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I don't know what to think

Jelly2's picture

My dh is never nice to me. He is one of the most selfish, self-centered individuals I have ever encountered. Well, he wrote me a note the other day telling me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me and would I go out on a date with him Saturday.


It has been a rocky relationship from the word go. A week or so I guess, I told him I feel like this is a one-sided relationship and that I am done chasing after him and that if he wants to spend time with me or have sex with me, he is going to have to make the move because I quit. I am finished being taken for granted.

We haven't dated since we've been married. He doesn't like to spend money on me and it seems like he prefers to be by himself. So I don't know what's going on. I think either he has done something so bad that he wants to make up for it or he really is wanting things to work out. No, he's not sincere. I am very curious to know what he is up to.


JustAgirl42's picture


Jelly2's picture

He gets laid whenever he wants. So it isn't that. But guess what. This morning we had a huge fight. He's not home right now but when he gets here, I'm leaving. I'm taking me and my sister out to Red Lobster with HIS credit card.