Here we go- Resentment Wednesday-
Anyone have resentment they need to get out today? Right before the holiday?
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Anyone have resentment they need to get out today? Right before the holiday?
I resent my husband for doing
I resent my husband for doing something nice and taking SD to school for me this morning, something I have wanted hi to do for awhile- but he did it out of SPITE.
I resent my husband for acting like I started a fight when he was the one who stopped listening and shut me down!
I resent that my DH was
I resent that my DH was stupid enough to marry BM and have 4 kids with her. Then be a half ass parent, same as BM. Of course this is just my opinion
However if he wasn't such a dumb ass my life would be better.
I just feel real bitter lately. Not sure if it's the holidays or what. Ugh!
I resent that our plans to
I resent that our plans to take off for Thanksgiving have all gone to shit. I am pissed that I am disappointed yet again.
I resent my daughter's bd who
I resent my daughter's bd who claims not to be able to pay child support, then pulls up in a new Jaguar. I hope he chokes on a turkey leg tomorrow.
I resent the stress pounds
I resent the stress pounds I've put on, causing me to have to diet. Tonight and tomorrow I'll be preparing a ton of food I can't even enjoy.
Agreed, I feel the same way.
Agreed, I feel the same way. Yet the person who deserves the most appreciation for dealing with the most shit while holding our shit together ends up getting shitted on the most....
Dup post oops
Dup post oops
I resent my supervisor at
I resent my supervisor at work and the stupid "regime" in charge at my place of employment. If you are kissing the right ass then you might as well look for another job. It's worse that the popular girls clique in high school.
I resent my sister for taking
I resent my sister for taking advantage of Mom and ditching her on Thanksgiving.
I resent that even with
I resent that even with boundaries bm figures out ways to ruin my relationship. Things might be done as of last night.
I resent FDH, I resent SD16,
I resent FDH, I resent SD16, I resent exW, I resent SD22 and I resent stepSS26, I resent that I have to share my holidays with people I don't like and who don't like me bc I with their dad. I resent that I have to puton my big girl panties and deal with this bullshit head on when I would rather act like a psycho, tell them all to kiss my ass then take my bio on vacation alone. I resent that FDH's extended family is so fucked up and hated his ex till I came in the picture. I hate that we are so busy and have to go visit two houses for Thanksgiving AND have our own dinner- how are we going to do it all??
I hate that FDH hypes everything up when it comes to his kids
I resent that FDH thinks he's slick and tells me one thing and does another
I resent that FDH bought a used car over the summer from a buddy to sell and make a couple hundred bucks off of it (it was a big fight bc we are trying to save $) and guess what SD16 is getting for christmas???
I resent I'm in this relationship and I resent that I feel resentful
I'm at my point and I'm SO
I'm at my point and I'm SO frustrated. WE make so much progress and he does really good and the here we are back at square one. Wonder what our therapist is gonna say.....Fuck my life
I resent DH for EVER sticking
I resent DH for EVER sticking his junk in Mortisha
I resent DH for NOT protecting our marriage against Princess Boy
I resent DH for not pulling out that fateful night PB was created in Mortishas' womb of hell
I resent DH for marrying Mortisha cause "it was the right thing to do at the time"
I resent Mortisha for lying about still being on birth control when actually she stopped it and didn't tell DH
I resent Princess Boy for his self righteous, entitled, spoiled shitty attitude when his cloven hooves hit my doorstep
I resent PB for constantly telling his DADDYYYYY that he wants "Glitter to go away so I can have you all to myself again"
I resent PB for telling me when I was pregnant that he "didn't want a baby around because daddyyyy would pay the baby more attention than me", I had a miscarriage 2 weeks later...guess that little shit got what HE prayed for
I resent DH for not kicking that kids' ass for that statement^^^^^^^^
I resent PB for telling lies about me to Mortisha and the Addams Family
I resent being blamed for PB being in "therapy"... :sick:
I resent DH for putting that kid above all
and last but not least: I resent DH for the fact that he NOW wants to protect our marriage and discipline PB...he should have done this 2 years ago.....
Wouldn't that be fun to have
Wouldn't that be fun to have a steptalk convention?! In vegas......with lots of kids or husbands.....and most of us who relate and can openly talk shit and say yea SD16 is a f'n b**** without getting judged?! Sounds like a great time to me
awesome!....where do you
awesome!....where do you live?...
MN..... You?!
MN..... You?!
No way?! Really?!
No way?! Really?!
LOL, I've been pretty private
LOL, I've been pretty private or try to so bitch1 and bitch2 don't see all the shit I write about them but it's one of those fuck it all days, and today...I don't give a shit
Sounds good, if the waitress
Sounds good, if the waitress comes by have a cold one waiting will ya?
Just what I need
Just what I need
And instead of saying what we
And instead of saying what we are thankful for for Thanksgiving me can have our Bitch it out Thursday in person
I resent him sleeping with a
I resent him sleeping with a dumb-assed Cuntress.
I resent being associated with said Cuntress.
I resent that his mother is also a crazy ass bitch . . who likes the Cuntress mearly because she had a brat.
I resent DH not letting his balls decend and seeking his rights out from the beginning but instead lettering her dictate the terms (he then, got screwed in court because of that).
I resent SS10 for being a grade A BRAT!
I resent moving to another city for the bullshit (he thought she would "get better" . . . duh! she is a Cuntress!)
hey Unicornrider, does your
hey Unicornrider, does your unicorn fart glitter as well????....maybe shits rainbows too?....

I resent DH for being a
I resent DH for being a secretive jackass.
I resent one of my younger sisters for saying something completely shitty and out of line to me, then turning around and asking my advice. Hey left me a VM yesterday about Pinot Gris or a sparkling Moscato? Might I suggest a nice glass of Hemlock to pair with your turkey?
I resent that f'n f'er cancer for sucking the life out of my 34 year old friend who knows she won't get to watch her 3 year old daughter grow up.
I resent DH telling me today
I resent DH telling me today that SD36 and her 3 kids are coming to my house and they all have the damn flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A couple years ago at Christmas she did the same thing and my entire smelled of vomit and diarrhea, and of course, everyone (20 or more) got the damn flu. And I resent that I have to pay for the rug machine and wash the rugs.
I just totally resent frickin' stupidity!!!
^^^^ :jawdrop: :jawdrop: