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bluehighlighter's picture

At counseling I was told to try to think of the kid as a puppy. lol. So far that's working even though he was being bad today I didn't take it as personally. She said think of him as a rowdy puppy. You gave to train him and address his behaviors and not really think too much about the whys of his behavior She said even think of him as someone with disabilities lol. That this way I can address his behavior and not take it as personally or as emotionally invested to each if his acts. That there's a book called
"All joy no fun" about different styles of parenting. And how more if a behavior modifying hands off approach gives parents the ability to have a life.


farting_glitter's picture

sooooooo, does that mean you can beat the Skid with a rolled up newspaper and stick his nose in his own pee??????? }:) }:)

P.S. I hate counselors...

bluehighlighter's picture

Hahaha. No. I guess not. She was just like "he's a human in training" like puppy.

NotBsMom's picture

My first thought (before reading replies)was "so, when SS pees his pants AGAIN, it really is ok for me to rub his nose in it"!
Puppies are fun. Skids on the other hand...

bluehighlighter's picture

Awww. I feel like yes puppies are more easily trained than humans. They also don't seem to be calculatingly devious and spiteful.

bluehighlighter's picture

i don't think this puppy crap is going to work I'm gonna have to tell the counselor she is wrong what I feel like i'm doing is making it perfectly ok for him to be a little shit

i don't even realize how bad he's doing it til later b/c as a kid, adult and any other form of human I've never talked to adults or anyone or acted like he does toward anyone in my life. I have manners, I was raised in a very strict household and I did whatever my parent's told me. When I didn't i feared for my life not b/c my parents didn't love me but b/c there were consequences.

I've noticed i've been much angrier the past few days and I don't like that about myself either. I don't want to just shut him down everytime he speaks but that's what I feel like I'm doing

last night at dinner as always he interrupts to say "Dad" "yes SS?" "Dad" (long pause while he tries to figure out something to say to dad just to have something to say) "daadddddd I'm done"
(done with dinner.) I think my niece did that when she was 2 "all done" and then sometime after that she was taught that she didn't need to announce to the house when she was done or what her decisions were every step of the way in any particular task.

so after he said "i'm done" i said "you REALLY don't need to announce that every time" He shut up for a second and took both his and his dad's plate and I handed him mine "you can take mine also thank you" (he's supposed to clear the table)

I'm so tired of his passive aggressive BullSHI$ He annoys the shit out of me and then I retreat to the room and he's ecstatic ! Then he tries to guilt dad into seeing that I don't like him somehow. I need to stand my ground without losing my cool. no I will not leave the room just b/c you're being a pain so that you can get time alone with dad. I will kiss dad and cuddle him and laugh and sing loudly and you will deal with it b/c I live here.

At time for bed his dad said "hug bluehighlighter" i said "no, don't hug me unless you actually want to please" (b/c mostly it's fake as hell esp if he's asked.) UGH

So he looks over at me and hugs himself. I laugh a sarcastic laugh and then he comes to hug me. I hug back. UGH annoying HUGS HIMSELF LOL LOL LOL