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“Little” Fu*ker tried to screw up his sister’s wedding!!

cpreston's picture

I’m putting little in quotes because my SS is 27 yrs old and is 6’4” and weighs like 230
Where do I start?

1) he didn’t bother to lift his little finger to help us out getting ready for entertaining the groom’s whole family, who came in from half way across the country to be here for this wedding?
2) he barely pays us anything for rent, and then drops $250 on the “King Suite” at the venue that the wedding was?
3) he was attempting to pawn his kid off on his mother so that he could party at the reception?
4) he picked fights with my husband every chance he could get
5) he got either stoned or drunk or some kinda effed up with his cousins just before the ceremony began and then had this stupid effed up look on his face for the entire ceremony and for pictures!?!?

Let’s break this down:
#1 my husband has a bad back, we both work tons of hours and I was not able to take off much time for this wedding. The grass needed to be cut, the yard needed to be set up with tables and a tent (for 4th of July and the various other gatherings we had at our house this week) SS’s smelly work clothes were in the mud room along with his shoes and a bag of clothes that he decided he didn’t need anymore…. I bagged them in lawn and leaf bags and threw them upstairs in his room. end.of.story
My 14 year old DD did what she could, cleaning and such and I cut the grass and DH and the three of us set up the yard with ZERO help from this perfectly capable asshole

#2 We believed that, because he’s been shelling out so much for his son and the baby momma bills, that he can’t afford to pay us much for rent. We only ask for 75 a week and there have been weeks that he couldn’t come up with that because it would ‘leave him short’
We don’t keep this money, it goes into an account for him to get his ass out of the house
There have been stretches of (literally) a year or more when he paid us NOTHING! He started bragging about the room he got at the wedding venue… the “king suite” it has a ‘jacuzzi as big as a pool’
That’s nice…. We’re doubling up in a room with my DD because we have other wedding related expenses…and you who can’t give us $75 a week just dropped HOW MUCH On a room for ONE NIGHT!?!?!? WTF doesn’t begin to describe how we feel about this… this leads into

#3 because he’s got this cool room, he anticipated partying it up, right? well, his child became an inconvenience to him the night of the rehearsal dinner… because he was tired and needed to go home… (grandbaby is 2) and there was a get together at the venue after the rehearsal dinner that he couldn’t go to… oh, wait.. let’s start a fight. There were dirty dishes in the sink, I said “Please put those dishes in the dish washer. Apparently, that is an affront… I’m picking on him… this leads to more irrational behavior and then he tellsus how the baby isn’t going to BE at the wedding. (Hubby already spoke to him and told him that their mother was NOT going to be watching the grand baby, she’s the mother of the bride and his son is HIS responsibility, this party isn’t HIS so buck up and take care of your kid!)
He leaves with the baby… takes the baby to baby-momma’s house and then has the AUDACITY to show up at the ‘after party’

(all of this of course is part of #4)

And then #5, the Pièce de résistance hubby and I are in our room getting dressed for the ceremony…the douche bag ducks away just before pictures are being taken with his cousins and emerges from his “king suite” with a f*cked up look on his face… he’s either drunk or stoned
I have no proof, but I can SEE by looking at him
He’s got this DUMB FACE in ALL of the wedding pictures!

OH and then he calls the baby momma and says “bring the baby” but the baby’s suit was at our house, so she drops the baby off wearing a pair of shorts and a dirty t-shirt
And walks with his bridesmaid carrying the baby wearing a dirty (really dirty) t-shirt and shorts…. He keeps the baby around just long enough for everyone to see that he’s there, THEN Calls the baby-momma and says “come get him”
And she does!
So there, he doesn’t have to watch his child
Oh and that suite… he invites his new girlfriend along with a guy he works with to the ‘after party’ after the wedding
My SD and her husband had a set up with food and LOTS of beer and wine and such and of course it’s for the wedding guests…
But he felt it was okay to invite his own people
And the girlfriend of course stayed at the “KING SUITE” with him

After all this, he has the AUDACITY to have his girlfriend sleep over last night
I text him “she is not allowed to sleep over” and his response was “why”
Why? Look you over-indulged mother fucker, because I said so that’s why
You don’t like it get the fuck out get a place of your own and have all the pathetic fucking women sleep over that you can con their pants off of, but you’re not doing it under our roof!

So, it’s official. I hate him. I don’t want him living in the house anymore

During one of the arguments, hubby told him he had to move out… he’s said it before but never followed through

I’m not having it this time… this was the final straw


Delilah's picture

Get him out, he dropped over 3 weeks worth of "rent" for your home for that one night and that's without spending money for his drugs/alcohol. He can't pay you? More like he won't pay you and if he *really* was not able to give you money (which btw is plain ridiculous, he can) then he could help out.

Your ss is a moocher and will suck you and DH dry, he doesn't care that you and DH are effectively supporting him, saving him from the streets. Instead he is flaunting his laziness, greediness in your face and is acting like a teenage boy.

STOP now and tell DH you want him to tell ss he has to be out of the house by x date (give a few days tops) or a week and then he's out. If he begs poverty, inability to GO anywhere else remember he will figure it out. He found $250 from somewhere and hand the puny amount he has given you back to him - remind him he would have had $250 more if he had just thought this out and tell him he's lucky you are not charging him back rent for his arse and facilitating his access. This guy has made work and stress for your whole family, cut those ties and he has to learn to either sink or swim on his own. He's a grown man, so let him be it.

Jsmom's picture

So make it the final straw! He is 27 and should not be living with Daddy. Kick his ass to the curb!

oldone's picture

I have a 27 SS that sounds exactly like yours - including height and weight.

He loves to play "big man" and is constantly stoned or drunk.

But he does NOT live with us and NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER will. He's been homeless and he still cannot stay here.

Believe me it is so much better not having him around. We've been in his town (we have two homes) for 2 1/2 weeks now. DH took him to lunch once but I haven't laid eyes on him.

misSTEP's picture

My son will be on his own with very minimal help from me for almost a DECADE when he is this guy's age. Guess what? When I DO help him (usually when his car gives out), he APPRECIATES IT.

cpreston's picture

The sharp contrast that we saw this weekend:

My son in law’s nephew is 21 years old, has a one year old baby
Baby-momma decided that she wanted to do her own thing without him or the child
He is living on his own, going to school, in ROTC and works AND has full custody of his one year old daughter
Go figure!
He is a total embarrassment
We were looking at wedding pictures last night and my husband said “if anybody saw these pictures that didn’t know M___ they’d think he was a ‘special needs’ person”

I just gave him a look and said “I’m sure that “Daughter” will really appreciate that for her wedding album”