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(sigh) SD12 comes back today...

noidea1010's picture

...I feel horrible because I haven't really missed her. She's not that bad of kid, but she can sometimes be really annoying.

How horrible am I?


hereiam's picture

You are not horrible at all. When my SD would skip visitation and then stopped it completely, I didn't miss her at all. Not at all. And she was an angel compared to some.

noidea1010's picture

On top of the fact that SD is coming back, SO just called and asked if I would make dinner over there or make it here (my place) and bring it over there, because "it's easier". Yeah? On who?

So let me get this straight, my choices are to make dinner in your small kitchen where I have to bring everything over there or make it at my place and get stuck with all the dishes...again...yeah...and you wonder why I never do dishes at YOUR house!

hereiam's picture

I would tell him, "Actually, it's easier for me to not make dinner at all. So, what are YOU making?"

NotMyProblemAnymore's picture


And you're not horrible at all! You're allowed to feel how you feel!