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I made the call

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I was in church this morning. DH had just stepped out to change NBD's diaper. He came running back in without her. He'd run into the head of the nursery. She told him that BMIL had come in, asked her to find him and tell him that Nstb2 was on his way to the hospital in an ambulance, turned around and ran out.
We must have made quite a sight, an entire row jumping up and leaving in the middle of the sermon.
We got there and I ran in. The nurses thought *I* was Nstb2's mom. He was barely awake. BMIL was telling the doctor that they thought he had got into SIL's Abilify AGAIN. The doctor said "There shouldn't be an 'again'. You keep stuff like that out of kids reach to begin with."
SIL didn't care that her son had OD'd on her pills. She just kept saying "The hospital is going to call CPS. We shouldn't have brought him in. They're going to call CPS."
The doctor said to keep him awake. BMIL keep holding him and rocking him. I told her to stop. I finally grabbed him, sat him on the bed, grabbed a glove, blew it up like a balloon and played "don't let it touch the ground" with him. That woke him up a little. He told me his head hurt and I told him I know, I'm sorry. I grabbed one of the pulse monitors and showed him how he could make the numbers appear on the screen. He told me he was sleepy and I told him nap time was soon but he had to wait. BMIL asked how I got him to talk. :? IDK he always talks to me and DH. He talks to us more than BD2 does!
I went out to talk to Aunt2. She said she just couldn't call CPS on SIL and BMIL. I asked if, if DH and I couldn't take him, she could. She said she could.
I made the call.
The intake person said from what I describe (SIL is never around, always out with her boyfriend, BMIL has a history of neglect, CPS has been involved before, Nstb2 has a history of unexplained bruises, massive amounts of flea bites, spider bites, bed bugs...) that it sounds like definite neglect if not borderline abuse. She said she'd make a report and have it investigated.

Lord help me... I just started a war in our family. Sad


TheFreakingMaidofLife's picture

But you are thinking about the health of an innocent life. Someone has to. I'm glad you're there and I don't even know you guys

TheFreakingMaidofLife's picture

Yes I was wondering about that as well...Docs usually call DHR and stuff when they can tell that there is neglect.

Lalena75's picture

I guarantee that doctor called as well they have to. They won't tell you they did so if you need to just let them believe the hospital did it.

learningallthetime's picture

The healthcare worker will have called - especially hearing the word "again". Healthcare workers are required reporters, in other words, as a nurse, I am required to contact authorities if I suspect abuse or neglect.

In fact, at my sons counseling appointment, my genius ex stated "I punish the kids by hitting them with a book". The counselor actually told him "I am a required reporter, so I will be phoning as soon as you leave" but most just report.