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Can a kid go from alienated to aware so quickly???

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Things have been going better. FDH has stepped up with SD's school. But, I still think they're both approaching school in an odd manner. They're both at least marginally focused on the number of assignments SD is getting done every day rather than the work that she is doing, which means that she just goes through the motions and does the assignments rather than actually reading her books and doing her lessons. There's a reason why she's supposed to spend 5 hours a day on school, she's supposed to read the textbooks, do the online lesson, and then do the assignments. But, I have to decide whether I care enough to even engage in that conversation (right now, I don't care enough to engage FDH in that convo). SD seems the most focused on the number of assignments and FDH is at least trying to explain to her that she needs to spend more time on her work overall, but, he's not had an easy time articulating it to her clearly. So, we'll see where that goes I guess.

Aside from that, I'm a bit anxious lately because I'm kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. SD was pretty alienated up until, erm, this fall? I don't know when things changed for her or why things changed. All I know is that GUBM alienated her from us - by directly targeting me - and filled her head with a bunch of lies. And the alienation got bad enough that SD refused to come visit anymore and told FDH that she wanted him to leave me.

But now, she's more aware of the reality of the situation. I'm not sure what got her there because I haven't been present for any of the conversations FDH had with her - if any of them even helped - and I only know life at GUBM's based on the filter of SD. But, SD IS aware of GUBM's issues and her tricks. She told me the other day that she knew GUBM's anger and guilt trips in December coincided with FDH telling GUBM that she would be getting less CS because SD would be here every other month. She said GUBM gave her holy hell about the fact that FDH was saying "every other month" when that's not what she talked about with SD - because SD couldn't come right out and tell her "every other month" until FDH posed that scenario. Because SD knows that GUBM would have unleased the guilt trips to end all guilt trips if she had done it by herself. SD also told me that GUBM tried guilting her about CS and said that it wasn't appropriate for GUBM to talk to her about that. She also mentioned the other night that all the times that she thought GUBM was the fun parent and the nice parent were really just guilt trips from GUBM to try and manipulate her. "None of it was genuine, none of it was my mom being fun or nice, it was all one giant guilt trip."

And, yesterday, SD told me that GUBM is devising new ways of trying to make SD feel guilty for being here or jealous of the fun GUBM is having at home without her. I asked what she meant and she said "Oh, you know, she sends me pictures of my cat every single day and she's started sending me pictures of fun things she's doing that she wouldn't do if I was around, which is annoying because I know why she's doing that. She's trying to make me feel bad a bout being here with you guys." I couldn't help but laugh a bit. I said "I'm sorry, SD, I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the situation because this is all so typical and textbook. I can't even begin to tell you how many kids in situations like the one you are in have to deal with a bioparent doing this while they're with the other bioparent. But, just remember, it's nothing personal against you and it is likely coming from a place of sadness or insecurity that GUBM is feeling over this sudden change. However, that's nothing for you to feel badly about. It's OK to feel sad if your mom is feeling sad, but, you don't have to shoulder that burden for her." I tried to remain as objective as possible - as I try to do as best as I can when talking to SD about GUBM - but, I find it interesting that she knows what GUBM is up to with all of this. She said "Oh, I know it's nothing personal, it's just annoying that the only time she wants to talk to me when I'm here is to try to make me feel bad about being here."

So, how does a kid go from being so blatantly alienated to being aware, receptive, and open? FDH thinks it's because SD and I bonded over having shitty moms/childhoods, but, she was receptive before that conversation even took place. Sure, there was tension between us the first few days she was here in November, but, it wasn't comparable to the tension I felt from her in the past. And, perhaps the tension on her part was because she felt badly about the past and she doesn't know how to address any of it? (reaching a bit? maybe, but *shrug* just writing out my inner thoughts) I'm grateful that SD is aware now of the truth of this situation, but, at the same time, while I want to let my guard down completely, I'm not ready yet. We've been burned in the past and I'm scared of that happening again. I'm scared that one day SD is going to decide that something I said to her was not right or fair and that she's going to feed that to GUBM and GUBM is going to get her talons hooked in again. But, that's stupid, right? My brain keeps telling me that it's stupid because SD is basically telling me on a regular basis that she knows GUBM does not have her best interest in mind and that she knows GUBM is just trying to manipulate SD and the sitatuion to her own favor.

I also find it interesting that SD is more open with me about all of this than she is with FDH, but, perhaps that's because I don't have the bias of a 16 year long relationship with GUBM and I can validate SD all while removing my feelings about GUBM from the situation when talking to SD. Anyone who has read my blog entries knows how much I loathe GUBM. But, SD does not. She just knows that I think the way GUBM reacts to their situation is unfair all around, but especially unfair to SD. And she knows that I've been there, albeit in a different context (my dad was deceased and my parents weren't separated). Of course, another extra part of my anxiety tells me that even though I can help SD through this bullshit that I'm a horrible example for her because I'm still working through my own shitty childhood and my own anxiety over my relationship with my mom is yet to be controlled.

