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The problem kinda solved itself...

thelaststraw's picture

DW and I decided to stay our hands and let time pass...and it took all of two days before SASS15 and SS10 thought they could act however they damn well please. Well, bless their little hearts - NO ONE is going on vacation. Put that in your pipe and smoke it kiddies!

We had a come to Jesus with the kids and made it abundantly clear that we didn't appreciate anyone's behavior. For SS10, BS, BD and SD16, it sunk in. SASS15 will always be a problem and I am just biding my time.

After all of this, what happens, but BD starts asking about schools in the area and what everyday life is like in our home. Additional context - I had last weekend told BD that my job is to be Dad first and a friend second. So, DW tells me that BD is expressing interest in staying with us once the school year ends.

I have no illusion that BS will want to move in. He likes to be left alone and when he's with Ex, he is left alone. Around us, there's always activity. Not that he can't find solace, it's just busier.

Wish me luck.


thelaststraw's picture

Unfortunately, until SASS15 is old enough to enter the military, I think we are stuck. He simply can't be trusted. He has expressed wanting to live with my mom while he goes to school - but there is no way that is happening.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Is this the same BD that takes info back & forth between houses?
I'd be weary. If I am not mistaken you've said before how she is very much her mother's daughter, so are you ready for the shit storm that having her live with you might bring?

thelaststraw's picture

Believe me, we have learned our lesson and are alert. We were abundantly clear with the kids that we made a mistake talking in front of them about adult stuff. Being one of the more in-tune folks (my delusion, yes, I know) around, I told her very clearly my concerns about her directly to her face and that I will be on the look out.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Exactly how things are in our home. Anything that we do not want the BM to know, is not discussed around the Skids. In turn, whenever we DO want her to know something, we will casually discuss it when they are around.
Good luck and take that solo vacation with your wife and leave all the kids at home!