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Ready to lose my mind on BM....

morethanibargainedfor's picture

We have SD EOW and Thursdays. We try to have her over for dinner or whatever more than that but she always is "sick" or has a "project" or whatever and cant come. Its like pulling teeth to even get her to come Thursdays. BM texted last weekend and said "SD probably doesn't want to stay at your house any longer than she has to so bring her home soon". Shes such a bitch.
Admittedly she has been better lately since she has a new boyfriend. The incessant text messages have calmed down a bit. She used to text horrible things to SO all day and night. You are a deadbeat, you are an asshole, I wish you would just die, SD would be so much better off if she didn't know you, I hate you, you are a waste of space etc....Their agreement is that she gets her child support on the 15th of the month yet every month she asks for it early. He used to give it to her early until I stepped in and said no. She will get it on the 15th like she is supposed to. So now she loses her mind every month when he tells her she can't have it early. She doesn't even use her child support money for SD. She goes on like 4 trips a year, and spends money like it grows in her backyard. In addition to the child support she wants us to give her money all the time for all the "specialist" doctors takes SD too because she's constantly "sick". Does she think we are stupid???? We live in CANADA!!! Health care is free idiot! So we know you are not actually shelling out $1,000 to take her to the doctor. And if you were, NO we would not pay for it. Because there is nothing wrong with her!!! She doesn't need a specialist. What she needs is a kick in the ass!!!!

So as I said, she has calmed down a bit since her new boyfriend, but today she texts and attacks him again and says he's a deadbeat because she cant have her money early and that her boyfriend does so much more for and with SD than he ever has and he's so great and will be a better father to her then he ever was blah blah blah.

SO is about ready to have a heart attack. His health isn't good in the first place. He is stressed beyond belief as he's been dealing with this crap from her for 10 years. He is legit worried about his health and is about to have a breakdown.

I am sooooooo pissed off and not in the mood for her shit and I'm going to lose my mind on her. I am so sick of her making him feel like a deadbeat for no reason! She should be happy that SD has a dad at all! There are so many kids who don't, or who don't see their dad half as much as she sees hers!!!!

These bitches need to be punched out, then maybe they will get it!!


morethanibargainedfor's picture

No. They never went to court when they separated. They had a mediator. So there is no court order in place for anything.

QueenBeau's picture

I think it's time to cut off communication. How old is your SD? If she's of age to have a cell phone herself, that'd be heaven. When SD7 is old enough she will have a cell phone, & DH wont' talk to Bm at all unless it's an emergency. DH & BM don't coparent because BM is so high conflict, so she does her thing when SD is with he r& DH does his thing when SD is here. No need to communicate unless there's an emergency. DH will probably set up a email specifically for BM to email in case of an emergency.

HappilySelfish679's picture

You need to educate yourself how to deal with a high conflict personality and then take that advice, and things get better. The key is - NOT to deal with her at all. Why have you not blocked her from calling, texting, e mailing? Tell her you are using the online calendar she can log on to for appointments, dates and anything that is necessary to communicate. After that, have no more contact with her. ZERO. NADA. None at all. She gets what she is entitled to on the day that she is entitled to and that's it. The brat doesn't want to come over.. hey, good for you. One less mouth to feed, one less fucked up evening. Wish my skids would refuse to come ! You are feeding into her drama crap , are you sure you are not secretly enjoying part of the drama? Good luck !

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Nope. I don't get involved at all. I have never spoken a negative word to her and she doesn't say anything negative to me either. She has a couple times but both times I ignored her and it hasn't happened again. She knows I will not feed into her crap. SO has a hard time with this because he cant help but fire back when she is attacking him. I told him today that he is getting her number blocked. I am done with her making him feel like shit. I said if he doesn't have her number blocked by the end of the day, she is going to hear from me and I am going to lose it.

bearcub25's picture

First print out those msgs and then go file for a restraining order on her....if he gets one and she starts it again, have her arrested.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

SO just blocked her number from his phone. I texted her and told her that he will no longer receive her messages and if there is something important or an emergency then she can call or text me. I was nice about it and not a bitch at all. Were going to see if this works. If not; then we will go legal. My brother is a cop and cousin is a lawyer so I don't think we will have a problem.