But, I don't know. I gotta suffocate my inner critic for a while. I think I'm going to use the crappy weather this coming weekend to my benefit here, and spend some more time talking with SD as I have the last few weekends she's been here.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I think I'm just taken back by how sudden the change occurred, you know? SD refusing to visit and telling FDH she wanted him to leave me was kind of a long time coming. I could see it coming years before it happened. FDH was blindsided by it whereas I was more blindsided by my own emotional reaction to that whole mess. But this seems way more sudden in comparison.

But, maybe this was a long time coming, too. My mentor actually said that to me when I expressed my confusion over how quickly it had all changed - bit of a side note, she was present the day FDH had the convo with SD where she told him she hated me and wanted him to leave me. I had dinner with her last Friday and filled her in on all the updates in my life since last I had seen her and she said "well, I'm glad everything is falling into place for you." And when I expressed my confusion, she said "Well, this was all a long time coming, whether you realized it or not."

Jsmom's picture

SS flipped over night and saw BM for who he is. We think it is when we stopped lying to him and hiding the stuff BM was saying. DH called her out on some stuff that she was saying about SS and she said SS lied to us. So DH asked him and showed him an email from BM. He was just 13 at the time. All of a sudden he seemed to be done with BM and shortly after that decided he didn't want to live with her anymore. We had 50/50. Now it has been over a year and we have him full time. He is thriving here.

I think when we stop covering for BM and are factual with them, when they are old enough to understand, it just clicks. We were never negative, just factual.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Hm. There's a lot to say for this. FDH has been nothing but honest with SD about GUBM since August. I wonder if that's a turning point for her.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea, SD has no qualms about the freedom she has with GUBM. She's very plainly told us that life at GUBM's is less planned and more spontaneous and she likes that - but she doesn't pull crap about our house being more structured and planned like she used to do in the past.

But, that freedom for her comes at the cost of their toxic relationship, and I can tell how sad, mad, and upset it makes her that she has to deal with that toxicity. She'll gladly take the structure and planning that comes from the loving, nurturing, and accepting household than the freedom that comes from the mom who tries to change her at the very core.

She's made no attempt to disguise the fact that if she were to ever be unable to tolerate living with GUBM that she would just come here for more than a month and stay until she felt it was OK to go back to GUBM's.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea, the attention, stuff, and friends is basically what SD was wooed with when GUBM decided to move her 2 hours away from FDH about four years ago (she'd get to live at the beach! And she would make so many more new friends! And she would get all new stuff for their new house!). She promised her an exciting, awesome world and life but failed to deliver. She isolated SD from everyone - to the point where she can barely get in touch with her two remaining IRL friends when she needs them -, she leaves her home alone any chance she can get - unless GUBM is feeling extra lazy and then she drags SD to "work" with her so they can clean houses quicker and make more money -, and the "stuff" SD was promised turned out to just never materialize. All the "stuff" GUBM tries to claim she has given her is just stuff that FDH and I have given her. Because heaven forbid someone else do something for SD and SD might like them better! *smdh* The only thing she has to woo SD with now is that she has no rules or expectations at home and about 90% of the time SD can sit around in her PJs all day, playing video games, watching TV, or playing on her laptop.

But, whatever GUBM was doing (and not doing) worked for at least a little while. In fact, it worked so well that even FDH being honest with SD and telling her that not being in school would result in a tough life when she becomes an adult when FDH wants SD to have the best life and do whatever she wants to do in the future became "FDH doesn't believe in you! He thinks you're a loser!" I'm at least glad that's changed because SD has come to realize that FDH and I only have her future in mind and we want her to have as many opportunities as possible.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

The fighting grows old quickly, and I'm speaking from my own experiences and from what I've been witnessing with SD. And I would bet that offering him a different way of life will only encourage him to grow weary of the mind games.

SD's told me that when she and GUBM fight, GUBM never apologizes and always twists it around to her own favor and to hold against SD. And that's not right nor fair. That's not to say SD is always an angel, but, there are times when she doesn't need to take the blame for the fight that her NPD/BPD GUBM started. That doesn't happen here. If either one of us gets snappy with SD (which for me is rare, but not so rare for FDH unless I can stop him), we apologize and talk it out with her.

Heck, FDH and SD just got into a fight today while I was at work so I had FDH call me to give me the rundown so I could triage the situation a bit. They were fighting about school, of course. All because she values the assignments and how many she can complete and he's trying to get her to understand that she needs to do more work than she's doing per assignment - meaning read the book, do the lesson, do the assignment and she's just not getting that (funny how this all came about on a day where I was pondering this in my blog here???). He was an ass, she was an ass. He sent her to her room so they could both cool down and not bicker.

He told me that he's having a rough day because he had to go to his day job this morning, he still has to come get me from work, give me my humira injection, then go to work tonight and that it likely made him snappy. So, I told him he has to do what he does for me when he takes his bad moods/days out on me. Explain to her why he snapped at her and that it doesn't excuse his behavior and that he is sorry for snapping at her and ask for forgiveness. He mentioned that she stopped working to have lunch with him and probably thought it meant they would spend time together this afternoon. So I asked him "Well, have you spent time with her one-on-one since she's been here? I bet she doesn't really know how to ask given the hellbeast she lives with who ignores her 90% of the time." "Good point." Now they're at the library together, spending time and doing something just the two of them until it's time for FDH to pick me up from work.

