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Talking about SD during sex

porcelian-doll's picture

DH just drove my sex drive to a schreeching halt. In between thrust he goes " so when does SD go back to school? ...oh". "Your so sexy, you think SD will like her birthday present?". Seriously? No I'm sorry mood gone. He tries kissing my neck to get me back to bed . Whispering in my ear " mmm babe I love, Do you think SD would like it in white or black". Ok DH get off of me. I'm putting my footie pajamas back on and zipping all the way up. Gonna grab my robe and make a cup of hot chocolate and don't follow me to the patio. Are men really that clueless? He is still like whaaaaaaaa duuuuuh what did I do?


Willow2010's picture


That is kind of sick. I sometimes think of other people during sex. (fantasy) But not my kid!!!

Ask him why he is thinking of his kid when he is having sex with you? This would be a GIANT red flag for me.

just.his.wife's picture


My DH can't manage to string words together coherantly during sex let alone hold a conversation. Best he can manage is 'oh my god'.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I think about other things, sometimes. But it's usually at the beginning during kissing and then I become focused on sex. But I would never share my thoughts with DH.

If DH ever brought up skids or BM during sex, he'd have the bluest balls ever!

ltman's picture

Yes, men are that stupid. Lol. More men have sabotaged themselves by opening their mouths. Mine did it so much I had to tell him that silence is sexy, like Gary Cooper, to get him to shut up.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Look on the bright side. At least he didn't call out her name during.

(Yes-this really did happen-more than once. Adds a whole new layer of über creepy to the whole mini wife thing.)

kathc's picture

:jawdrop: :sick:

He really doesn't know what the problem is???

DH did that ONCE. Exactly ONCE. Mentioned a skid while we're in bed, just starting to get cozy. I flipped on the light and opened a book. Didn't have to say a word and he knew not to ever do that again. I'm sorry your DH is such a clueless idiot.

Willow2010's picture

LOL @ Katy!

Positive...are you saying that your DH called out his kids name during sex?! That would probably be a deal breaker for me. YUK

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Yes. Made me want to vomit.

Mini wife was always on his mind and still is.

We have a BD, 12, and he always calls her by Mini's name.

Also, mini is his "only daughter".

Mini has not lived here in six years.

But I digress-and hijack. My apologies to OP.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Mini would barge into our room all the time.

Once it happened during.

Karma bus got her after she was married though.

Apparently there was a mixup with the honeymoon suite and another couple walked in on them.

I wonder if she remembered doing that to us?

Probably too clueless and selfish to make that connection.

It was all I could do not to laugh hysterically on hearing that little tidbit.

Sucks to be her.

Shaman29's picture

I have repeatedly told Captain Jackass (aka Captain Jack for short; aka DH) that talking about his kid or his exW is NOT considered foreplay.

PolyMom's picture

:jawdrop: All I have to say is :jawdrop: Ew. I tell you what...when DH starts talking about BM or skids during foreplay, I'll start talking about grandmas bunions and hemorrhoids.

Willow2010's picture

I am still trying to wrap my brain around the guy who actually calls out his DD's name in the heat of passion.

Not only is he thinking about her, he is thinking about having sex with her. :sick:

misSTEP's picture

:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

I know exactly what you mean. I know humans make mistakes but that would really change my opinion of that man, that's for SURE!