Well sometimes we have to wait a long time before Karma catches up.
A couple days ago BM had an accident in her expensive $70k car she just bought, not sure of the make but a sports car. She let her 60 yr old bf drive home in the middle of the night and he was really drunk, she was too and he wrapped the car around a telephone pole. Neither were hurt thank goodness, but he went to jail, she bailed him, he's had a dui with in the last two years he deferred so he is in big shit. He works for a company that is going to fire him for this so he submitted his retirement in hopes they won't find out until after it's approved. lol
DH has decided that this is karma and I think it is too especially since she bought this two seater so that she could not haul kids around anymore. She gave her other car to ss20 and he is not giving it back. Avoiding all the details, she is screwed. She is an attorney and this drunken stuff is now coming to bite her ass. Too funny.
Also good for us, DH's SSI kicked in and it's arrived into my bank account, somehow they got my info and put it there instead of in our joint account!! WAY cool b/c I am in charge of the bills anyhow. It's a lot more then we planned on so that was so neat for me. As soon as it cleared I got several back bills paid and paid for ss16's sports and then put next months rent into another account. Felt good! DH is ok with this b/c he know I will manage the money better then he could!
And more good news, DH also got a part time job at the hospital as front desk clerk. He started Wed and really enjoys it. It's been a good week so far. I thought this all would never happen! Oh and one more good news, ss20 has his bus ticket for going to Job corps!! And he is scrubbing the shed before he leaves b/c I said if he doesn't then ss16 will have to and he doesn't want his brother to do it!!
I guess I knew that if I hung in here long enough something good would take place! Sometimes us smoms just have to outlast the crap and hope for "cloudy with a chance of good Karma!!"
- SteelRose's blog
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Well secretly maybe I was No
Well secretly maybe I was
No what I was really thinking was, now it'd be nice for something like that to happen to xh. lol
nay, I'm glad the BM is ok.
nay, I'm glad the BM is ok. No matter how much I loathe someone, I'd never wish death upon them. For this BM, life will be a longer more painful existence. Now she will fully feel the pain she has caused not only to herself but to everyone else. Yeah, karma works in mysterious ways. This accident will haunt (in numerous ways) and make BM 'pay' for her BS for years to come. Nope, no quick out for this BM.
I do really hope the job corp thing works out for the SS. Maybe it will help shape him up and be good for him. Hopefully with SS in the program it will help bring some peace of mind and less stress to DH. SS's out of the shed, won't be in a parking lot, BM is paying the price of her years of crap and life is good.
Amen, life is good!
Amen, life is good!
I"m so glad things are going
I"m so glad things are going well for you!!!
It's about time!
You know touches me the most,
You know touches me the most, is that you all have followed my story, empathized with me, ranted for me, told me what to do or not do, took my side, were in my corner and I love all of you people!
The weight of the world left my shoulders once SSI kicked in yesterday. I have been in a cloud for 36 hours, not even ss20 shananicans bother me
Right now he is laying on the floor with his plumbers crack hanging out and I am just like "whatever..."