It was a great week!
I won't go into too much detail but we had a great week. We got married on Sunday, it was wonderful and we're more loved up than ever! And DH won against BM in court during the week! She tried to be malicious and it completely blew up in her face. She gained absolutely nothing, the case was thrown out and she has to pick up her large lawyer bill.
It cost DH nothing to go to court as it's covered under my legal insurance. Hopefully BM will think twice about trying to take DH on again. We have a sh1t hot lawyer who will obliterate her in court again if she tries.
For the first time in 4 years we don't have a pending court case!!!!! Freedom....yippee!
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Great! Congrats! I forgot,
Great! Congrats! I forgot, did the skids attend or not in the end?
Thanks!! Skids did not
Thanks!! Skids did not attend, it was a very small private ceremony with only a few people there. We told our parents and a few friends but no one else. We are having a big wedding reception in September so everyone including skids will be invited to that. They don't know we are married and they won't find out. BM keeps them from DHs side of the family, so there's no way they will find out. The wedding was perfect and totally drama free and I wore the big white wedding dress! :).
Tell us more about this legal
Tell us more about this legal insurance?
Yes! What a nifty idea. Id
Yes! What a nifty idea. Id like to know more about that too!
Congratulations OP and your new groom! I'm so glad you got to enjoy your special day. I think it a great idea to keep it hush from the kids.
I think it's like any other
I think it's like any other insurance; you prepay it, a monthly fee, and then it's there when you need it. So, great if you know you are going to use it, a waste of money if you're not sure, 'cuz you don't get if back if you don't use it.
If you rarely need legal counsel, you are better off putting money into savings. If you need legal counsel, you have it in savings, if you don't need legal counsel, you still have your savings for something else, instead of giving it to someone else and having nothing.
I guess that makes sense.
I guess that makes sense. Thanks for answering.
Thanks for the kind words
Thanks for the kind words ladies! And hereiam is correct that's the legal insurance I have through my job. It's $9 per pay period so every two weeks. And you get free legal advice and they cover legal costs up to a certain value. So every time we have to be in court for BM we get the first 8 hours paid for. I've used the service quite a lot for getting legal advice about BM and all her BS games. I also used the service to draw up a living will/estate planning, Consumer rights etc. In today's world there are so many scams out there, to have a free lawyer available any time you have questions is so useful and reassuring. Also used the service to draw up a prenup, I may be loved up but I'm not stupid.
Lol thanks Sally and I hear
Lol thanks Sally and I hear you.....I've thought long and hard for 4 years about marrying into the chaos. The first 1-3 years were hard, the divorce, 2 custody cases and 3 contempt court cases (yes it took DH 6 years to finally divorce BM, she would not let go.) It was tough, glad all that's behind us, things are much better now. BM is very weary of me, she knows if she attacks DH she gets it back with both barrels. And she knows it's me helping DH to do it. BM thinks I know dozens of lawyers and police, thanks to the skids repeating conversations they've overheard in our house. Lol yes, we turned the skids spying on us around so it backfired on BM. She's now as paranoid as hell. Before I came along she did what ever she wanted and treated DH like shit, never let him have the skids and when he did spend time with the skids they were totally in control. Calling BM any time they wanted DH to do something or if they just wanted to come home. Things are totally different now, with my support DH stood up to BM, he's had her in court over 10 times. Cost him next to nothing but she lawyers up each time to defend herself and BM has spent thousands! Lol
Thanks to the help from this site I disengage from time to time. I've currently been 100% disengaged for 6 months and it's bliss, haven't even seen the skids. DH takes care of everything and is parenting them really well. When I disengage and then reengage the skids act like perfect and very respectful children. Not sure when I'll re-engage this time, there are so many summer events coming up I can feel the temptation to start to see the skids again. Some of the summer events are good fun with the skids, bloody hell did I just say that!!!
We just need to work out when we tell the Skids we're married. I would love to see BMs face, she's going to flip out! Lol