Never in a million years would that happen at GUBM's house, and the more SD experiences this stark contrast, the more frustrated she will get with GUBM's way of life and the more likely she will be to just say "You know what, I'm done with that. I don't want to live my life taking the blame and walking on eggshells."

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

The wheels in my head just turned a bit and formed this speculation from your reply:

SD made the connection between unreasonable and angry GUBM and my presence. SD "knew" that she either had to get rid of me or cut off FDH from her life in order to restore the harmony of the fun, loving GUBM she once knew. When FDH wouldn't do as SD requested, she cut him off (for the most part). But, GUBM didn't revert back to what SD had thought she was. She kept on with the toxic campaign of being a miserable POS towards SD because that's all GUBM has ever been. It probably didn't take SD long to realize that it didn't fix things and that nobody is to blame for GUBM's attitude and malfunctions but GUBM. And it's probably been a heavy, hard time for her coming to these realizations.

alieigh21's picture

I admire you. You are doing something I've found it impossible to do by bonding with your SD. It sounds as though she has probably known these things about her mom for awhile. There are a million reasons her eyes may have been opened. What you are giving her right now is what most people want and need. Validation. Isn't that what we are looking for on here? Someone to tell us that, agree or disagree, have a right to our feelings.

I tried in the beginning with SD. Unfortunately, for whatever reason she was never receptive to what I had to say. Any attempt to offer another perspective was met with an explanation as to why that didn't apply to her. From very early on she let me know that her BM was a victim and she saw all of her problems as being DH's fault. She has called him worthless. Accuses him of not caring, being abusive to her an BM, and turning his back on her. I was shocked when she explained to me that DH had abandoned her and BM with no notice. "Dad went to work one day, someone came to the door and gave mom papers telling her he wanted a divorce. Mom didn't even know why." My response was "That was a very long time ago and I wasn't there, but I think there was a lot more to it than that. There are usually two sides to every story." I wonder had I told her what DH had told me happened if it would have made a difference. Like that DH and BM went to marriage counseling. That BM stopped going because she felt the counselor took DH's side. That DH found joints in BMs car and when confronted BM felt she was doing no wrong. That for the last 3 years of their marriage BM refused to share a bed with DH. Or that in the weeks leading up to his filing for divorce there were dozens of hang up calls to the house. Or that the week before BM was served, DH came home unexpectedly in the middle of the day to find BM with another man in their living room while SD played on the floor. I think she was just too far gone to reach. After she tried to tell me he had hit her while we were on vacation together I gave up trying. She didn't realize I and SIL were downstairs in the cabin and heard every word of what had happened.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

This sounds very Lifetime movie of me, but, I always wanted my own personal tragedies to benefit others. I wanted to be able to use the struggles and suffering that I experienced to help someone else, and I guess I got a little lucky (though that word doesn't fit quite well enough) in that it is SD that I am able to help with my own past demons. I didn't want it all to be for 'nothing' so to speak.

Validation is all I ever wanted when I was younger and realized that my mom and sister were horrible and abusive towards me. For years I thought it was normal until I realized that none of my friends had moms or siblings who acted this way towards them. Then, there was a long period of internalization, blaming myself and thinking that I was responsible for all of it - all made easier by my mom and sister insiting that I was damaged goods. It wasn't until I was around SD's age now that I finally received that validation from someone who became like a second mom towards me. She assured me that my feelings were valid and that the way I was being treated was reprehensible and NEVER my fault. Of course, damage had been done and I'm still struggling to sort it all out and make a better future for myself in regards to my anxieties.

I've told FDH countless times that the shit I have to struggle with on a daily basis is nothing for SD to struggle with. She should not have to live her daily life filled with anxiety and wondering when her life is going to fall apart because of how horrible she is, because she isn't a horrible person. Hell, I'm not a horrible person, but, I still face those fears on a daily basis.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

The courts are stupid. And I bet that's just them operating under the same archaic notion that FDH's mom and dad are operating under, that you should never talk badly about the other parent. Yet, talking critically about another parent doesn't always have to be talking badly about them. There's a huge difference between saying something like "Your mom won't be supportive of X Y Z because I have something to do with it" and "Your mom is a flaming hosebeast."

Fun (but not really aside): Both of FDH's parents told us this back in November and each proceeded to bad mouth the other parent after telling us that - though FDH's dad was WAY WORSE in bad mouthing FDH's mom.

I read Divorce Poison over the summer - because I refused to let FDH just "give up" on SD - and that book said that kids need to hear constructive criticisms of their parents. Which it sounds like your DH is doing.

FDH tells SD plainly what's going on, and for that I give him a lot of credit. I'm sure that's gone towards supporting this turn around for SD.