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Missing the Bus

Goincrazy40's picture

Why oh why is it so damn difficult to get on the bus which come at the EXACT same time every single morning? Oh yes, I know. Because this would require, actually REQUIRING your children to be responsible DH. AND DH, YOU would have to be responsible too!

First of all DH, instead of watching TV until all hours of the night and falling asleep on the couch, how about you try checking to make sure your 14 year old goes to sleep at a decent hour? Because he does not. He is up until midnight every night, texting or playing Xbox, or whatever the hell he does in there.

Maybe if HE went to sleep and if YOU went to sleep - then BOTH of you could WAKE up early enough in the mornings. But instead, DH, you choose to wake up 20-30 minutes later than you should and this puts you behind on waking up the crabby, tired, sleep deprived 14 year old. Who should be getting his own damn self up for school, but whatever, I am tired of trying to point that out, falls on deaf ears.

Then maybe, if all of this drama wasn't going on, someone could pay attention to the 12yo SD, who is a slowpoke. She doesn't know the meaning of hurry up or how to watch a clock. So while DH is busy fighting with the 14yo crab-ass, she is wandering around the house, deciding what to Rainbow-loom, instead of getting ready for school.

Finally, 3 minutes before the bus is to arrive, all three of the idiots are in the bathroom trying to comb hair and brush teeth. Why is DH in there? Who the hell knows. But this goes on EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. Surely enough, SS will shove SD who will scream and SS will cry and DH will yell and I will think you are all dysfunctional.

Then the bus driver is honking the horn. DH has to RUN to the front door and wave the lady on.

I listen to this from bed. I no longer get up while the skids are still in the house. For a period of about two months, I got up and got the skids out of bed - one full hour before school. They NEVER missed the bus. However, SS started getting an attitude and one morning he screamed at me when he didn't want to get up. And then he screamed at DH for not making his breakfast that same morning. I told both of them that I was done because I wasn't having my mornings ruined daily because SS was treating me like crap. Once DH took over, he started getting them up only 1/2 hour before school. They miss the bus all the time and DH has to drive them. If I say anything to DH about it, I am a jerk. So I don't. I just keep my mouth shut and think in my head about what a horrible parent he is.

I just wonder, does DH REALIZE that it doesn't have to be like this?


Annoyed1's picture

Lol! Sounds like my SS14! He's missed the bus everyday this week. He's responsible for setting his alarm and getting out the door on his own though. We'd put them to bed at the same time every night because I would remind DH what time it was. Well, last week DH said something about me nagging him. So I stopped completely. Not my kids, not my problem. Last night I'm sitting in the living room, perfectly aware of what time it was, and didnt say a peep. Then, at 11:30, I went to bed. About 15 minutes later I hear DH "OMG, look at what time it is! Brush your teeth and go to bed!". Then he comes into the room and asks me why I didn't say anything. I told him that he's the parent and I am not "nagging" him anymore. Well, this morning SS14 knocks on our door and wakes DH up to get a ride to school because he slept in and missed his bus!! Lol! I can't wait to see what time bed time will be tonight }:)

Goincrazy40's picture

Isn't it just stupid? And your SS knew perfectly well how late it was too - but didn't go to bed, and can't get up in the morning. But because they are 14 year old "adults" they do whatever the hell they want. And DHs have their heads stuck in the sand. WHATEVER!