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Apparently you DO need a lawyer

3LittleDragonflies's picture

DH went to the courthouse today to get the paperwork to file for Emergency Custody of SD. The lady said he couldn't file for emergency custody without a lawyer. (Short of borrowing money from my mother, we can't afford a lawyer) So, regular custody battle it is apparently. Which will take 3-4 months and we FIRST have to dissolve the guardianship agreement.
*head->wall* Ugh.
I hate bureaucracy and it's red tape.


misSTEP's picture

What?? Why would that be? Why can't a person represent themselves - even if it IS an emergency hearing?

Sounds like another way of screwing over the father and worshiping the mother.

thinkthrice's picture

In NYS, a biodad dare not step foot inside a "family court" without being armed to the teeth with a bulldog attorney no matter what. NYS is known for golden uterus worshipping.

Anon2009's picture

overworkedmom's picture

I just went back and caught up on everything from the weekend. I am so sorry for your SS and that poor baby! Having to wait until Jan. is INSANE!! What about what CPS said during the interview? When will that investigation have answers?

ltman's picture

It's called clerks not wanting to deal with individuals. I was given the same must have lawyer to file run around from a clerk when trying to get my adoption records. It was very interesting when the judge called the clerk into his chamber and asked him if he was ignorant of procedures or just a liar. My jaw dropped.