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Poop Etiquette

SadFairy's picture

What is up with these skids and their lack of decency and common sense when it comes to their bodily functions?
:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
You would think some behaviors are just a given. When you become a SM, especially to an older child, the last issue in the world you are going to be dealing with is how to handle someone’s poop becoming a common occurrence in your life. Based on the abundance of poop issues we are all experiencing lately, apparently some ground rules need to be established.

1. Use toilet paper – After you have relived yourself, there is a small, white bundle of disposable material conveniently located near the bowl you are sitting on. This item is not decorative. It is for your use. When using, have enough self control to use an appropriate amount.

2. Flush – Once you have relived yourself, no one wants to see it, smell it, or have to think about it. Stop being lazy. Take 3 seconds to reach behind and press down on the little silver lever that makes your filth disappear.

3. Wash your hands – If you are fleeing the restroom as the toilet is flushing, first, thank you for flushing, however, this has not left time for you to wash your hands. You are now contaminating every surface you touch with your nasty germs.

4. Underwear is not toilet paper – Believe it or not, there is a difference between underwear and toilet paper. Stop being lazy. This practice will lead to festering bacteria that can cause health problems, revolting smells, and horrifying images emblazoned in the memory of whomever has the displeasure of doing your laundry.

5. Your waste goes in the toilet bowl – Not the floor, not the bathtub, not the walls, not outdoors, not on incontinence products if you are not incontinent, and not on people’s belongings.

Feel free to add if I am forgetting anything.



Tuff Noogies's picture

mine announce in advance when they have to go. all three. ss10, stb 14 and stb 16.

and not in a pleasant way either. if they must announce, i've offered suggestions "i need to use the restroom." "excuse me while i run to the bathroom."


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SD14 doesn't wash her hands after she uses the bathroom unless someone tells her to do that. I think it is kind of sad that she needs reminding everytime she leaves the bathroom. Had to do it last night, even. She went into the bathroom, flushed and left immediately after flushing and I said "If you just used the toilet, you need to wash your hands," and without breaking stride she just swiveled around and went back into the bathroom. And I know she pooped when she was in there because I had to go in right afterwards and she stunk up the joint.

We've explained to her how unpleasant it is to know she doesn't wash her hands and how we won't be letting her put her hands into communal food - and I also won't let her touch my dinner plate (sometimes FDH has her carry plates out at dinner) because blech. We've also explained to her that it's not good to use the bathroom and not wash your hands when you rub your eyes as much as she does (we're just waiting for pink eye to happen). And, the other day, she was bemoaning how often she gets styes and I said "well, you rub your eyes a lot. And styes happen when you either get bacteria or an oil blockage where your eyelashes are. So that's yet another good reason to wash your hands after you use the bathroom." But, still, someone has to remind her every time. I'm thinking of making signs to hang in the bathroom, one that will go on the shower curtain (so it is staring her in the face when she's doing her thing), one for the mirror, and one for the back of the bathroom door. But I'm not sure if even that would work. *sigh*

SadFairy's picture

"I wonder, how many of the gross skids can manage to take care of business without making a mess when they go to their friends homes, grandparents, etc...."

In my case, I doubt he reigns the nastiness in. I was repeating myself so often, and getting NO results, I finally washed my hands of it and accepted this person is going to grow up to be an adult who doesn't flush after he takes a dump and people are going to think something is wrong with him. NMKNMP.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

:jawdrop: I have inflammatory bowel disease and even on the WORST poop day, I don't need to use that much toilet paper all damn day long let alone for one bathroom trip!

StepX2's picture

How about the adult SKid who lives close by and only comes over for a few minutes a day to take his crap at our house?

StepX2's picture

Ripley, what a great way to show the kid how fast germs spread!
I wish I could use this with my SS but as an adult "no one" can tell him what to do. I told DH that yes he CAN tell his son what he expects from him in OUR home and that he CAN tell SS he needs to wash his hands after using the toilet. DH instead posted a "Wash Hands" sign in the main bathroom. It didn't do any good of course.
This is seriously the BIGGEST sSKid issue I have. I am now constatntly using the term "Poop Hands" as I go about my daily life. I am honestly stressed because I feel as though I can't even cook in my own kitchen because even though I am constantly wiping all surfaces down, I know there is going to be an area that SS's filty "Poop Hands" have contaminated and I probably missed it.

DarkStar's picture

xSO was the first man I dated that had kids. Since they were all above the age of 7, I thought "Great, older kids, no poopy diapers." Oh MAN!!!!!! Each of the 3 skids had hygiene issues in various disgusting ways. Never ever did I imagine that I would talk about poop so much with someone that didn't have kids in diapers!

The middle SD brought up a good point though, when I went off on her once for yet AGAIN forgetting to flush after dropping a particularly nasty poop bomb and she says, "They automatically flush at school so I guess I'm just used to that." Don't get me wrong, they can friggin' remember to flush, but I do blame the automatic flushing toilets at school as adding to the problem.

DaizyDuke's picture

It cracks me up how SD15 (brought up by scumbag BM1 and GBM) can go DAYS in her bathroom with out toilet paper, I've found used pads in her laundry hamper, DH found a used tampon, unwrapped, in her garbage etc. She is just NASTY!

then you have our BS4. The child is hilarious. He is so meticulous, ALWAYS flushes, ALWAYS puts the seat down, I actually have to keep a package of wipes in all of the bathrooms, because sometimes he feels like he didn't get a good enough wipe with the toilet paper, so he likes to clean further with a baby wipe. The only thing he isn't good about is washing his hands every time, but whatever, he is still MILES ahead of the nasty ass almost 16 year old!!!

LuckyGirl's picture

We have bidets in our bathrooms. And in our house it is MANDATORY that your private areas have a good wash before bedtime (at least, if you haven't had a shower already). Both SO and I enforce this. I have also called out both kids on not flushing at some point. They are usually pretty good though.
Baby gets a bum wash in the morning, a shower before bed, and if we're home, a bum wash whenever I'm presented with a dirty nappy. She has never yet had nappy rash.
I don't believe in loooong baths for children (or adults) on a daily basis, but showering and washing, definitely! I hope the children all grow up to be clean... We will see I guess!