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O/T Anyone here a Big Brother fan?

AlreadyGone's picture

OMG, I think this will be the last season I watch. It's like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel with the chosen houseguests. I have never hated a group of people so much in my life (other than Xh's family, haha!)

It amazes me the depths some people go to just to win a reality show. The biggest bully in the house (Demanda) reminds me of the xBM. All the projection, smear campaigns, and manipulation make me ill. The most bothersome part is that THEY know they are on camera 24/7 and still choose to act so utterly disgusting. When faced with their obnoxious actions, they claim victim status. The only solice is that several of them no longer have jobs/careers when they return to the real world... which makes me very happy in a strange way. I guess Karma really does hit you like a ton of bricks, lol. Biggrin


Pinki3663's picture

DH and I only watched last season because Shane was on the show. He was pretty bummed when he came back after not winning. He had spent a lot of money to get there. On a positive note him and Danielle did date for a little while she came up here and she did seem like she was a sweet person.

AlreadyGone's picture

Shane was a fave of mine. Was disappointed that he didn't get further. Danielle always seemed nice on the feeds. I wonder what he/they think about the psychos from this season. This may well be my last. Too much mental illness, and let's face it, if I wanted mental illness, I'd still be married, LMAO. Biggrin

Stepmom_Lori's picture

So you know Shane? How cool! I enjoyed last season. Poor Shane fell victim to Dan and his mist! I'm glad to know Danielle was nice. She came off a bit stalkerish to Shane on the show.

Disneyfan's picture

I watch.

I hope Candice let's Aaryn(my racist comments were just jokes :sick: ) have it when she walks into the jury house.

AlreadyGone's picture

I loved it when she tried to tell Julie that she and Candice 'were great friends.' I bet that'll be news to Candice, lol. Candice was done dirty from the get go and it was most definitely a racial thing. Still don't believe that Howard said that offensive thing to Demanda. If she (think I'll get sick if she does) wins this game, I hope Howard sues her for defamation. Can't believe there are so many sheep in there..... kind of like the BF's we hear about on here, lol. I don't know what meds Demanda is on but, they need to up them. I know there's a lot of talk about her behavior being game play but, I believe she is the most evil, vile person and this is just who she really is..... acts just like many of the BM's we hear about on here. Hmmm.... perhaps AG is recruiting them from places like this.... spineless men, horrid, skanky women, and bratty spoiled youngsters, lol.


Stepmom_Lori's picture

I am normally a huge fan of BB but this season has soured me. The entire house is filled with, vile, racist, homophobic narcissists. Amanda is worse than Aaryn, I think. I was so happy Julie addressed Aaryn's racist comments last night. I loved watching her squirm!

My Dh and my SD are huge fans as well. I keep SD posted on spoilers all week from the live feeds.

AlreadyGone's picture

Agree completely. This has been a horrendous season. I find myself actually yelling at the TV at times, lol. Where do they find these losers??? The sad part is, they will never accept hearing the truth about who they have portrayed themselves to be. They are simply just that delusional.


Disneyfan's picture

I bet anything Amanda and Aaryn will both end up on The Amazing Race (one of my favorite shows).

I read on another site that Aaryn's mom hired a PR person to help her when the show is over.

AlreadyGone's picture

See, I just don't understand how either of those 2 could even remotely be considered for ANY show after the way they've acted out. I get that reality TV needs a bad guy thrown in the mix but, should these type of people be rewarded for such totally dispicable behavior? Isn't that what's wrong with the world today? IDK. It boggles the mind.

Of course mommy and daddy will clean up her mess. Mommy and daddy are the idiots who raised this POS.


Pinki3663's picture

Yeah the whole stalkerish thing that they played off with Danielle was really just the way they spin things. I did feel bad for Shane with the way Dan played but throughout the show I did give Dan props, he knew what he was doing every step of the way.

AlreadyGone's picture

The way they edit for TV air is quite different than the live feeds. Live feeds (no edit) give you a better idea of how deep some the mental health issues run. As disgusted with Dan as I was, he didn't hit below the belt like some of the current HG's.

savemysanity's picture

I'm a fan, and while I'm hating more houseguests than normal, I AM rooting for Elyssa (sp?) or Judd. They seem to be as honest as one possibly could be while playing such a game. Dang, Elyssa deserves to win just for getting this far without drop-kicking Amanda. And props to Julie, she handled Aaryn perfectly last night! lol!!!! Racism is a pet peeve of mine, I'm SO glad she didn't make it to the end, spoiled brat!

AlreadyGone's picture

Elissa or Judd have to win. Andy and Spencer have floated through and do not deserve to be in F2. GM may have calmed down with the eviction of her BFF Aaryn but, she is still a disgusting human being. Mcranda.... OMG, I don't think a more twisted duo ever lived and breathed in that house. Would hate to see either of them rewarded for such vile behavior. I don't know how Elissa didn't stab Demanda in the face, I surely would have. }:)