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just.his.wife's picture

Just received a phone call from DH's attorney.

No mediation necessary, no court date.

The judge summarily dismissed/ rejected BM's court filing for custody modification based off her incarceration and the 'infeasibility' of her obtaining anything that resembled custody during her incarceration.


just.his.wife's picture

I was hoping, but not expecting. Family court is way too weird with BMs to expect anything.

just.his.wife's picture

She wanted it in the co that she got supervised visits and phone calls to force DH into bringing the kids to her: wrong answer.

Apparently the judges rejection states that when "proof" is sent to his office (so apparently it has not been sent) that her supervised visits will be assigned to (name of organization) that is in OUR county. IE she has to show up there, pay, and then she can see her kids. Which she cannot do.

There was no mention of supervised phone calls in the rejection.

misSTEP's picture


I'm glad that the judge was intelligent enough to dismiss it without you guys having to jump through hoops first.