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No Contact Order's picture

I've just read some magic words in someone's blog. Can anyone tell me more about a 'No Contact Order?' This could solve so many of our issues if it is what I think it is. BM has maliciously bullied FDH via phone and text for 5 years.


whatwasithinkin's picture

Our CO with our volitile BM states that inquires should be made in reference to the children only and be done by email only. But remember a CO is only a CO it is a piece of paper and really off the chain BM wont even be slowed down by it.'s picture

Oh gosh, that sounds so ideal! I'm going to see what I can do about that. We have the court case coming up in a few months.

She hit him 4 times, these BM's are so stupid it amazes me. They don't realise being a delusional sociopath means you're the only one who believes your bull shit and you have no idea that everyone sees what a lying village idiot you are. Smile

This BM did false police reports of domestic violence a few years back, her 911 call and her police statement were both different. It's quite funny to hear them. On the 911 call she said my FDH hit her on the forehead with a drumstick......what a weird random lie to make up. FDH is neither a drummer or has drumsticks. On her police report she said there was no weapon and she never mentioned a drumstick. I keep joking with FSH that we be careful with drumsticks around BM.'s picture

Lol, yes we did have a few KFC jokes too. I'll bloody tell her where to shove her drumstick if she ever tries to make false police reports again.

The best BEST thing about 'bunny boiler' BMs is they make you look so good! Her husband (my FDH) is so grateful that he just worships the ground I walk on. I feel like thanking her for being such a vile and pathetic excuse for a woman that she make me look and feel angelic. Smile In time I'm also going to show her how to bring up her own children properly. Smile

misSTEP's picture

When I got my DH to go to court to add his parenting time to the CO, BM had had plenty of time to show her psycho. She even came out on the lawn after skids were in the car and screamed her head off at one exchange! The skids didn't say a WORD for at least an hour after that.

He not only got a "No Contact Order" permanently placed in the CO, he also got the courts to order visitation exchanges at a neutral third-party exchange site so we didn't even have to SEE BM!! It was awesome. It did cost but they had the parents split it 50/50. I would have paid WAY more than the $15 per month to NOT have to see/deal with BM all the time!

Our BM did end up getting a Contempt of Court for Willful Interference with Visitation. But even so, having the No Contact Order and third-party exchanges really cut down on the amount of BM we had to endure throughout my skids' minor years!'s picture

We have a GAL involved with the court case so she will be drawing up a schedule. The GAL is totally on our side and actually offered FDH 100% custody. But we felt that would be too hard on the kids, plus we don't want them 100% of the time. We are going for 50/50 but even that will be a struggle because of our work schedules.

The more I read everyone's blogs the more I come up with things to put in the CO.'s picture

We're currently following rule 17 which has strict dates and times for all the holidays etc. So I think we'll follow the rules that are already stated in the temporary order and put them in the CO. They're working so far. Your BS sounds like a smart boy. That's exactly what my skids do, they come over distant and then we have to defrost them. We had a talk with them this weekend that I will not be ignored in my own house, it's rude and disrespectful. They will be punished if they do this again. I don't want much but I refuse to have the silent treatment they've been giving me for the past few months. I know it's because of 'Slore' BM's nickname. She screws with their heads before they come over. But if we play board games with them they soon come round. Because Slore ignores them so much, they are very grateful to have an adult that wants to play games with them.

Btw, my punishment is to take minutes off their bed time, in ten minute chunks. It's a win win for me because they are with well behaved or they are naughty and they go to bed early and I get their dad in bed early too...hehe. Wink