SD7 is too sick to come over.
Called it.
BM1 called FDH on Tuesday asking if she could "borrow" S's Nebulizer. She was at the ER with SD7 and if she couldn't get a Neb they were going to keep SD overnight. Obviously, we said no, S needs his Neb. But miraculously, she didn't have to stay, she has SD on medicaid so she was just given one.
The next day BM1 called FDH to tell him that "the doctor says" SD7 has Pneumonia in one lung and bronchitis in the other. Ooookay, but also that SD7 shouldn't be going anywhere that isn't the Drs office until she is well. BM1 will call FDH on Friday and as long as SD doesn't have a fever and is coughing less than once an hour she can come over.
Today we're told SD is too sick, but we can see her next weekend instead. We'll see. I mean she's already had her xmas vacation with SDĀ taken away because of her stunt over the summer. I can't imagine that the lesson has already worn off? Either way, FDH has started recording every phone call with BM1 (since she doesn't have internet or a cellphone so she can't text) He states that he is recording a the beginning of each call.
Though, we don't know what Dr SD is seeing, because her Pedi. made the news two weeks ago. He was fired for assaulting a patient. I'm sure it's just a different person in the practice, but we also are sure BM will be shopping around since she will need a new sucker, her old Pedi. didn't seem to notice that BM1 was in there every other week with a recycled complaint. I mean how many times can you see a kid for "slight drooping of the left eye, only in the evening." before you realize her mother is insane? BM literally brought SD to the Dr for that complaint 6 or 7 times last year.
- KiFire's blog
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Oh, I didn't realize it was
Oh, I didn't realize it was an actual thing. I've honestly never seen SDs eyelid droop. And the only thing that's happened with this complaint is a referral for a neurologist after the third time, and she was found to be normal but BM continued complaining. I didn't realize she may have been given information as to what was going on. I thought she was just being.. well.. crazy.
I promise I wasn't trying to be insensitive, I just went with the first unfounded chronic complaint that came to mind. I'm sorry your LO suffers from it.
FDH is letting it go since
FDH is letting it go since he's supposedly seeing her next weekend instead. She's already been told she'll be in contempt again if he doesn't see SD. BM wouldn't even need to give us a machine, just meds. we already have a Neb because of BS.
Unless a child is
Unless a child is hospitalized or it's a long trip, I don't believe they get too sick to transition. If she IS too sick, that should be something both parents AGREE ON, not something BM decides.
We always had the opposite
We always had the opposite happen when the kids lived with BM. She would hide the fact one or more of the kids was sick and would tell them to lie and say it just started at our house so we would go out and buy them meds and take them to the Dr so she wouldn't have to.