) comes directly out of his household and benefits hers. He would get mad that she would take three vacations a year, do the whole big birthday party/xmas Disney parent thing and he didn't have much left... hello, you are paying for that by buying extra school supplies/clothes etc.

Sometimes my DH just needs hit over the head with something to understand lol!

vickimill26's picture

This is one of the things that drives me crazy about the skids. When I first moved in, I didn't care as much. But as time went on, I was buying better stuff for myself. I kept it in our bathroom, the skids have a bathroom upstairs right by their bedrooms. The shower head in their bathroom broke, we didn't want to pay a plumber at the time, so we turned off the shower, and they would take baths. But, if they wanted to shower, DH let them use ours, my toiletries start diminishing quick! One day I found the girls washing their doll's hair with my expensive shampoo/conditioner. I paid the plumber to come and fix the upstairs. DH still allows them to use our bathroom, they think it is cool.

I don't think they ever took any of those things home, but, clothing, different story. We had to start checking their bags as they left. I couldn't believe what they were having us buy, because we didn't have it, then sneaking home, on her say so, BTW. Took us a while to catch on, but after saying for about the 5th time, didn't we just buy that? We figured it out.

Disneyfan's picture

DF purchases what his kids need while they are here. SDs9&6 are pretty easy right now. They just use whatever we have in the house. When SD16 comes for long visits, DF will take her to Target and let her pick out what she wants. I'm sure he'll do the same when the younger two are tween/teens.

tryingmom's picture

LOLOL, how many of our skids actually shower or brush their teeth while in our homes?

I've never had the skids take shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste etc to BMs. I have had to buy them toothbrushes for BM's house because she doesn't seem to understand that they need their own and sharing with BM is just disgusting. :sick: Since SS14 has the beginning stages of the worst acne in history, I've also bought face wash for BM's house for him. He comes to our house with pizza face, I encourage him to wash his face twice a day here and actually wash his pillowcases and its clear before he leaves. Lather, rise, repeat.

ETA: socks and underwear disappear to BM's though.

askYOURdad's picture

Gross! :sick: Which is worse?

Skid with no hygiene?
Skid with overly hygiene- wasteful/uses way too much?
Skid who steels personal items to take to BMs?

DaizyDuke's picture

Ha seriously! My SD16 will go DAYS with no toilet paper in the bathroom that pretty much only she uses. BS4... YES FOUR will go in there and have a cow that there is no toilet paper AGAIN... yet the nasty 16 year old FEMALE doesn't seem bothered by it. BARF Yep never have to worry about hiding TP in my house.

My hair supplies and makeup though? YES! I hide ALL of that stuff not only from SD but from DH as well. Because if DH knows where it is, SD will just ask him and HE'LL hand it right over. Of course nobody tells me so I go to get the extra bottle of conditioner that I KNOW I had and it's gone, or I go to get my next box of tampons and they are gone. Then I'm the one who has to get myself in a tizzy because I have to make a special trip to the store, or go without... Nope. I SHARE NOTHING! DH and only DH is responsible for making sure that SD has tampons, shampoo, soap etc.

StepX2's picture

I have one with horrible hygiene but who also steals...everything! Shampoo, conditioner, razors, etc. No need to worry about toothpaste though because he doesn't brush his teeth...or rather he no longer has any teeth to brush now.

Shaman29's picture

I bought for H and me, or the house (groceries, paper products, etc).

H had to deal with anything the skid needed or wanted. I stopped spending my money on her a long, long, long, long time ago.